Soo Sup Forums i did dmt about a month ago...

soo Sup Forums i did dmt about a month ago, during my experience i was transported to another dimension that seemingly had a single being within it. the being then showed me a plethora of things including, the death/birth cycle of the universe, a room where 7 royal looking people resting on thrones that all pointed towards the inner of one circle, and a device that appeared to be similair to an ipad or surface tablet that was showing me things, some trivial things like myself doing trivial things to large scale events like countries on fire.

now im having weird dejavu like events where im essentially experienceing what i saw in the dmt trip.

any science or spiritual fag wina help explain this shit ??

tl;dr i sawz teh futur maynz

which country was burning?

time isn't some changing thing we as static beings experience; time is a stable, fixed dimension we as dynamic beings move through. Determinism is fact, the future is set and freedom doesn't exist, as free actions are unobtainable, even accounting for quantum probability. what you will do tomorrow you will do tomorrow, regardless of your choices, as all of your choices are set in stone and influenced by your prior conditions and experiences.

many people believe dreams are indeed of the future, or other universes where different conditions lead to different outcomes.

DMT is fucking crazy. i was having flashbacks for a few days after i basted off on DMT. I eventually took some mushrooms, and that helped me better understand that DMT Experience.

I can help you understand your experience

The seven kings are seven attributes to the great "me"

The god exists, but it is nothing as popular religion claims

It is a creature and it feeds on energy, specifically energy that is created from the collision of galaxies.

You did not meet god, or an angel, but one of its infinitely small threads

Ask me any question you want, I promise to make sense

Send me an email to [email protected]


Bullshit. Time is not a line. Lines are finite. That have a beginning and an end. Time didn't begin, it always was and thus does not have an end.
I don't claim to know what time is because it's beyond human understanding, but isn't static.
You choose to or not to do things every moment. It's free will and it isn't carved in stone. What stops you is fear of the consequences.
>oh I won't punch that screaming child in the restaurant cause I'll get arrested
>I'm not going to drive my car into oncoming traffic cause I'm tired of living, but too afraid to die
But you could. If it's within your ability to do it you can at any moment in time if you wanted to. That's not destiny or fate.

Level 1 thinking man, you're on the right track, you'll get there.

7 deadly sins in hell
7 great virtues in heaven
something about 7s


If there was some great cosmic entity like a god why would it give a sht about a human? We would be less than ants to it.

The number 7 is extremely significant in the bible.

>any science or spiritual fag wina help explain this shit ??
It isn't rocket science. You literally took a psychedelic and had a hallucination.

God created the world in 7 days
7 days in a week
Lucky number 7
Prime number

The bible is divided into 7 parts
In the book of Hebrews God has 7 titles.
In the book of Revelation there are seven churches, seven angels to the seven churches, seven seals, seven trumpet plagues, seven thunders and the seven last plagues.
The first resurrection of the dead takes place at the 7th trumpet.
Jesus performed seven miracles on the sabbath


One of the reasons 13 is so unlucky is because it's 1 off from being 2 #7's

>I eventually took some mushrooms, and that helped me better understand that DMT Experience.

everything you do is dictated by a chemical chain reaction that began with the inception of matter. you were always going to do whatever you've done. the chemical reactions in your brain are cause by all previous reactions leading up to it, meaning there is no true choice because whatever you end up choosing you were lead to by the structure and organization of the physical matter in your brain and how it interacts with itself. everything about you is physical. your waking conciousness is impacted by physical drugs you put in your body, showing that all you'll see and know and do is decided by what the chemicals allow you to percieve. "faulty" brain chemistry? schizophrenia, depression, and any other mental disorder. all perception is but part of the massive chemical chain reaction we exist in and are bound by. all atoms exist in a measurable and mappable mathematical position in space and move to new positions based on the reactions that lead them there. the atoms distance from one another determines whether or not a reaction happens. there is no true free will, youre bound by your chemistry.

the seventh day of the week!

find local FAAM Lodge, knock, enter...wait.


DMT made my dick smell

I thought it was because Judas was the 12th apostle (e.g. the 13th person including Jesus)?

I don't know shit about Christianity though, so lemme know if I'm wrong


>why would it give a sht about a human?
Why not?

Nimrod, hunter who tries to take the place of God was the 13th descendant of Noah's son ham.
The dragon, a symbol for Satan, is mentioned 13 times in revelations.
King Solomon spent 7 years building the Jerusalem temple but 13 years building his own home.
In Mark 7 Jesus mentions thirteen things that defile a person. They are adulteries, fornications, evil thoughts, murders, covetousness, thefts, wickedness, licentiousness, guile, blasphemy, foolishness, pride and an evil eye
The number 13 is symbolic of rebellion and lawlessness. Thirteen represents all the governments created by men, and inspired by Satan, in outright rebellion against the Eternal.

You gonna go try to explain the universe to a fuckin ant? No that's retarded. An ant wouldn't understand shit you were trying to say to it. Same way a human wouldn't understand shit a god was trying to say to it.
So why the fuck would a god even bother trying?

Ah, but you see, ants weren't made in the god's image.
In most religions, God created life, and made man specifically in his image. Perhaps he's running an experiment, perhaps he's got a personal interest in his creation.
A person with such power that created everything and ignores it, isn't much of a god.

The difference between human and "god" and human and ant is beyond what you could even comprehend. Trying to compare it like that is retarded. What makes these entities in the dmt experience interested in showing us stuff is not really clear but they do it with good intent

The human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'. Onlyegotismexists.

Thanks Sup Forumsro. I'm a Buddhist myself, but enjoy learning about other religions/belief systems

I have like a gram of dmt. I don't smoke it because the shits weird as fuck. I just keep it in a bag under my night stand sitting there. It's not going to degrade and lose a lot of potency is it?