Master Yi main here. AMA

Master Yi main here. AMA.

I pity you.

Why? He just got buffed.

Play a good game


Is it worth asking you a question?
Why did you not post this on Sup Forums instead?

Lux main here

how does it feel having terminal cancer?

Such as?

Silver IV. I only started playing LoL recently. Still learning.

if you’re low ranked, that’s pathetic.
if you’re high ranked, that’s impressive

Get dunked

>Yi main
why am i not suprised

I'm still low ranked but I'm aiming for high plat low diamond. You think I can make it with Yi?

Like I said I only started playing LoL about 4 months ago. Sorry I'm not a pro like you.

it was a non buff, hes still the worst bloodrazor user. extra true damage doesnt matter when you get point click leona stunned and die

oh im nowhere near being a pro, i know im bad. But being a yi main in low elo is pretty common

not by a long shot gotta diversify to 3 champs that have more counter ability

*deep breath* YI IS STILL


I don't even build bloodrazor. I skip my jungle item and go for a full crit build.

IE -> Static Shiv -> Bloodthrister -> Phantom Dancer

I saw that a Korean pro was doing that with Yi so I just copied him. I've had the most success with this build.

I genuinely like Yi. He's just a cool champion and I'd play him even if he sucked.

just pick xin zhao, do more damage while building less of it, and actually be able to win a game outside of silver

Doesn't Xin Zhao suck in the late game though?

I like Yi because the longer the game goes on the stronger I get and in my ELO games can go on for quite a while.

copying a pro players build every game wont get you anywhere above silver, you have to change your build to the situation in the game to get to gold

Yeah I know. I'm still learning what to build in what situation. I will switch up my last few items.

i.e. if I'm being focused I'll build Guardian Angel. If they have a lot of AD I'll build Deadman's. If they have a lot of AP I'll build Maw of Malmortius etc...

My first couple of items are pretty much always the same though.

yi is best at mid game, like all of those right click only bruisers. they all suck when its grouped teamfighting. the best late game one is udyr tiger.