Thoughts on Capitalism?

Thoughts on Capitalism?

How's it treating you?

Making you do things you don't want to?

Then still making you feel unappreciated?

I'm not sure what I'm saving my money for anymore, and not knowing what to buy makes me sad. I think it's capitalism's fault for these feelings. It teaches me to work, and not working makes me a loser. But I don't even have a goal when working. I already got a PC, a phone, etc. Life is gay.

Capitalism? You mean having the freedom to exchange goods and services for capital? Love it!

The state that fucks up this wonderful system? Absolutely hate it.

Communist idiots like you that think we can use the state to reign in the market or that we should tax people like Sweden?
Uneducated and ignorant of basic economics.

It's killing our planet and our souls. Good riddance to humans, they don't deserve nice things.

>reddit spacing

Anarcho-capitalism is not viable. You need a state to regulate the market and also provide services that you want available for everyone. To pay for this, you need taxes. There's a reason every industrialized nation on the planet uses a mixed market economy.

>not having a government controlling the market is anarchy
Ok man whatever you say...


Nobody is arguing for socialism, there could be other systems. Complaining about capitalism doesn't mean you necessarily vote for higher taxes, or socialism to replace it. Op saying he doesn't like pie as a dessert doesn't necessarily mean hes arguing for cake being the best.

It's on a spectrum there is not a third axis.

Op here
Haha a phone and shoes are the most you want? Think bigger..
Who said I'm a communist? Fucking pussy. I'd splinter your skull, kid.

I'll do virtually anything for the right amount of money. A million dollars isn't shit to me anymore though. I want more. Give me more cocksuckers.

it's the illusion of freedom, and choice. but, it's better that waiting in a bread line.

No. Time and time again history and countless amounts of data have shown the market to be self regulating. Listen to Milton Freidman and Thomas Sowell.

Take the post office for example. Completely funded by government. 100 times shittier and less efficient than fedex or ups. That's just one of many examples.

You can look at smaller municipalities that have privatized nearly everything and they're a dream to live in.

I would say that we should retain the basics like the 3 basic branches of government and privatize as much as we can.

But there's other things to consider like our flawed voting system. The federal reserve is another problem.

>There's a reason every medieval society uses feudalism

Except we've seen what happens in places where the government falls apart and only privatization exists. It's not a place you want to live. The smaller municipalities that you speak of still exist withing the greater state which provides all sorts of socialized services.

Also, the Federal Reserve isn't perfect by any means, but it's better than nothing.

What if I believe there shouldn't be taxes but the government should do everything still. Government positions should be unpaid and the public can vote to publicly execute bad politicians. Or maybe a super computer could take over and rule a nation? They don't really fall into right or left, divide and conquer American retard politics. Maybe were limited by fiat currencies...

You really think other systems have citizens that work meaningful jobs?

Everyone's miserable fuck nugget. Every god damn body.

I was talking about economics, this is what the political compass exists for. I am sure those ideas of yours can fit on there.

Like what? What should I want? A house to maintain? A car to maintain? Kids to maintain? What do you want that's currently unattainable to you

A real woman

love you too, mang.

No other systems that currently exist. People in some other countries seem happier though.
Buy those things and have the capital to get other people to maintain them. Live the cushy life you dream of.

I guess I just want a few hot young wives and a big house on a lake. Private security and servants. The works. Materials aren't that important to me either.

What's the link for this test

I'm getting my long term Asian girl fake tits. After that, uncertain of what to save up for. I think actually wanting something is better than getting it. Everything I thought would satisfy me, even women, become less sexy over time. Or maybe it's just my girlfriend. No wonder rich folks get addicted to drugs. Nothing fun after a certain level of attainment. Trump can get whatever he wants, but for him, the everyday stuff is probably boring, so getting more and more power is the only thing that motivates him now. But for what end?

The problem with ancaps is they always picture themselves at the top of the heap, not doing the shit work and struggling to get by and drinking poisoned water and eating poisoned food like 99% of the population would be.

Ain't no lake house and hot wives in your future, dude.

Nah you got the wrong gf. Tits are the most valuable thing you can buy? Really?

This world is being wasted on you.

Also he is happy. He gets whatever he wants with the illusion of power.

I'm not your dude. And yes if that's what I want by that time, I will have it.

I have more money and power than you can fathom. This system is not made for you, but it is for me. I like credit and Capitalism works wonderfully for me. I'm not a wage slave like yourself.
there is nothing on this earth I cannot obtain.

Well, what else should I buy? It's like I'm being told my answer is the problem but there's never a solution? I'm at the point, just getting random shit for my house. Roomba, I travel, blah blah. All just distractions for the pain that humanity is just for consumption without meaning. All that's important now it's feeling good. Video games, etc etc, all distractions. Tits are distractions too

Is nobody going to address how unsettling this gif is?

You need to trip. You want shitty materials.

Think bigger, shinier, and things with more inherent value. Things that are scarce,not abundant.
I guess love is spectacular if you can get it, but it usually warps and fades leaving your personality fragmented. Set real goals to be someone better who doesn't concern themselves with all the meaningless things that occur to you as problems.

Basically you fall back to supply/demand to understand value, as the capitalist always does. But what's the true value of holding the one you love, who loves you back? The capitalist can't understand that. Is driving in a Porsche, lonely and alone down a freeway any better? What if is a yacht? Money can't fill the holes in the soul.

Everyone loves me back. I only keep sincere people around. Everyone else can die. The only one I lost is my ex. She thinks I'm a monster.

It's shit.

implying there is a better system that actually has proven track record, and not some teacher's lobby theoretical bullshit, or some authoritarian talking point for some dictator.

>>why would I trade one tyrant three-thousand miles away for three-thousand tyrans one mile away

If your goal is to feel appreciated by a political ideology, you should just kill yourself right now. If your goal is to feel appreciated by your nation, kill yourself right now. If your goal is to actively assess your government or political situation for some sort of satisfaction or just a good ol' fashioned pat on the head, end your fucking life you stupid piece of shit.