What the fuck is this yellow stuff

What the fuck is this yellow stuff

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rip it off

Pls go see a doctor. this is not okay.

Put some vicks vapor rub. It'll cure the fungus. (Serious)


It is toenail fungus. You can get over the counter products to kill it.

if dubs rip it off

prove that you aren't a fake


medfag here.
it's a clear sign of the Flictonic Cliple-Weber syndrome.
google for it

All the people saying its some kind of fungus are comfirming my doubts, I have to see my doctor in 2 days I’ll ask him what the fuck is going on

i would soak it in warm salt water

>what the fungus is going on

Med Fag here
you can see that the toe is infected and the yellow stuff is puss. If you won't seek medical attention, there is a chance that the toe will be cut off

just another day at the office

That is fucking disgusting. Do something about it before you loose your toe to infection and have to walk with a Limp for the rest of your life

It’s not pus, it’s some kind of shroom. I’m seeing my doctor in 2 days, it won’t get to the aggravating point of getting an amputation in this short span of time

Most likely give you lamisil and pop the nail off to relieve the pressure. Maybe fluconazole as well. Will bleed like heck and you'll feel each numbing needle but its not too discomfortable.

I came

Lmao, I have to go through that again ?

If it's a recurring fungus, then your toenail might be burned off and completely gone for good, if the pedo sees fit. I had the Same happen. Removed the nail and never had those issues again.

Don't listen to alarmists OP, they've never lost a toenail before.

You can get fungicides, or you can wrap a vinegar-soaked piece of paper towel around the toe for 1 hour per day.

toe cancer your rekt good luck on the Chemo user

You and the others that suggested antifugual products seems trustworthy, do you know why my tie is so purple ? It was that way before I removed my ingrown nail but it’s still like that

Don't put it off for too long because the swelling can be dangerous. Losing your toe is a possibility.

it's toe aids OP. I told you you shouldn't have stuck your toe in that stanky pussy

Could be damaged tissue that won't ever recover.

Stop putting your toe up your ass.
Problem solved.

nerve gas

underrated post

that's some scoliosis right there

You are in Canada, doctor visit is covered all over. If you cant afford the prescription to get rid of it let them know there's ways they can help you

Are you diabetic?

If you piss on your feet in the shower, the ammonia will kill that shit off. Do you wear boots a lot, OP? You need to wear the right socks.

No but I eat a lot of crap

Pissing on it will infect my toe and cause pain

get some sun on your feet... it'll kill anything and help it get healthy again... also it's probably related to diet and lack of circulation... so exercise and eat better

All of my nails, on both my feet and hands have been like this for most of my life.

no 15


This is fearbait. You're fine op. Your toe is kinda fucked, you wont be able to reeeally cut it again, but if you do nothing about it it wont kill you or even hinder you much.

Just cut the tip if it gets too long, and dont do crazy toe pressure activities like rock climbing or ballet. You'll be fine

>source: took care of old people with that shit for half a decade