H3h3 thread

>h3h3 thread

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He's boring and gay

i'd fuck his wife

I don't really like seeing Michelle Obama in an opening to a video.

never understood how this dude should make any sense

what do this fucking extra nipples have to do with absorbing kinetic energy. I liked the creative idea behind it but it's poorly and unaccurate executed just to make a more powerful statement

it's stupid

watching this at the moment









Deep fakes got shut down on reddit but there by NON

I know it's fake I mean the original video

Thought you ment who did the fake,fuck if i know.Type in nigger dick.

rib buffers you moron.

why did you think they were nipples anyway?

I'll found it someday

"non consensual porn" LOL

props to non he did that before deepfakes program

her face is so grotesque

yes they had no idea what to call it to shut it down, so they went with that lol

Its better then the deepfakes.they still have some bugs to work out.This time next year,shit will look so real.

So is that like being raped by Photoshop? Should go after those shitlords at Adobe.