I've got some kratom waiting for me at home, red, white and green maeng da samples. Which should I try first...

I've got some kratom waiting for me at home, red, white and green maeng da samples. Which should I try first? What's the difference, which do you prefer?
Also general drug thread.

Heroin, you pussy

Yea why do people substitute real opiates for that bullshit. Pussies

all of them at once

so they don't become weak little faggots turning tricks to keep from being dopesick

Stop doing kratom

for why

You work, you buy heroin you dont inject or smoke it, safest drug out there faggot also a half synthetic opiate not an opiod faggotcunt no tricks.

The dif is white energetic. Green in between. Red is more sedative. So up to you. Id go with the green.

Even poppy seed tea blows kratom out of the water
Even the good batches of kratom


till you get fired for being a junky, then you'll be turning tricks like the other whores, if you don't od and die first

Op, where can I get a good deal with Kratom online?

not op but try canopy botanicals

Do you Even know anything about Heroin? Obviously you dont keep wasting money on some weakass Shit opiate probably gotto use a whole gram before it's Even close to a simple Line of heroin. The king of opiates.

Fuck Kratom man, and fuck heroin. Oxy all the way

heroin fags should be euthanized

Opiods are dirty Shit have fun sleeping in.

Kratom sucks balls youll never ditch your addiction

Jokes on you, I do oxy every day and still work a 60 hour week...I kind of have to in order to support my oxy habit

Nah it was made to effect the same receptors heroin does. Good Shit. Still an opiod tho.

60 hours a week? Are you a doctor or some Shit?

This shit is about a month away from being on the same schedule as opium is in the U.S.
Drink up. You fags blabbing about the loopholez all over the webs always ruin it.

I know that oxy is an opiate at the end of the day. Why I can justify spending the extra money is knowing that I'm getting the same dose. If I buy 40's (or 80's if I can get them) I know I'm getting the same dose. I can always tell the difference between a press and someone selling their aunt's pills on the street

Nope, just work 7-5 everyday (except sunday) in sales. Shitty industrial supply store but it keeps me busy enough. Oxy makes it bearable

Wrong response, sorry

I hear ya numbing energy always in a good enough mood.

if you have chronic pain it'll help with that shit but you're not going to get high.


I'm tripping acid rn

fo sho, i just get empty capsules from a health food store and fill em up, usually six will do the trick

Weed over kratom.

Weed is more powerful than kratom.

Kratom is shit.

Why haven't you fuckers learned about Wild Lettuce as of yet? You want to get high legally? Find some of that shit growing outside and use it. Feels like opium but its not an opiate. You can get the concentrates online legally and cheap too. But then again, I got a feeling the government knows about it and will target it next, since they went after kratom even though its not even remotely close to an opioid.

you sound like a spook fbi faggot

Spoken like someone who has never been through withdrawals

I know enough junkies and people who died from it to stay far the fuck away from it

Thanks man, I'm going to try the green then and see what it's like. Hopefully I get some work done.

this is true, it works and it grows everywhere

>general drug thread
People like you are why they're trying to ban this wonderful plant. Please have some respect.

a wonderful plant is gonna be banned because of a bot thread?

Kratom is an opiate according to the FDA. Checkmate, heroin junkie.

maybe we'll start another war in asia to control the kratom supply

I'm not a bot I just make bad threads

sorry to accuse you, i recommend eating it cuz it tastes pretty rough, but you might be more of a man than me

Just smoking weed like a non tweaker.

Honestly it's not that bad. I wouldn't drink it for the taste but it isn't unbearable by any means.

My employer drug tests so I can't.

its not tweaky at all, and you can still do stuff

had my best experiences with green malay

also, u can't say a certain kind of kratom has this or that effect.. you have to try it out yourself.

if you weight is around mine (70kg) i'd say you should start of with like 6g (5-6 tea spoon - not too much on them)

have fun :)

google mitragynine

fuck FDA - idiotic fucks

I wanna get an oxycodone prescription from my shrink. How will i succeed? Inflict deep wounds to myself is no option though

Kratom is a miracle for me. Got me off of a 4yrs alcohol habit, and it's the only thing that keeps me from going back to drinking.

I take Red MD. Nice mood lift, energy, motivation, less anxiety, no urge to drink. Also helps me sleep at night.

i don't think a shrink can give you pain meds

yes for me 2

also helped me succesfully with my
irritable bowel syndrome

Only major downside for me is that I've lost a little too much weight. Kratom completely takes my appetite away, makes me eat so little

How will I know when it kicks in? I just drank 6ish grams and I don't know if I just think I'm feeling it when I'm not.

do you exercise

Yeah, I lift/workout every other night, and run 1-2Mi on alternate days. Just started that though

ye like with every other opiate... same for me

It can be very subtle, and takes 30mins-1hr to really kick in. You should feel a decent mood lift and an increase in motivation to do things you enjoy. Might also experience some sensory distortion, like a slight blur similar to when drinking alcohol.

Why not just smoke weed?

If you're the Kratom guy you're fine. Was mainly talking to the people up talk happily engaging in their heroin addiction.

weed is a nigger-tier drug

That's what I thought I felt, the alcohol-headedness

it makes me hungry but everyone is different i guess, made eat a big meal before you take it

It kinda sucks bc I take kratom like it's my medicine nowadays, it's REALLY improved my life over the past year, but I want to start working out more and get bigger

you would know

That's why we should all just do crystal instead like good white people.

Lol no my employer drug tests so I do heroin to REALLY give him a shock

for me it always starts with a warm feeling starting in my belly spreading out through my whole body

also a bit like getting stoned.. my body becomes heavy.

another thing I often experience, especially when I had a little too much, is that I'm not really able to control my thought-processes and many things we're too much to follow up - like watching tv.

Lol no my employer drug tests so I do heroin to REALLY give him a shock

I sometimes get carried away in thoughts or talk to myself a little too much when I take lots of kratom. It's kinda like a weak version of what MJ does, but without feeling fucked up

ye just try to reduce it a bit - maybe taking a hit every 2 or three days in a slightly higher dose?

Life in the trailer park sure must be nice.

So it kinda has an adderall-like quality to it

does anyone take kratom while drinking alcohol

This is actually great, I don't know why more people don't do this. It's like being drunk without the nausea.

>hits dab

doesn't combine very well...

alcohol will increase the effect of kratom and you'll prob. get sick and need to puke

alot of people don't even know it exists -- that's why

i dont get nauseos when i drink unless i drink too much. imho kratom and drinking isnt really similar.
just a different feeling overall but i guess the effect is different from person to person.

just make sure you guys get a bit used to the effects and dosage.
if you take too much at once you will throw the fuck up.

oh yeah.. oh get sick really badly without the option to even throw up...

once I was sick like 6 hrs and wanted to throw up but wasn't able 2

You are an idiot and should not talk. Real scientists say it's no where near real opiates. Prison system whores FDA is bought and paid for bullshit.

It definitely feels similar to me, minus the spins. I'm not very experienced with drugs though so I can't compare it to anything hard like heroin.

I think I may have had too much for my first time. Still not bad but definitely more than I was prepared for. How long do the effects usually last?

depending on your body and the dose..

but i think at least around 2hrs intensive and afterwards it starts to fall off

Nice. I just hope I don't get any important phone calls

Are there any long term side effects or risks of repeated usage? Like with weed I could tell that smoking daily made me retarded, does kratom do anything like that?

if you take it daily for a longer period of time you will become physically addicted and there will be withdrawals if you stop.

but that needs like at least 1 month of daily use

Yeah, that would be good to avoid. For right now I can't tell if I'm just really fucked up or kinda fucked up and tired.

just chill a bit and maybe lay down.
imho 6g is too much of an beginnders dose.
i would recommend just going for 3g and then seeing how you feel.
you can always take more.

Extremely sedative effect going on, but I need the sleep so I can't complain

search online about the circles you can get on your cheeks/under your eyes with prolonged use.