Screenshot of girls learning they're nudes are online...Who has ones like these

Screenshot of girls learning they're nudes are online...Who has ones like these

Bonus points for ones being sent to friends/families and their reactions!

>I'm masturbating

Interest! I love these

Those aren't nudes. Show the goods user.





A true hero

Too bad 99% of these are fake

Nothing will ever top this one. Amy is a dime with fucking incredible tits.

I saw more of this set once, need to find it again

I hope Charlie is her father



hell yeah, moar! did she post any spread ass or pussy?

A couple of years ago a woman I worked with accidentally posted a nude on our office Facebook group page.
Sat on the floor in front of a mirror. Full nude, face visible, legs open and spreading her pussy with her free hand.
She wasn't anything worth shouting about so I didn't save it. Got a slight shame boner for her but didn't even care enough to jerk off. She got about 50 likes before it was deleted. She never came back to work.

This was confirmed fake. It is some model. Sorry losers.

Ooooh, so salty!

I thnk someone who posts zomg! thiz iz the best one ever lmaololzz!!11! without even checking if it is real qualifies as a loser, also getting jollies out of women being humiliated for all eternity is pretty loserish.

The first one is funny, but those aren't nudes.