"Soy boy" isn't even a good insult tbh

"Soy boy" isn't even a good insult tbh
Like, okay, "cuck" I can sort of understand. It's got that good hard "k" sound and sounds kinda like "fuck." Plus it has sexual connotations, and one of the major categories of profanity, from a historical linguistic perspective, is crude references to sex.

But "soy boy?"

1) No good sounds. It's round and pleasing.

2) The fact that it rhymes makes it sound sing-songy and childish.

3) It sounds like an actual product. Probably some vegan thing.

Like, can you even imagine anyone ever being stung by being called a "soy boy?" Fairy, yeah. Fag, sure. Even "beta" possibly.

But soy boy?

Soy boy?!

What's next? Tingle-tongle? Wizzle-wang? At what point do alt-right insults constitute a Dr. Seuss book? Oh those splenduforous soyboys and their Sorosian sangs. Libcucks and ribcucks and femoids that twang.

Other urls found in this thread:


Soyboy detected.

>no argument
I accept your concession


it funniest thing about "soyboy" is that there are fucking idiots using it as an insult.

Honestly, "cuck" is a flashing big marker that identifies the user as a complete and utter moron, but "soyboy" is about a thousand times more pathetic.

Stfu wizzle wanger

What an eye full of autism, soya boiu

I'm a vegan and just call myself a soyboy as a joke.

I don't even know what the insult version is supposed to imply.

that you have the qualities of a woman since it, according to those who use it, increases estrogen

Well that's fucking stupid.



Low test
Underdeveloped male
Emotionally reactive
Try hard
Man child
Corrupted by Feminism & Liberal Culture
Blind to reality
Gynocentric / anti-masculine

Soy is put in all of our food in order to disrupt our hormonal profile and feminize us via xenoestrogens, turn us into low test beta faggots, so that we will not have the strength to fight either invading armies or corrupt government


Hilarious and accurate post. Here's a good takedown of the term and concept of 'soy boy'

If you are so Autistic that you’re caught up on the phonetics of the insult and can not grasp the underlying meaning of a the 8nsulters disgust for you, then there truly is no hope for you. Grow up and learn to think beyond the surface, user. The world needs you as a man.

t. soyboy


This has been completely debunked as an argument by the scientific literature which has found that soy does not increase estogen production in humans. The original study this whole 'theory' is based on is testing on cows and is from 1941. The experiments carried out humans (a meta-study found there to be 32 as os 2014) have all found that soy does not increase estrogen in humans.


Plus, "soy boy" is a projection of the insecurities of those who use it. The alt-right is full of white beta males living in their basement, so they project it onto others

soy has phytoestrogens. not as bad as xenoestrogens, but still worth cutting out of your diet entirely. eat coconuts and increase your zinc consumption, my man. also, make sure to get grass-fed and/or organic meats/dairy products and you will be good. oh and cut down on sugar

fermented soy is apparently ok for you, but i wouldnt try and waste time figuring out whether soy is fermented or not because some fermented soy products (like soy-lecithin) can still be bad for you depending on how processed it is.

ignore the ones laughing at you, they will wonder why their balding heads have their jaw drops whenever they see a nintendo product and then take a picture with it while you'll be high test. good luck user

The only problem is that it comes from a stupid conspiracy theory, the fact that it isn't a crude reference to sex for me is a positive, and it's quite capable of insulting someone especially by the childish nature


>b) This study followed one 19 year old man who started consuming hefty amounts of soy in his diet. Suddenly the guy lost all interest to sex and suffered from erectile dysfunction. His blood DHEA, testosterone, and DHT levels also plummeted significantly. 1 year after stopping the soy consumption, his erectile health and hormonal profile was fully regained

>The alt-right
There's that word again

Lol. You’re preaching to the choir, bud

>c) In this human study, from 99 infertile men, the men that ate the most soy had the lowest sperm count.

>d) In this study, soy protein increased the number of epithelial cells in the breast tissue by 29% (this is a sign of overblown estrogen)

>h) These three animal studies [this, this, and this] found out that the isoflavones in soy can cause breast cancer (another sign of overblown estrogen).

what you are not getting is that like taking steroids, soy and its phytoestrogens have an impact on your hormonal levels an can have an impact on your health. obviously, you dont want to go too far out of your bodies natural balance which is why having a diet that is high in soy or any other food with xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens is bad for you. but you probably dont care enough and will continue to scarf down packs of cosmic brownies and drink a soy protein isolate based "nutritional" drink to wash it down

>i) In this study the researchers found out that male infant rats who received soybean feed when they were still in womb, had problems in sexual organ developement. This study also found out similar effects

If the alt-right isn't a thing, why are there so many faggots that identify as alt-right?

link to a site that sells "Hormone Optimization Courses"

It's called mocking

>j) In this study, soy protein decreased testosterone and DHT levels in healthy young men.

I feel like terms like 'Alt-right' and left, are constructs of you fucking yanks to try and explain away ideologies that you don't agree with.

In Australia, we call them 'fucking morons' and 'everyone else'.

There really isn’t a reason for why men should be eating soy. It contains powerful phytoestrogens and produces equol in the gut which is a strong anti-androgen.

Interesting. Do you really think it's true?

It's not like I'm an expert or a scientist. It could be true. It just has to seem to have this weird political motive which makes it hard to distinguish what the actual facts are, as there seems to be loads of people who have already adopted this view and have no desire to change, and no interest in the actual scientific method. Its a claim, that to the non expert, seems untrustworthy due to its political affiliation which seems like to taint its trustworthyness.

yeh i figured. originally, i wanted to just differentiate between phyto and xeno estrogens but then i just figured id give a full PSA

The difference is you have thousands of people who are openly labeling themselves as 'alt-right' where as there aren't people identifying themselves as 'alt-left' and it's just another term used by the alt-right to describe SJWs

Based Ozzie


Do you honestly not think the alt-right exists? that's ridiculous and you know it. If you like the alt right then say you do, don't shut people who criticise it down by claiming it doesn't exist. It ruins the discourse of ideas

THIS is a soyboy

So sick of how backwards and boringly racist Sup Forums has become and so many young people have become in general. The site used to be more 'fuck you fuck everyone' nihilistic anachists, now there's this fucking shitty ideology that permeates everything, basically just talking a load of fascistic bullshit

>have all found that soy does not increase estrogen in humans
but it does, user. phytoestrogens you put into your body doesnt just have no affect on you. the shit your body broke down doesnt just disappear. it also depends on what soy you put into your body

it's an expression you dont like, so what, get over yourself

>a compilation of random guys pulling the same face

wow. cool

I honestly blame the americans.

Also i think the freak who compiled this picture doesn't like nintendo

Yes, I actually think it’s true. There are other photo and xenoestrogens to be concerned about, but soy is the most common.

It’s worth continuing to evaluate, like all scientific findings, but it does appear to be true. Anecdotally, living in a West coast area with lots of hippies who eat soy, I’ve seen guys become much more feminized as they become vegetarian and vegan. I used to think that was a good thing, but now I’m clear it’s not. Men should be men, it makes the world a better place

soyboy is great u dont know shit

cuck is a dumb insult its used backwards the cuckoo bird would be the alpha chad and the poor soyboy who raises his wifes son would be cucked not a cuck.

>how backwards and boringly racist Sup Forums has become

Sup Forums has always been this way. The only difference is that Trump is president and they think they got him elected.

You talk like a soyboy.

do you really think its just the expression that theyre making that defines them? really user? are you sure its not the fact that they are flabby, weak, beta male? it just so happens that they all choose that expression, probably because they are trying to over-compensate the emotion of joy for the camera and they resort to mimicking child like expressions, but thats not the main issue the picture puts across.

>What's next?

Yeah I guess. I've been on Sup Forums for 8 years now and have always percieved it as a very American website (I'm English). So i guess it makes sense that their social decay is reflected here. It's just really annoying, and if i was less of a nihilist I might find a bit sad and concerning.



you sound triggered

>being a male with tits and birthin' hips
>not being a male with tits and birthin' hips
which would you honestly rather be?

itt: roody-poos


Holy shit, the damage control.
>not all demeaning qualities for a grown man
Think about what you're saying, soy boy.

>they are flabby, weak, beta male?
so what? why would I care?

Oldfag detected

Yea my friend I disagree, I don't think it's as bad as all that m8. Those that do pipe up are jus doin it often, also you have to account for b8. I and others will b8 libs/faggots and altright/trumpets/idiots. I will give you adult gif feels like some people are trying real hard to brainwash me that niggers can't fuck crackers or that trump is a godking. Or that traps are gay... jk they are

puddi puddi bring back Snacks is odfag, user.

So? Why do you care?
So you justify this complitation because you think it shows men displaying some kind of internal pain which sounds really depressing. Are we supposed to dislike them? or feel sorry for them?

Its completely pointless and its just weird to mock someone for being sad and 'trying to over-compensate the emotion of joy for the camera and they resort to mimicking child like expressions'. By your ridiculous theatrical melodramic description of it, they sound like people who should have a charity set up for them or something.


From the increase of multicultural races (especially blacks) in commercials, TV shows, movies to the glorification of North Korea in liberal media (wtaf is this shit!?)....
The women's agenda...

You're right, something's going on and whoever is pushing the initiative is ramping it up into over drive, as if they are desperate to get it done asap.

The most disturbing thing to me is this drama with North Korea in the Olympics and the news just being dominated by their propaganda.
The south Korean president is giving a big fuck you to the USA by allowing NK...
Something is definitely afoot... Making the American population docile and apathetic and just a fraction of the larger scheme and bigger picture.

I've been off and on Sup Forums for the better part of 10 years myself, I tend to take huge breaks from Sup Forums though and frequent otherboards.

I swear - the mentality and things you hear here are never mirrored in actual real life in Australia, unless they're huge Sup Forums tards.

When I spent 6 months in the US though, I heard people of all ages sprout off Sup Forums style mentalities and opinions like it was second nature. Truely yanks are the worst of the bunch.

>multicultural races

Its nice to hear that. Its nice to know there people aren't like that on Sup Forums. It sort of puts me off the site i think, because I've always really been able to relate to the core society of Sup Forums (young white guy, bit socially weird etc) and now I feel like I don't have that connection where I imagine the people posting on Sup Forums were just like me, shared experiences with me and thought like me. Now it feels like posting on the 'misc' sub-forum of some political forum

You’d care if you cared about your culture and your role in it. You’d care if you had a vision for the future that extended beyond your narcissistic, shallow self absorbed sense of impotence and self serving childishness. The world needs MEN, western culture, our way of life hangs in the balance. You’d care if you had a heart, if your brain was working properly, and you had a purpose. But since that is not the case for you, it’s clear to see that you are yet another dull, dead, mindless, vapid sleepwalking zombie boy who only cares about filling his own little need holes. When the Change happens you will be left behind to be eaten alive. I’m not saying that to judge you, I’m saying that to tell you the truth. There is no honor and no dignity in selfishness. Wake Up, user.

thats what defines a soyboy, user. you missed the point of the picture so i explained it to you. i dont care if you care or not.

i didnt put together the compilation and i didnt even post it. nice assumptions, user. you arent supposed to anything with them user. they are just examples of a soyboy. do with that information as you please. i am not even calling them sad, i am just explaining their potential (and probable) thought process behind their actions and why its so common among them. they dont need a charity set up, you faggot. explaining the psychology behind peoples actions isnt melodramatic either. they need to sort out their life and stop being flabby, weak, man childs. for that to happen they need to do it themselves. i'll wait for your misunderstanding remarks :)

You sound like me when I was 16. A total fucking loser.

Why do you judge yourself thusly?

but why do you actually care about it

I don't really care about your soyboys, and come to think of it I don't care either if you don't care about me not caring.

but your collages are kinda fun, 7/10 for effort.

You sir, are starting to see things for what they are. The agenda is blatant now.

you sound like a larping faggot who needs to go clean his room, user.

cringe, the post.

yeah man, them multicultural races and shit, fuck 'em sideways and shit and such.

Respect to you, Sir

dubs confermd

why does anybody care about anything? it doesnt matter if and why somebody cares about something in this scenario. its just a topic of discussion, so we are discussing. you dont need to get all existential because you missed the original points being made multiple times.

well i dont care if you dont care that i dont care if you dont care ):<
oh, and i didnt make the collages, user.

No it isn't

and Trumpfags are fat farting heart attacks on a fucking plate. They scream like faggots because they all have high blood pressure.

>Trumpfags are fat farting heart attacks on a fucking plate. They scream like faggots because they all have high blood pressure.
you sure?

>why does anybody care about anything
usually because they think it matters

I can quite quickly tell you the reasons for things I care about. Because i think they matter in some way. I wouldn't need to retort that the question is invalid since 'why do people like things anyway'.

every time

I thought libs were soyboys. You're so fat and atheroschlorotic that you're not even making sense user. Scream some more.

Given modern day Sup Forums, I can completely agree with this. All those actual faggots screaming in the streets.

It's what happens when Trumpfags try to rub two fat greasy Big Mac patties together and pretend they're brain synapses firing.

You sir are clearly dead inside. At least I stand for something in this world, and at least some of us have a moral compass. Uninstall the nihilism virus from your mind. Life is so too beautiful, short, and meaningful to spend it numb inside. Having a race to see who can care the least does not make you a good person in any way, shape or form


how come the cat didn't get rektd?

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26097060 Male soy food intake was not associated with in vitro fertilization outcomes among couples attending a fertility center.

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19524224 Clinical studies show no effects of soy protein or isoflavones on reproductive hormones in men: results of a meta-analysis.

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23269819 High dietary intake of saturated fat is associated with reduced semen quality

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24636397 cheese intake is related to lower sperm concentration

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24681577 processed meat intake was associated with lower total sperm count

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23670169 Dairy food intake in relation to semen quality ....men trying to have children should restrict their intake

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22416013 high intake of saturated fats was negatively related to sperm concentration whereas higher intake of omega-3 fats was positively related to sperm morphology

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18314116 Frequent intake of lipophilic foods like meat products or milk may negatively affect semen quality in humans, whereas some fruits or vegetables may maintain or improve semen quality.

still makes me laugh tho, has a good ring to it

It's not bait. "Soy Boy" is backfiring as an insult. Miserably.

let me guess: sociopathic Incel?

>oh, and i didnt make the collages
too bad, that was the only real compliment I had to give you.

yeah, sure.

Yup. So damn easy.