How do I acces dark webs anons? can i access it with linux epiphany?

How do I acces dark webs anons? can i access it with linux epiphany?
>thinking of buying a gun for like $80 to kill myself

What makes you think you can get a gun for $80? Just jump off a building or something.

bro just go rob a gun store with a bb gun. you'll either get shot or get a gun to shoot yourself with?

tor firearm sites are 100% LEO (FBI feat. Interpol)
firearm sales on general contraband sales sites are either LEO or hot (recently used in a crime)

why don't you do a mass shooting with it and save the last bullet for yourself

You can definitely get a gun for 80 bucks. It'll be a colossal piece of shit in a toddler caliber that'll take a couple tries to get it to fire, but if you're killing yourself, I guess none of that's really an issue.

dude YES

im thinking of mass shooting at an elementary school at my place now so thanks but no

If you're killing yourself anyway, why not spend a few grand and get a nice gun?

im broke :'(

Buy it on credit. Fuck the man.

Lol. I feel like a building would hurt and suicide mask I'd get sketched 7 seconds into inhaling the shit. So Idk how I'm gonna do this. 19 but my life is a next level hell

The dark web is BAD..... you're welcome user!

Not op

>can't you guys just mail me one no matter what gun just not .22 cal uzi would be nice


>that how to access darknet tab kek

OP; go to your local pawn shops and buy the cheapest gun you can find; be it a shotgun, rifle, pistol, etc. It's a great way to get one.

America must be a great place

man just shoot up a school and kill yourself afterwards
you are gonna die anyways

Yep. We used to be shocked when a school shooting happened. Now it's so common that smaller ones don't even make the news.


just a public service user

I mean youre better off buying a gun from Twone or something. Chances are he will kill you and rob you anyway.

>No funny tabs

you are bad