Currently coming down from an amphetameme binge. pls b send some memes my way to help ease the withdrawals

currently coming down from an amphetameme binge. pls b send some memes my way to help ease the withdrawals.

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buy some benzos if you can, alcohol if nothing else is available. Been there, feel ur pain dude. It will pass.



With you my nigga withdrawing from an insane weekend binge. Drank like 50 beers, did a bunch of shots and cocaine all weekend. Feel like the biggest sack of shit on earth right now and can't sleep because alcoholic insomnia.

Lurking is the only thing keeping me distracted from it.. Im with ya, user.








dog bless

I'm coming off of a 2 month bender man. I feel ya. Od'ed at worked yesterday which is why I have to stop now. Probably going to die from this comedown lol

What's that whispering sound?

praying for you man


I’m withdrawing from seroquel after 4 years may I join?

yes, of course. Someone close to me takes that currently.the come off is rough I take it?

how much did you do. did you smoke it? just rest and then do more.

It's gonna pass, user. What's your poison? Try to force yourself to eat something light and have a glass of water. I've been so fucking dehydrated. I drank like nine glasses of water today and still haven't pissed or feel like I'm hydrated.

Man I'd get the sweats so bad from that.. and the dreams were FUCKED.

Adderall, meth, or propelhexdrine. been forcing water all day. Drank 2 fruit and veggie smoothies with protein so that's good.

Still me and yeah my body is like happy for water and food but its like what is this?! Lol just glad my brain is not completely cooked from this last bender

That shit os crazy. I took it for like 1 month and coming off of it sucked like trying to sleep and even sleep itself is not the same for a bit

Good stuff, user. Be good to yourself tonight.

lol yeah same. I had to have a taper beer because I don't want to seizure, but besides that I've been just lying down in bed drinking water.

It's too early to assess the mental damage I did on this bender. Guess I'll find out as I have to study all day tomorrow. Fuck sakes.

Me again I get that dehydrated feeling. I can tell I'm dehydrated so bad because you can see my skin has no moisture in it on all my tattoos lol they are all black and white but now they are all like faded grey. Pretty sure I am the living embodiment of spongebob in sandys dome when he trys to go without water

Lololol at least you are fancy as fuck still

Just got engaged Sup Forums AMA pic unrelated.

the first like five hours is just sheer fun. literally nothing better than to be tweaking, but then it just starts coming down and gets worse and worse until you feel like your chest is being squeezed in a knot bby the anxiety and panicky feeling of oh fuckkkk dis not gon b fun. then it just spirals and you wanna take a shotgun and blow your fucking brains out. idk why i tweak anymore, maybe im just chasing that magical first time i had where it was like a fucking orgasm for hours on end. idk im rambling and the benzos are starting to kick in. till next time b


yeh mine is too. I find my veins protrude a lot more too when I'm dehydrated as hell. All around my shoulders and chest they turn so blue from lack of oxygen..

It makes me kind of depressed. I used to be really sharp and a really good looking person. Really did a number on myself. Never too late, so they say..

Godspeed user.

Yeah man. I was a honor student deans list in college. Double major. Had a good job. Lost it all and flunked out of college when all I had left was 2 classes. Now I'm 24 and people think I'm like above 30 in my shitty retail job that I just od'ed at. If your still in school and have a shot at a good life, try not to let this shit steal your life and soul and fuck it up.

This is the truth

Thanks for the advice, user. I was honors law but the drinking got the best of me. I ended up working as a laborer when I flunked out. Then I worked my way back to go back to school again.

So now I'm trying again, am a semester and change in, and i've really fucked up so far. Failed my first exam with a 42, haven't been working at it... The weekends I'm just recovering in bed from the drinking and shit.

I'm 24 as well. I look ~30 as well. Sometimes I look back and ask myself what the hell happened to me. Total shell of my old self. It all started over a fucking girl which is so stupid now that I think about it. Why don't I care about myself?

I find that dealing with addiction is an all-day, everyday battle. Every night I have to fight with myself from going to buy beer. I'm spending way too much money on it and I will run out eventually. I have to stop.. I'd be fine if I stopped now and turned it all around, but by Friday I'll be stressed from the week and just want more alcohol. Fuck man. I can't even build up the nuts to look at my bank statement because I know I spent over 500 dollars on this last bender on taxis, booze and god knows what else.

I wish I could say mine was because of a girl. But like I knew as soon as I drank when I was 14 I needed that altered mindset. I mean ingot the same old sob story most addicts do, physically and sexually abusive house, one thing parents did that I liked was let me get messed up. Was 13 when I tried to push scissors through my chest. Then I discovered drinking and weed and said as long as I have a bottle or a sack i won't kill myself. So from then on I scored like my life depended on it because I knew if I was sober I was dead. 4months after smoking for the first time was with a group of guys who just finished abunch of B&E's and they were snorting coke and adderall mixed. And fuck was it love. Now I'm 24 flunked out of college did a year in different rehabs. Multiple od's and suicide attempts. Working some dead end retail job. Like fuck I had 3.8 GPA with a double major and a minor l, pulled women all time worked in a skyrise, had a office, and money. Now I'm crashing with my family because I have no money, wrecked my credit, no where to go, working a dead end retail job, body is failing. I did it all to myself, I had a shot, then a second chance and managed to fuckem all up. Now its like what will die first my body or my mind.

shut the fuck up you whining retards, its not about the drugs at all, its just easier to do them and blame failure on the addiction becausse its easier than doing the work needed to succeed in life. you want to fail and become worthless, its how the human brain works,. we fucking hate ourselves, ive been doing meth for 15 years .... im fine......

Like fuck only reason I was able to go to college was because I had a full ride academic scholarship. Now that I flunked out and its been so long I can't afford to ever go back. Gonna be living the degenerate life. But I guess it fits I am a fucking degenerate

To all of you anons, I was 7th out of over 500 students in my final year at an ivy league law school and I totally crashed and burned drinking, drugging, and especially smoking fentanyl. Now I'm piecing things together working for minimum wage paying off 200k+ in studetn loans with no degree lol. All you can do is laugh some times and move on. Staying clean fucking sucks but it makes living in the moment so much better.

I guess there is hope. Thanks user

Little hope to make it through the comedown and withdrawals

Average overboard drunkard reporting, don't even drink for fun just to stop the shakes, have had the ambulance show up once in public for seizure.

I detoxed once, hardcore bad, kept straight for like a month then now I take shots every 2 hours to prevent the shakes. Fun fact?

>Uber driver

i know this is just some cuck on a chinese manga image board but if nothing else please hear this brothers: our minds believe whatever we tell them. If you believe that you need your next fix of whatever it is, you do. Forget thinking about how you should be or how you wish your life was. Just straight up lie to yourself and tell yourself you are not addicted, and go far away and refrain from using anything, and it will be so. The power of our minds dwarfs the power of our physical bodies. Just tell it waht to do

Yeah, but no, and also not samefagging. Physical dependence withdrawal is serious, and with alcohol / opiods / benzos etc it can be fatal. It isn't just a "suck it up butter cup" puke and feel like shit hangover, it is literal seizures and possible death if not done correctly.

Checked, but what is
>google physical dependency withdrawal risks

I've kicked all three but to get technical only alcohol and benzo w/d can actually kill you of its own; opioids are arguably more painful but can't be lethal unless secondary complications arise....
but to speak more to your point I am not trying to say that willpower or some chanting will make coming off these things better. It's going to be excruciating any way you slice it. All I'm saying is that once you suffer through that chemical dependency you would be amazed what you can will your own brain into
