Serious question. I have the opportunity to steal 107k from my employer...

Serious question. I have the opportunity to steal 107k from my employer. Is it possible to escape and live after taking this money? I could get up to a week’s head start before anyone realizes anything.

What countries do not have extradition treaties with your home country?

send me some desu

Im spitballing here. I haven’t done the research. I’d want to go across the world (US here). I can speak Spanish well enough.

Yeah, you’re fucked if you jack the cash.

It’s not cash. It’s a series of highly valuable items. Let’s say diamonds.

Not worth it.

but she only stole 40k

pick a country that doesnt have extradition treaties with the US and go there. if you can, fake your death, although it might suck to pick up a new identity. go through multiple countries to throw off the scent. make sure that your week head start is real and not imagined, because if theyll find you in a day you wont have enough time. maybe take a ship out of the country instead of a plane; less of a paper trail. plan things out ahead of time before pulling the trigger.

>what is inflation?

Can you swap these items with counterfeits???


Honestly, that's too little to risk ruining your life over. Is it cash? You'll uave to find a way to launder it otherwise the IRS will be on to your shenanigans. Do you work in a field you want to continue working in? You might not be able to once your employer finds out.

Still, who wouldnt take $100k if they could, right?

Impossible. They are virtually irreplaceable hence their value. All I can do is get a head start.

107k will not last a lifetime even in a Latin American shithole. Not worth the risk.

Gems, bottle caps, diamond studded dildos - don’t matter, you got zero fucking idea of what you’re doing and good luck finding a broker in a foreign country to fence the fucking hot goods.
You’d be lucky to get paid a 10th of what they’re worth and stay alive long enough to enjoy that money.

They'll notice right away, and you'll be nabbed before you cross the state border, much less skip the country.

It’s a pipe dream and I happen to agree with you that it’s too little.

a non extradition country like Belize but 107 k will most likely run out

if you go to belize with 107k and you cant make that work for you so that it doesnt run out, youre a retard

> leave the country with 107k
> brilliant idea

Make sure people don't know you have access to it, don't make any sigin lifestyle changes, and don't put it in a Bank.

some people have left the country with less than a quarter of that sum and it was enough to make a new life. if you cant emigrate with 107k in your pockets, you should just hang yourself instead

i meant it would most most likely run out

It may say its worth 107k, but its not worth it. Selling that much diamond off is hard enough. You won't be gaining 107k, you'll most likely be gaining $5000 at most.
You should educate yourself on diamond and jewlery market. Think of it like this, you can go to burger king and get a $2 cheese burger, or you can go to mcdonalds and get a $1 cheese burger. Both are the same, but why would mcD's sell theirs for half the price? Because they choose the price. Same with diamonds. A diamond in your store may be worth $1000, but the same diamond in a pawn shop would be worth $100.
Don't risk your future for non-cash inflated items.

not worth it OP that's too hard to get away with. you're not going to sleep at night since you're going to be scared of getting caught

Italy has famously stingy extradition policies. If you know Spanish, Italian is pretty similar. Go forth, be happy, and get yourself a new life.

yeah if you keep splurging on belizean hookers and cocaine and if you dont get a job or something