Trump doesn't believe in climate change

Still going to back him?

Other urls found in this thread:

Climate change is a lie by the Chinese.


just another reason to back him actually


Daily reminder that climate change is a strawman the government uses to scare people into giving it more power.

You mean haarp?

Can't tell if you're trolling or being stupid

I wish trump didn't have Irish ancestry. He's a disgrace to the motherland.

That's a really good point man. I think I'm going to start making the #FrenchConnection

You don't even live in the states. So have fun with getting past the giant wall he builds to vote for him, retard.

"Climate is changing so let's destroy some major energy industries and spend billions every year subsidizing replacements that can't keep up!"

When the left's solutions are literally retarded I'll stick with the guys who are just ignoring the problem instead of making more.

Pretty much this. The so called environmental lobby isn't doing shit for the environment. They are just funneling grant money into their greedy-ass pockets and buying white powder with it.

pic related it's of you

I like how the Left equates not subscribing to their globalist enviro-Commie mantra as meaning you don't think Earth's climate is dynamic.

Not believing in global warming is pretty much not believing in science. Nice try tho.

the climate changes all the fucking time. we're not important enough as a species to compete with shit like deep ocean currents and the fucking sun even if we sometimes like to think of ourselves as important.

Shit is literally out of our control.

You know how Co2 works, right?

Man made climate change is real.

However, lefties don't believe in science either, and if we're all dead or slaves thanks to their totalitarian policies, we can't fix that problem anyways.

Welcome to fucking Sup Forums you stupid nigger

Vid related is your future.

Except that most of the 'believers' I know buy a shit load of bottled water, and pollute the shit out of the planet with single use plastic bottles and drive their car even if they are only going two blocks. (but at least it's a small car).

I currently know zero climate change deniers who do the same thing.

I'm sorry you're incapable of seeing the ulterior motives presented by a problem that can supposedly only be solved by government intervention.

And I'm sorry that you're too dense to see the connection between the above and the government paying people to write a bunch of papers suggesting that the only solution is government control.

you understand measured CO2 in the atmosphere follows temperature change? By your reasoning CO2 should cause increased temperature, not lag behind by 80 years.

Except the term global warming was abandoned by scientists years ago lol.

Also, as someone who actually studies actual science (not that nonsense psychology-tier environmental science), the data is simply not satisfactory.
This right here presents a massive problem to the mantra, and also serves to highlight the problem that the dearth of data leads to.

>oy vey, we must stop those smithies before they destroy the Earth

You're pretty funny, bro. Although I'm pretty sure everyone here is just ironically anti-semetic, racist, homophobic assholes who think 9/11 was an inside job.

No. That's not what I'm saying. you clearly didn't read the post. I said Trump doesn't believe in climate change. Why should he be pres. if has such a crazy belief?

climate change is a meme

nice fucking source, moron.

So? What the fuck does drinking bottled water have to do with anything?

Let me tell you a story kiddo.

I'm half-jewish.

I came here and I posted an obnoxious thread with a big-ass Israeli flag on it and told everyone in this board about how the Jews were right and how they were all evil white racist men who were wrong for worshiping Nazis.

You and I are the same person.

Your future is this.

You will stay at Sup Forums

You WILL lurk

You WILL keep coming back

and you WILL become like me.

THAT is your future.

and you will hate every single moment of it and every moment you spend here will be cursed, because you will be forced to swallow redpills over and over again. You will choke on it, and you will look back and realize what a fool you were.

and then, you will ask how we can stop it.

and the answer will be as simple as pic related.

Your redpill looks more like red-scare to me. As you all seem to be afraid of fucking communism

Don't worry, soon we'll have progress and be accepting of transgender people like pic related.

But global warming isn't real, that's why they changed the title of the scheme to climate change. Which is great because we have all these soros backed green energy sources.

climate change isn't even the 10th most dangerous environmental disaster we face

#1 & #2 fuckushima and acid rain

Yeah, man-made climate change is a scam

like trump university?

Bottled water = Plastic

Plastic is the fucking worst for the enviornment.

Global warming is real. Please go read a book. Or just kys.


Look at it faggot.


So you believe that plastic is bad for the environment, but you don't think global warming is real? Good logic. you fucking mongoloid

Cannot wait to cast my ballot for Trump this November.

True, but nobody is being forced into trump university. So bad analogy faggot.

That's right goy, we need to raise taxes to help fight the global warming.

There's no other way goy.

No one ever said that, goy.

I'd rather kill you. I've even been working on grip strength and endurance so I can feel the life leave your body with my own dick Skinners

What do you want people to do?

Well that does it
I am now a #Trumpfag

Don't worry about it too much. It's all under control.

He can't inflict damage to planet in 4 or 8 years. You need like 50 or 100 years of dedicated actions to make some change on the climate. So if the damage is already inflicted by our previous actions - it also doesn't matter

I don't know enough about Trump University to comment

>CO2 and other green house gasses isn't released by humans
>CO2 doesn't trap infrared light(aka heat)
>greenhouse effect is not real
>we aren't already stuck in a positive feedback loop where CO2->heat->ice melts->CO2
>the initial CO2 spike is totally unrelated to humans, but I will not provide an alternative explanation

No, you are, fag.

Climate change isn't real. Neither is the California drought. They're leftist conspiracies.

Good point.

Your strawman doesn't work here.

Climate change is nothing more than a hot-button topic the government likes to roll around in order to convince you to give it more power.

You're trying to draw me into an argument about the merits of science. I'm trying to ask you what is the conclusion of these studies? What are we going to do about it? Because so far all that we are doing is funding more studies to try to convince more people to give the government more power.

You're trying to draw me into a Motte and Bailey type of argument where you can fall back and say "muh science" as many times as possible. You will then attempt to assassinate my character as being anti-science. Every single argument with a climate change believer features this Motte and Bailey followed by character assassination structure.

My question to you is what are we going to do about it? When are we going to stop funding research for more papers if people are so convinced?

>greenhouse effect is not real?
Science disagrees.

When I first came on this board, I used to tell people that they were racist bigots.

I told them that they were unreasonable.

>read in freshman year of Uni that we have a year, two tops, before the feedback loop gets so bad that the world drowns
>graduate this year, no sign of feedback loop, ice shelves actually reforming in some places
couple that with people mistaking the local weather for the global climate and doomsaying based on that and I am totally done hearing about climate change
The 'inconvenient truth' is that nobody can fucking figure it out or we'd have a definitive answer by now.

How does this affect my life?

I share some of your frustrations. And while I agree that government, by it's very nature will always seek more power, we the people, must recognize that climate change is an issue, and switch to clean energy. Because recycling a couple of plastic bottle will do fuck all.

Cloud seeding is a meme.

>Neither is the California drought.

Please enlighten me I haven't heard this before. I thought the Colorado River was screwed? What is actually happening, is it bad agriculture policy?

This is how the science works in simple terms

We release some CO2 and other greenhouse gasses, we release until at a certain point they make a small change in the climate, small enough for some ice to start melting.
CO2 is trapped dissolved in the ice and as soon as ice starts to melt it gets released. This is called positive feedback loop.

Greenhouse gasses have the property that they let white light IN, as in light from the sun, but they absorb infrared light(heat) that the earth would have otherwise radiated back into space. This happens because of the way the molecules vibrate.

Does he realise all that tech was invented my "academia" and is still being tested?
And your government is reforestating. Google it.

All candidates have their blind spots.

What's more important is that the alternative is genuinely evil

Greenhouse effect is real.

I think what you mean is the Runaway Greenhouse effect, which is a theory and also alleged to be underway caused by human activity. Now THAT is something I would say isn't real. I mean if you want to be specific about it.

i was memeing

I don't believe in "climate change" either, I believe that something is happening, and that the Leftists and the government are blowing it 10,000% out of proportion to assign themselves more power over industry.

I would rather NOTHING be done than what the Left wants.

>Thomas Sowell: Global Warming Manufactured by Intellectuals

>Thomas Sowell on Al Gore & global warming

UN predicts: 50 million climate refugees by 2010!

Fuck yes. It's about time someone stood up to the anti-Humanity movement.

Pretty much.

I had a geology professor in college who said climate change definitely wasn't man made and the scientists know this, but they use it as a way to get funding/attention for other issues that no one seems to care about. They have to throw "climate change" in their research notes to get grant money.

Even if it is true, a free market deals with these problems quicker and better. People need to be free to adjust to the changing climate. The climate might change and people might be screwed because they don't have vehicles to even move away from the effected areas because government got rid of those.

If it isn't man made then what's the reason for it?

If it isn't man made does this mean we have to do nothing?

cite your information or GTFO.

here's some facts and stuff

Where EXACTLY does the principle of the greenhouse effect and the science break down?

Good Goyim

Well I know it does exist because where I live is getting steadily warmer, that being said I know what they are doing is absolute bullshit. We don't know to what percentage humans are causing the temperatures to raise, so instead of working on reducing the emissions we should be trying to figure out how to use those emissions for something useful, or how to adapt to a warmer climate.


>posts a youtube video


This, man-made or man-started, the cascade is already underway. Even if we stopped emissions right now, which we won't, the climate will keep getting warmer.

Another alternative is trying to figure out a way to trap CO2 and other greenhouse gasses back, but that tech doesn't exist right now.
Why didn't you respond to this guy also?


climate was always changing on earth

Fuck the climate. Im not having kids and ill be dead long long before anything even remotely noticeable happens

the biggest greenhouse effect gas is the water vapour, the CO2 is just a minimum fraction compared to that and the CO2 actually helps the agriculture and florests cuz it's a food for the plants.

The question is not IF it's man made, we know how those gasses work and we know they reduce the UV protection earth has, BUT we also know that earth has a warming/cooling cycle, when we tarted dumping those gasses on the atmosphere we were already on the warming phase, so all the results we get are very dubious. This is simply a very new field so any actual scientist working with this will tell you that they have no real idea of what's exactly going to happen, they can only point you out on the general direction.
I'm aware of that.

>something that won't be a problem for even my great grandchildren in the future

>wasting my life giving a fuck about climate

It was, over span of millions of years and it always had some cause.

What is the reason for the recent changes?

Water is in equilibrium, until it starts to vaporize and things get even warmer.

A minimum fraction makes a difference.
>we were already on the warming phase

Bro, the slope of the line has increased. That's the point.

hey how is that second ice age they told us about in the 80s and 90s

There are too many fucking variables and scientists don't know what's going to happen, politicians draw a narrative and jam it down people's gullet, more news at 11.

>total untapped oil and gas reserves on federal lands equal an estimated FIFTY TRILLION DOLLARS
>obama regime blew 2.2 billion dollars funding green energy with little to no results

I strongly support finding a new source of energy, but is right. the govt uses global warming as an excuse to bully and make it nigh impossible for american energy companies to compete with the world.

California is going to make not believing in climate change illegal soon.

Greens make sure all the water is flushed through the Sacramento Delta to "save" the critically endangered delta smut, a subspecies of a fish that survives perfectly well elsewhere.

If the CO2 is less than 5% of the greenhouse gases, how is it making the planet warmer? I forgot to mention that the oceans absorb the excess of CO2 with time.
Did I smell a jew planning to prevent USA to use their oil or to prevent developing countries to grow up?

>the one scientific field every nobody is an expert in is also coincidentally the one threatening the most profitable industry in history

>thinks a sourced source isn't a good source
The primary sources are at the bottom of the page, guy