Why do niggers act like this?

why do niggers act like this?


6 million years of oppression.





Toxic culture that makes it a perfect victim race to be exploited endlessly.

Gee I wonder why all the businesses aren't moving into black neighborhoods?

Why do communities only gentrify when whites and asians move in?

It's a fucking mystery

6 million years and still oppressed?

Typical lazy niggers.

They need to be oppressed all the way back to Africa, so they can pull that kind of shit on eachother all day and night, like they obviously want to.

I try to avoid negative racism, but why would anyone come to that kids defense? They should have stood back and let the nice man beat his ass.

Meant to respond to OP and the video


I don't really care for skin differences. Plenty of great and bad people of every race/ethnicity. But every race has niggers. they're the worst

Cus u got no games on Ur fone

Are we looking for a more sophisticated answer than "Because they're niggers"?

Because the violent ones are too stupid to hide their power levels. And user, ain't nothing on Earth dumber than Niggers. Well, White Niggers...

Because they're retarded. They want their afro-centric, witch doctor nigger science taught in college.

IQ 70 and Low Impulse Control.

Because they were bred for stamina and power during the 17-1800s but the ensuing centuries has allowed their baser instincts to go uncheck resulting in overly aggressive tendencies.

Because he's fucking up that restaurant's delivery. The food might be an hour late

Cracker you back in your cave

I've never even been forced to ride a bus, sir.