Ultimate IQ test

Ultimate IQ test.

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I'd choose 20k Rats.

rats and the guy turns out a bullet is pretty fast

I'll take the hunter and the gators.

The only reason I'm taking the hunter is because he'd just shoot me instantly. Plus when he dies I might be able to grab the gun.

Rats and the bulls

Hunter and the gorillas.

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the rats

10 crocs, have one of them swallow me beforehand so I have a hiding spot. Then have the hunter cause gun.

10k rats and 1 hunter

kind of easy

10k rats are a lot and they are super dangerous if ready to go kamikaze.
take one rat, who bothers the opponent non-stop, eats it during sleep etc. once it dies, replace it.

easy win.
given opponent also doesn't have 10k rats

Hunter and gorillas, this isn't even hard.

10k is insane

how is a gorilla going to kill 10,000 rats and 50 falcons? you can't shoot down falcons with a rifle, you would need a shotgun.

hunter/falcons ftw if the hunter had a shotgun as well

Obviously this

Do you think one guy with a gun and 5 gorillas could kill 10,000 angry rats??

easy, falcons and alligators

Gorillas and gators is the best all around pick so long as you can hide from the hunter / take him out as soon as possible. Gators counter bulls and are tough enough and low enough to the ground to use their bodies for the rats. You get a good amount of gorillas for the pick and if they can stick close enough together and work as a team they can fuck up the bears and the lions. The hawks are a threat due to the number and dangers of focusing eyes and face so it would be up to the individual to work on the hawks / hunter.

rats and the birts, since the rats can kill everyone except the birts,

Since the Hunter can shoot you from hundreds of meters away while hiding in the bushes, not choosing him is suicide

Is nobody taking into account that the hunter only has a fucking finite number of bullets? Assuming you cant pick 2 of the same thing 10k rats and x7 bulls....or else I would go with 20k rats

>Is nobody taking into account that the hunter only has a fucking finite number of bullets?


First you have to take into account the battlefield. Are we in the sky? If so all but the eagles will fall to their death. If water then the crocodiles will have aquatic superiority. Is the battle a straight up open area brawl or can stealth hunting tactics be utilized over a varied area over a period of time. Are the rats normal or New York sized rats. That's a big difference. Are the gorillas all alpha male silverbacks? What manner of rifle is the hunter using? What ammo? Does he just have the rifle or does he posses a sidearm.

Rats and hawks or rats and hunter. Depends how aggressive the hawks are. Since theyre the only things that can pick off the rats without getting hurt, youd have to choose them

An Armed Man and 10k Rats

10k rats and 50 eagles for an air force

This is pretty tricky actually. Going by the threat they pose only the hunter is really dangerous to me.
>birb can't into buildings and are easy to defend against
>gators can't into outside of water
>bears are one of the bigger threats but not awfully predatory, just run them over with a truck or something
>bulls, eh? Might be the least of the threats given they act defensively
>Hunter shoots you and you die so that's bad, need a tank to deal with that one safely
>15 wolves are fairly big threat but in the end they're just dogs so run them over with your car or shoveldog them
>The rats are an issue mostly from the disease and food perspective since they'll try to make you starve or get plague, eh, just call pest control
>gorillas are similar to bulls although more dangerous, best to get the hunter to shoot them
>lions are the biggest threat aside from the hunter but they can't open doors or anything.

So aside from taking the hunter which one is most effective against all the other animals?
Probably lions or bears.

I pick the hunter and the bulls.
We eat the bulls together while outside they eat each other, then after a couple of weeks hunter shoots the emaciated survivors and we eat them.

He didn't say angry rats, just rats. Rats don't hunt in packs, you numpty.

Super easy. The hunter and the rats obviously. Animals are fucking stupid and get scared of rats, plus there are fucking 10000 of them, which is overkill. The hunter is basically your only threat (aside from the eagles) since he could easily just snipe you from afar, so that's why you have to pick him, plus he is the only real counter against the eagles.

only right answer is 10k rats
1 hunter

rats would pester the rest so much theyd stop, get shot

falcons would try to eat them
get shot

50 falcons would rape the hunter

Only right answer is 10k rats and 50 falcons for air control

Gorilla has two stompy feet and 2 smashy fists. Each foot can kill 5 rats per stomp. Each fist can kill 3 rats per smash. Assume 2 seconds for each mass kill. It would take 250 seconds to kill 10,000 rats, or about 4 minutes.

Would say hunter and bears.
But 10000 rats? Gotta nerf that shit by a factor of 10, OP

If you don't pick the hunter, you'll just get sniped anyway. You stand a better chance with a gun against 50 falcons than you do against someone with a gun.

How fucking stupid you all are. Rats are completely useless. So is the hunter. Imagine they storm towards you the hunter couldnt reload fast enough and the rats just get trampled. Wtf brainlets? Falcons are dangerous dont underestimate them with their claws. Thats why i pick the falcons and gorillas. The falcons kill the hunter and the gorillas rip the other mammals apart while get airsupport. After a while or so the crocs arrive closer and you just take out one by one. Ez

fucking fucking fucking

0% chance 5 gorillas could fuck up 5 bears. Especially if they're brown bears, they'd be twice the size of the gorilla, and 10 times as strong.

Falcons weigh like 2.5 lbs. You can bat them dead with your bare hand. Their bones are hollow. Are you kidding me?

The word fucking only appears twice in 65 words. Hardly excessive. You're a "fucking" retard.

Gorillas only have to slow down bears. Hunter kills bears. The End.

is that a Nile crocodile? if it is human and crocodile. If not human and gorilla

Depends on the terrain. If we're on an open field I'd be retarded not picking the hunter.

Not even ten falcons would make the hunter cover his face. He wouldnt stand a chance

That's why you have gorillas.

There are 10000 rats, you idiot. Is your retarded brain incapable of comprehending such a number or do you really think you can just stomp 10000 rats? Lol, try "just" stomping 100 and see if you won't be lying on the ground crying like a bitch in agony from all the rats chewing off your skin and muscle tissue.

Do you think i will stand still and watch in awe like you autistic fuckface with glasses? I will easily outrun the rats and crocs. In this time falcons take out 1000 rats every monute. Now stfu n sit down or are you the user who has chosen the rats and the hunter? Hahaha dumb fool completely useless lmao

>gators can't go outside water


>Man with a gun
>15 wolves

>go to some ice cap mountain
>cold climate kills the gators outright
>rats are small and also freeze quickly from the cold climate
>bulls - good luck climbing that fucking mountain
>lions and gorillas may have a chance
>bears and falcons would be my main concern

it takes the rats about 10 seconds to kill your ass boi

gorrila and wolfs

They're out to kill you, I think it's implied to be a pack if they all have the same goal like that.

Good luck getting to "some ice cap mountain".

EZ Fallons and the hunter
Some of the falcons pick you and the hunter up off the ground so he can pick off the more dangerous creatures while also remaining safe.
The rest of the falcons will swap out with ones that are getting tired from lifting or they can swoop down and eat some rats to keep their energy up.

hunter and the rats,
should be no problem unless they where ALL rushing you at once.
alligators not a huge threat, and birbs are more of an annoyance if you got basic eye protection.
get he rats to distract while you pick of the biggest immediate threats.
also worth mentioning that all of these large animals are either unable or poor climbers, so terrain is important.

good look shooting 50 birts before they kill you, the animals have the intent to kill you and are not just flying around.

I'd probably only pick the hunter cause he is the only one I can reason with cause if i pick something like the lion who says he has to defend me and won't end up eating me it's not like it says specifically that they'll defend

let 400 rats cover you and the hunter as meat shields while you pick them off one by one.