What does everyone think of this. I watched it to see how bad it was...

What does everyone think of this. I watched it to see how bad it was. Few good actors in it but damn it was pretty cheesy.

I also love seeing poor people walk around the street with merch

the songs every 5 minutes was too much for me. also making Tig a faggot was also too much. this show is over rated i cant beleive charlie hunan lasted this long

Yea Tig messing with the tranny was definitely too much.

i liked it. had to skip a few episodes though

>Set up deal with brown
>Know this will have considerable blowback with yellow

Don't forget that green won't appreciate you selling to black. Purple's in conflict with red, and they're just pissing all over everything.

>Jaxposting is dead
Time to meet Mr. Mayhem...

It was good up until Jax started running the club and acting like a fucking idiot.

It always baffled me that some other MC didn't just come in and stomp his shit in, whatever bullshit they came up with as leverage for the club to stay in power was just fucking stupid.

Like you said. I thought it was cheesy.

It felt like white biker gang propaganda. Not literally (obviously it wasn't actively trying to promote joining a biker gang,) but SAMCRO just felt way to OP. They always win their fist fights, no matter what. Unless they get into a fight with each other, in which case Jax wins. They get into constant gunfights and almost never lose anybody. Everyone is portrayed as such a badass all the time.

Like, I wasn't expecting The Wire but I felt they maybe could've toned it down a bit. Like, make it semi-realistic (depressing in parts, like one gunfight a season, occasionally show one of the bikers getting his ass handed to him, etc.)

i thought this show was going to be bad

by the end of the series i was like
>damn, these guys are my niggas

I remember season (I think 1? Maybe 2?) where they get into conflict with the Chinese gang, and are actually backed into a corner and forced to surrender after their usual "curb stomp the competition" attitude fails.

I remember liking the show a lot more in that moment because for once it didn't portray them as unstoppable uber-criminal badasses.

Those moments were too few and far between.

I can't be the only one that thought Sam Crow was the unseen leader of the gang for most of the first season before realizing it was an acronym

don't forget to reach out to the irish

Exactly. One moment that I can recall specifically was some deal they made with the biker club in the city, the Lobos, I think?

Head of the club always worked with Jax and never fucked anything up and the one time dude asks Jax to spare someone he knew involved with his shit, Jax basically lies to his face and kills the dude.

Like in reality that club would've been wiped from the face of the earth a long time ago.

S1-2 were decent. Everything after that was trash, especially Ireland

It was a standard soap opera in outlaw biker drag.

Jax walked like a nigger during the entire show.

I hated it

This. Fat trailer trash love this show

SoA was like revenge porn for me. There were so many detestable and utterly obnoxious characters that it was worth it for me to watch them all get killed off one by one.

I may have jizzed when Gemma finally got shot in the back.

That was a bro walk, black people don't walk like that.


Son of

How does sons of anarchy compare to other mob shows/movies?

I loved sopranos and godfather, but I never watched this show.

It was pretty good, then it was okay, then it was liquid shit.


This. I remember feeling really bad for Gemma for getting raped by Henry Rollins in the early seasons and when he met mr mayhem it just felt too good.

Then it just turned to shit.
>fix one problem
>another problem pops up
Fucking hated that, stopped watching for a while because of that then picked it up later.

Its shit compared to those.... Unless you live in a trailer park

The first few seasons are a watchable white trash Hamlet, but after that it's just garbage.

It's got nothing on Sopranos, and I'm not even that big of a Sopranos fan.


I could never get into it.

Had it the balls to make an actually honest crime show about biker gangs it could have been really intense stuff. But instead it was just a fairly poor post-sopranos knock off with more leather in the scenery.

And the whole "we don't sell drugs to the community" coming from a biker gang was fucking hilarious to me. Biker gangs are not unsung heroes or cowboys.
They're violent, drug peddling scumfucks and if the show had reflected that instead of soap opera tier family drama mixed with brooding "honorable" bad boys it would have been much more exciting.

the cgi truck in that scene and just the editing in general during the sequence is fantastically terrible. it never ceases to amaze me how these shows like TWD and SoA manage to look so mind numbingly awful with all of the funding they're given.

just shoot on a fucking telephoto lens for fucks sakes. you don't need to greenscreen everything