Would you marry a black girl?

Would you marry a black girl?

Her? Yes.

No but I’d love to own one

Not her real hair.

Her? Also yes.

fuck yeah only stupid fucking hillbilly rednecks wouldnt

Maybe....but she'd have to be on the lighter side of skin tone. No burnt ass bitches!

Would you say that to her face?

Sjw faggot spotted. Kys bitch boy

I would because I’m proud to be white, and she is probably dumb enough to take it like a joke

Racism is gay.

Im pretty racist..but I hear if you arnt a loser nigger like most are in the hood they will treat you like a king and fuck you good.

Sucking nigger dick is gay but im sure you would know all about that

Marry? No fuck? Yes

aww a sensitive one

You're autistic.

Maybe? In general, no, but I do have one black girl I know off the interwebs I'd totally marry if I lived near her. Random black girl off the street? Probably not.

Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with "nigger dick". I'm a half black guy. White dad and black mom. And I probably think about nigger dick less than you.

Would I? I already have my bruda

Is that?

your whole life is a joke. and the joke will only get sadder the older you get. i both laugh at feel sad for you right now.

My wife might object.

she'd probably like it. black women are submissive in the presence of white men


I wouldn't marry anyone.

that would depend on whether she is Mariah Carey or not.

And if it is, mariah?

Porn actors names pls, im asking for a friend


it is now 2018 and she's back

Haha no way

are you hated by both blacks and whites?

I wouldn't marry anyone.

As long as she's cute, and got a nice ass.

Only if she'll sit on my face and do femdom.

A thousand times this...


this one: is andre 3000

thanks mate

Oh fuck yeah! I'd gladly eat this pussy. I'd have her ride my dick until I cum blood.

is she for sale?

Blatant lie is blatant

I wouldn't even date one anymore.
The only black girl I ever dated gave me herpes.


Marry one yeah... Breed one, no thanks, we enough latifah and jamals, plus I found black children gross

Luv theyz womenz doh

Give it back, sharing is caring.

i probably would've said no before today. i met Rachel from the bachelor in a legal meeting today. if they looked like her i definitely would marry.