How can we get Muslims to vote for Trump?

How can we get Muslims to vote for Trump?

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make a nasheed supporting trump

Why risk talking to them? I don't want to get blown up or shot at.

Deport them.



they are not a significant portion of the population. america is mostly just christians and atheist

you may as well be asking how you can get trans eskimo pansexuals to vote for trump

we don't need to "make" them. my brother vu there's for the campaign at Trump tower and he told me a shitton of people waiting in line were black, Hispanic, muslim, and women. don't believe the bullshit media polls they constantly shill. Trump really is a uniter.

>wears veil to be humble and modest
>but puts on shit ton of make up and false eyelashes

ok mudslime whatever you say

>Sup Forums literally wants to side with Muslims in their unconditional support of Trump.
What the fuck is the matter with you!?!?!

volunteered* wtf autocorrect

how about exterminating them instead?

Why? They aren't even 1% of the population. Its meaningless. Other than that, get Ben Garrison to be Trump's Propaganda Minister.

You literally cant. His policies are to ban/deport them. It's a simple conflict of interest situation.

I'm sure there is the occasional useful idiot you could sway but a mass campaign targeted at muslims would be a waste of funds and time. Might as well release an appeal song called "Muslims, why are you cunts?"....

Shia muslim here

There is growing support for Trump amoung the shia population of muslims because pretty much all of Trump policies agree with ours including blocking of sunni wahabis coming in from syria (aka ISIS). He also wants to stop the largest producer of terrorism (saudi).

Remember it isnt a muslim problem. It is always a sunni a problem. From Islam's i ception to now. Who took over Europe, sunnis, who created ISIS, Boko Haram, al qeada, etc etc all sunnis.

Islamically you have a duty to protect yourp people, so why are these cowardly young men fleeing syria?? And worse they are sunnis which is why they rape your women and believe intregration is Haram.

Surat Fāţir (Originator) - سورة فاطر (Sura 35, Aya 8)
أَفَمَنْ زُيِّنَ لَهُ سُوءُ عَمَلِهِ فَرَآهُ حَسَنًا ۖ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ يُضِلُّ مَنْ يَشَاءُ وَيَهْدِي مَنْ يَشَاءُ ۖ فَلَا تَذْهَبْ نَفْسُكَ عَلَيْهِمْ حَسَرَاتٍ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ بِمَا يَصْنَعُونَ
What! is he whose evil deed is made fairseeming to him so much so that he considers it good? Now surely Allah makes err whom He pleases and guides aright whom He pleases, so let not your soul waste away in grief for them; surely Allah is Cognizant of what they do

Trump 2016, MAGA. Remember the only real people fighting ISIS are Shia, Kurds, and Russia

Muslim from WA here, kinda sad I'm missing the shit show while studying here. I'll legit vote for Trump if it ends up between him and Hillary. At least his memes have brought me enjoyment. I wonder if his followers will turn on him half way through his presidency when they demand my head and realize he's not the American Hitler and actually a pretty decent man.

Really wish my fellow Sunnis understood this and stopped sucking Wahhabi cock. Every mosque we build, they come in like cockroaches.

As a fellow Shia and spiritual supporter of Trump, I approve of your statement. Only a cuck runs.

He wants to stop immigration temporarily until he determines the problem. This is where we shia get excitied because honestly it should be abundantly obvious the problem is sunnis/wahahbis, which you fucks gave power to in the early 1900s

>His policies are to ban/deport them

Tell them that their middle eastern counter parts are bat shit crazy

Its really a shame, every single time they come in and invade and are all sponsored by saudi and our stupid goverment keeps allowing them to come

Fuck off, sand nigger.

Your kind are no better than the sand niggers in Saudi Arabia - you both do the same shit, you just do it for an ever-so-slightly different cause.

Have them drink bleach, like a whole gallon of it

Buy my game goy, it will be good he said

if he turns out to be a decent man then it's pretty much guaranteed he 's going to genocide muslims

It's amazing how I've never heard a Sunni speak ill of Shia in the company of others, yet some of you relish at the opportunity. I'm sure Sup Forums is adding to paranoia but this is legitimately scaring me.

eh the troublemaker are from wahabism, foreign(saudi) trained imams und homegrown idiots going straight salafist. Most people i think understand that. Problem are really just the political islamists and violent islamist no need to shit on everyone.

Most islamic terror that that rustles your jimmies is indeed perpetrated by Sunnis. Not that I can say whether or not Shia's aren't shitty, Sunni's definitely seem to be the ones murdering more people.

"You do the same shit"
And what exactly is that cleetus?

so it's like differenting between liquid and solid shit?

She is beautiful

Because the sunnis consider us as kufar so when they speak about muslims they dont even consider us in the picture.

That said we believe sunnis are our brothers , however the wahabism cancer spreading amongst them has forced us to differentiate ourselves

Correct and here in america the goverment allows the saudi puppet masters to infiltrate the sunnis mosques making all of them potential ISIS hotspots. Ive been to 7 sunnis mosques in my life and only one imam was really strog about pushing wahabists out


Can confirm. My dad is a Muslim illegal Mexican immigrant and he is voting for Trump. #NotAllTrumpSupporters #MuslimsForTrump #IllegalsForTrump

You're like 10% of the muslim population, which means you are 0.1% or below of the US population. Sorry pal but that's irrelevant in terms of voting power, and vote chasing respectively.

I'd say it's closer to catshit vs saint Bernard shit.

Sure, you don't want to step in either, but one is far less messy if you do step in it.

requesting the graph that shows sunni muslims doing 90% of the terrorist attacks.

i think trump would improve his perception with muslims if he would just call it "sunni islamic terrorism."

>Wanting to side with people who want to make america great again is wrong now
So what do we do then smart guy. Only Feminists and Nigger kick out people that want to help because of the color of their skin.

I understand it isnt worth focusing on us, but on the same token our enemies are the same and that is wahabisim. Unfortunately our goverments are helping the wahabis and allowing them to infect mosques with their poisonous ideology

Support withdrawal of troops from Muslim countries.

If muslims vote for you, you are the wrong candidate to rule the west.

We should turn all muslim votes into negative votes after they have been cast. All candidates get the muslim votes substracted from their tally.