Whats the best thing about being white?

Whats the best thing about being white?

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You ain't black.

White I don't know, but as a European it's cool having a history of conquering the world.

I know Denmark wasn't the biggest player, but we still have some neat stories behind us.

Having an IQ higher than eighty and a father.
Having to watch as third world hordes destroy our nations. Being brainwashed with cultural marxist equality myths to believe niggers are equal to us. Hiel Trump!

Knowing someone somewhere is triggered by my existence.

Free drinks at the monthly white meetings

Thanks to the diseases you dirty fucks carry

There's nothing good about being white in a brown third world shithole, if anything it's like a giant target mark.

Not being a nigger.

Laughing at aids skrillex and carl

Being superior.

tricking blacks into thinking you're a leader of their movement.

High likelihood of getting married to a white qt

>being a white male

I dont know . Personally, I'm just happy withbmy life, goals and aheivments. But any race can be happy with themselves if they see optimism over pessimism.

But I suppose these are the good things about being a white male too..
>Most other people in my country are white (inb4 Anjem Choudary/Tower Hamlets meme)

>Most of parliament/top tier jobs are run by white males

>white males are the best at sports in general

>whites are part of the Caucasian race, which is the most advanced race family of civilisation systems, culture and inventions

>95%+ of those civilisations, cultures and inventions were made by those Caucasian men

I'm no white supremacist, but I can easily spot these things on why being a Caucasian male, especially a white Caucasian male is pretty sweet. But most of the time I do t give a shit about being a white male.

I also do t think I should check my privilege as we're all given the same opportunity to resources if we're in thebsame society.

Also, white males can be oppressed

There's a homeless war veteran over there, and over here we have Barack Obama.


laughing at weeaboo anime faggots while having complete insight into why they are the way they are and secret jealousy of them for being so devil may care about what women think of them.

triggering sjws with my existence

Other people "know what you're talking about" when it comes to race relations.

Not being a smelly negro and having a penis that looks like a log of feces.

It's nice to know when shit actually ever goes wrong everyone will look to you to figure out how to fix it.


I live around nigs. They are all bigger, faster than me but, as soon as something goes wrong all i do is start talking and i have an army. Its not judt being white tho, you also cant be a stupid white who follows mainstream shit and doesnt think for themselves cuz then ur just as dumb as everyone else.

Being White.

Just to name a few of the things I enjoy the most:
>Not having a naturally offensive body odor
>Knowing and regularly meeting up with my dad
>Being raised with a strong work ethic
>Not being borderline retarded
>Having a vocabulary of more than 1000 words
>Being useful to society

Now, being white DOES have some downsides, some of which are:
>Being blamed for anything and everything, especially when male
>Being the primary target for jewish trickery
>Getting taxed out of the arse to pay for lesser races
>Being forced by the jews to cohabite with lesser races
>Having previous and current success attributed to lesser races

Again, these lists are not complete in any kind of way, so feel free to add your own.

Damn it, all the good responses are taken

Hhahhaaha or maybe you caused that problem

Being able to jump sides from left to right like a jew.