Illegals to be voting in droves - trump needs to attack!

Why hasnt this subject been brought to a national scale. We need the emporer to call this shit out, as liberal cucks are doing anything they can to anally penetrate our country. Let's bind together and blast this topic! These border hoppers and low IQ scum need to fuck off. I'm sick and tired of this bull shit , especially after going to San Diego trump rally.

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California and Idaho both have allowed it for years. It's ridiculous yet our politicians aren't doing anything about it. Remember to call and voice your displeasure about the lack of accountability toward illegal voting. These people are not citizens of the US and do not deserve a voice in our politics.


A place where rule of law means nothing.

don't need to present a form of ID when voting, you can claim to be whoever you want.

Damn that semen demon is gorgeous. But those tattoos are singlaing a slut or even a mud shark. Such a shame.

The red border states all have voter ID laws. It's nothing to worry about.

have any of you ever even voted?

do you understand how the process works?

sure, until someone with the same name and id shows up later. there is a good reason voter fraud at the voting level is nearly non existent.

how the fuck is that possible?


>how the fuck is that possible?

it's not. they're making shit up. you have to be registered to vote, and if you're illegal and want to vote in place of someone who is registered, you have to know the name of the person who you're supposedly stealing that vote from.

then that person shows up to vote, is told they've already voted, and voter fraud is reported--only this last part never happens.

They don't actually vote. Conservatives have been grasping at straws to find a way to make it harder for impoverished people to vote so they try and pass voter ID laws to keep them from doing so. This time they are claiming that illegals vote in such large numbers that it is absolutely necessary to have voter ID laws. It's just not the case though.


>$10 is too much for a poor person to afford!


there is no reason not to have voter registration cards being mandatory. its not like you have to pay a lot of money just to get a card. how is it going to make it harder for poor people to vote?

poll taxes are unconstitutional

Voter ID is completely free.

We don't want to end up like California where every illegal immigrant can vote.

Government issue identification is necessary for damn near everything. Requiring ID for voting can hardly be considered a barrier.

Doesn't seem like you're telling the full story mang. At least put your concern in the proper context by providing a source for your claim. unless you have a source, all i can find relates to california, POTENTIALLY allowing illeagals to vote in the specific case of oversight. That is illeagals can vote "if the Secretary of State’s office fails to verify their eligibility [to vote]] properly." after recieving drivers license.

now im not saying absolutely no illegals vote, but come on at least make it clear that it is not state sanctioned and address the source of the issue.

>Illegals to be voting in droves

how? Explain this to me burgers im a dumb snownigger cunt.

How can they vote? If they are not registered?

> to find a way to make it harder for impoverished people to vote

Everyone in India presents IDs to vote. Same with South Africa.

that should be after issueing licences not after recieving

Illegals can't vote, only in California

>voter fraud at the voting level
can you explain how there is voting fraud at some other level?

Explain to me how an illegal registers to vote, shows up sometimes needing a valid picture ID, and casts their ballot.

It's also a crime they can be convicted for if caught.

>>can you explain how there is voting fraud at some other level?

i can only theorize, but the software in voting machines would likely have to be tampered with somehow.

Absentee ballots, the bulk of provable voter fraud.


>Jerry Brown Signs Bill That Could...

>Jerry Brown Signs Bill Allowing...

jesus christ you guys are just as bad as tumblr liberals

Fucking this. Its annoying, ive voted in 4 presidential elections and i needes my id 4 fucking times.

Although we do give illegals ids here, which a fee other states do as well

>Ids are free for illegals in California
Try again retard

Some states only require something like a utility bill copy to prove you're a resident or in California's case they give drivers licenses to illegals.

Obama gave out millions of social security numbers to illegals

You register to vote while you get your drivers license in blue states, then you vote like anyone else

>It's also a crime they can be convicted for if caught.
So is being an illegal
Do you think illegals don't have residences? Don't have picture ID?

Which is a major democrat state voter wise... How many of these votes are from illegals?

Hell, we let a Fuckin Canadian run for President, and a Nog without a citizen Father. That's illegal too.

Part of Obama’s illegal DACA and delayed deportation schemes is to allow illegals to obtain valid state driver’s licenses. In many states a person can register to vote when they get their driver’s license simply by lying about their US citizenship.

All illegal aliens have to do is apply for a valid Oregon driver’s license, pass the test, lie about their citizenship and they will be automatically registered to vote. Somehow, Democrats expect illegals to be honest about their citizenship, but if they were honest people to begin with then they wouldn’t be here in the US illegally in the first place. Once they chose to break federal immigration laws, lying about their citizenship on their driver’s license is nothing.

So does that mean requiring ID to buy a gun is racist?

>Paying for a lifelong pass to ride free rides at your local amusement park is illegal.

Stupid nigger, it's not like you're paying $10 for each time you vote (which is what a poll tax is). Besides I don't even recall paying money for my voter ID, so finances aren't an issue. Also even if there were a marginal fee for the lifetime paper and you couldn't afford it, that shows you aren't a competent enough person to manage your finances. And by extension an unfit person to cast your vote. Everyone on government assistance shouldn't be allowed to vote since any politician can sway your vote by enticing more assistance. You are not actively invested in the well being of the nation and your fellow man. You're only concerned for yourself.

the right to bear arms isn't a constitutional right it's open to interpretation :^) :^) :^)

>Somehow, Democrats expect illegals to be honest about their citizenship, but if they were honest people to begin with then they wouldn’t be here in the US

they positively expect the opposite, which is why they permit it, because the mexicans vote 99% for democrats

>bill signed in October 2015
>report done on it immediately after, pointing out its implications for an election which has not yet happened
Go be stupid somewhere else

so long as rich people exist and are in our country they should forfeit all their money to the poor because that's what the American dream is :^) btw this is a totally sustainable plan and not full of any holes at all





How can you claim to live in a democracy when shit like this is possible?

Not possible, leftists have told us that no illegals vote in elections so it does not matter or something.

First presidential election my state will have voter ID laws in place, feels good.

you do need an ID to vote but the problem is mexicans make fake IDs and fake soicals obamas even assisted in this. in some states illegals can register to vote

Imagine getting a hand job from that bitch! Hot Damn!

>ID required to post on FB
>ID not required to vote

liberal logic

>Voter ID laws adversly affect the poor and minorities

In NC we have free ID days prior to the elections so the poor can get their Photo ID before voting. Also how anyone can get by in the world without ID is beyond me.

The stats say supposedly 25% of black people don't have IDs. How the fuck do they go buy booze and cigarettes without one? It's federal law to have an ID for these things. I rather doubt that it's truly as high as 25%.

California wasn't going to flip anyway
Texas,Arizona,Utah,Nevada are all run by Republicans and have strict voter ID laws. Two states to be concerned about voter fraud are Colorado and Virginia.

Are you richer than anyone else? You should lead by example and give most of your money to the hobos that live downtown. If it's such a great plan than you wouldn't mind participating in it yourself. There is always someone else with a more worse situation than yours.

I'll take any attempts to refute or not do this as uncertainty in your beliefs.

The impoverished are not people.

If you think that illegal immigrants are voting at all, let alone in droves, you are a fucking retard.

>They don't actually vote. Conservatives have been grasping at straws

So observing reality is "grasping at straws" now?

With all this talk about Trump winning, Dem governors might try to prevent Trump for winning there states.
are all going to have massive voter fraud. Dems can't win without it. Better to be worried about the voter fraud caused by Democrat governor than the fraud caused by illegal voters.

>guaranteed replies

Watch the Youtube video here Now imagine these kind of fuck ups on a national scale

Idk about Commiefornia, but before you had to show picture ID here, you still had to present your voter registration card.

>until someone with the same name and id shows up later
unless that person is dead, not going to/ is unable to vote, or does not exist

>It's not true because I said its not true.


I thought Idaho was conservative, why would they do that?

>hand job

what are you fucking 12?

Does Florida even have a large illegal population? Cubans are considered legal but I hardly ever see mexicans.

here there is a voter address book. you can literally point to a name and say its you. then sign (which the name also had the signature next to it so you can copy it easy). thats it. hell my brother, who was registered to vote since high school, mysteriously disappeared of the registry last election. no explanation

IF getting an ID is too much to ask from a citizen then they shouldn't vote because they obviously don't want to participate in our country.

>Does florida even have a large illegal population?

Seriously? Illegals from the Caribbean go straight to Florida. An estimated 900k illegals live there.

Let's hope so, useless scum parasites should not be allowed to vote.

This election is our finger in the wind.

>can't possibly know how much voter fraud exists because we literally do not check IDs

Your day is coming.



when did we go wrong

They give out free IDs for voting purposes you massive faggot. Somehow that's not good enough for Democrats.

Because spics don't live there anyways and if they do they're almost always legal citizens. I'd wager that less than 1% of their total vote is made by illegals. It's a nonissue at this point that would take more effort than necessary to correct. California on the other hand is a fucking nightmare zone.

Globalism is sold to idiots as "unlimited access" because the leftist/mental child sees the world through the scrim of 'gibsmedat' or "I'm entitled to that."

The rational person, usually a conservative or a parent, knows that nice things come from hard work and property rights, and that these things are protected by borders and culture.

Access ≠ Freedom or Entitlement.

In Washington you register to vote when you get your DL. No ID is required to get a DL. Once you're registered you can vote.


I still don't understand how the fuck non-members of your country can vote. Most of them don't even speak American.

You are one of those people that think every hispanic in florida is cuban aren't you.

Welcome to our little slice of hell

See mexinigs steal peoples identity from other states and/or steal dead peoples identity then do all kinds of shit like vote.


Can't Canada do something about this? Come in, register, vote? Since you don't need to be a citizen of the US to vote in the US.

I'd fly over myself if it didn't take 20 hours and cost 3k

$23 is as free as it gets

Why we talking about this? Most of the illegal doesn't know they can vote in CA. You guys are giving them ideas now.

liberals declared it racist i remember a big shitstorm over it about 2 or 3 years ago when people were talking voter ID laws in southern states

Canadians would largely vote Democrat too.

>Most of the illegal doesn't know they can vote in CA
They most certainly do, my friend.

I kinda meant the kind of Sup Forums canadians but now I see your point even more

>Illegals to be voting in droves

how can illegals vote, dumbass?