Holy Aryan Species Thread

Our original homeland is Hyperborea, Thule, Daaria, Arctogaia. It's close to the North Pole where the natsocs did their research and built their bases not by coincidence. During the pole shift it sank and temperature made it unlivable forcing Whites to either perish or flee to Eurasia, as with the Atlantis, this became the foundation to the myths of the great flood. Whites recovered and migrated now known as Proto-indo-europeans. The PIE languages, including all germanic, all latin, all slavic, sanskrit and others are proven to all be similar and to systematically derive from the single one root language. At some point due to the prolonged drought certain white tribes moved to the South. Every land that has a "-stan"(old aryan "camp") in it's name was visited by Aryans. Pale-stan, Indo-stan, Afghani-stan, Uzbeki-stan, Turkmeni-stan, Kazakh-stan, Paki-stan, etc. Their stay was short and they dissolved quickly in the already amalgamized negroasiatic locals, yet helped founding Persia and it's avestic culture, founded Egyptian culture and sciences forming it's entire aristocratic caste and had a colossal influence on the then savage India giving it the Vedas and sanskrit.

White species have direct ancestry in the alliance of 4 alien races, very similar in the looks, that is now considered a nordid, celestial lively light skin, moderately narrow face and long skull, defined facial features and similar body frame, while the height varies (165-260cm) - They are green eyed, grey eyed, blue eyed and brown eyed. Two of them are considered Aryan, two are considered Slavic. Aryans are superior to the Slavs due to the experience they have confronting the dark forces in the space and their home planets, unlike Slavs they are tested and as a result have the prestige to be called Noble (Aryan). That's where these original terms came from, which both long predate western civilization and hellenic or latin languages.

Other urls found in this thread:


The space is completely packed, fully saturated with inhabited planets, humanoids and other types. It's very alive. Various types of aliens lived on Earth and truly countless types visited and continue to visit us, mostly in few numbers and for the sake of scouting and experimenting. Usually the spacecrafts have cloaking, there may be thousands of flying objects above us and we won't see, unless for some reason they uncloak, which makes for a good footage. Thousands of pilots, naval crews, military men reported their experiences and countless regular people, large groups of people and the entire towns did so. Countless politicians and scientists hinted to have knowledge on the subject and some openly disclosed it. Despite that it remains a highly covered up subject, nasa as a typical agency of judeo-masonic government deliberately edits and censors tons of their material for this sake alone.

Right now H'Aryan type is basically vanquished from this Earth partly due to mixing, most people with "green" eye color have infact mixed heritage with brown eyes mixed with the light ones, creating a dull dirty color resembling green. D'Aryan and Swatoruss are fairly numerous, the prestige and privilege of light eyed, fair haired ideal of beauty helped to somewhat preserve these types within naturally racist european societies, often in a mix one with other. Brown eyed type is mostly dissolved in non-white species and other white races.

I must point out, that Rassen are unfortunate to be lumped with mixed species for both having a brown eye color. At this point mixed types are so widespead worldwide, that brown eye color is a near guarantee that a person is mixed. The proper Rassen looks as northwestern germanic or classic slavic, not caucasian, lapp, turkic, arabic, mediterranian or hispanic, these are mixes and their blood is one foot in the monkey kingdom, not without their fineblooded exceptions. They may not have a drop of Rassen blood and have brown eyes due to mixed coloration and darkbrown, nearly black eye color of almost all non-white species.

The races can't mingle and create the new types. The designs are set in stone and their violation results in degeneration, mixed types will inevitably start developing body hair and become monkeys.

I can't say why exactly is it possible to crossbreed this way if it leads to this consequence in humans, but the traps are always set, the doors are always opened and opportunity is always present to commit the betrayal, wrongdoing, to the lust, malice, to the mistake and humiliation for it, to the dark side, degeneracy, demons and hellish worlds.

Every breed of monkeys on this Earth came from the mingled types of humans. The existent evolutionary theories are completely backwards.
Best present examples are dinaric types of southern "slavs", caucasians, turks, armenians, mediterranians and semites who often have aerodynamic, simian neanderthal type of skull, gray or brown skin color, unibrow, baldness and a full set of thick lengthy body hair, even on the backs and fingers. Southern American types will be quick to catch up due to terrible mixing from all over the world.

Hair first develops on the legs, forearms and chest. Then it moves upwards from the elbows, goes to shoulders, grows on the back, wrists, feet and fingers, at this point the women also start to develop bizarre amounts of body hair and moustaches, unibrow develops in both genders and hairline descends lower and becomes arched, mild hair starts to develop on the upper forehead. Premature balding, lazyness and obesity correlate with the development of body hair and turning into an ape, but balding and the other effects can also result from degenerative behavior and related low self-esteem, low physical activity, smoking, overwork and stress.

>Racism is natural and necessary to our survival. Hovewer, from what i know our ancestors considered themselves a big brother to the lesser races responsible for their education and well-being to a degree. If you have to hate racially, consider directing it on the jews, racemixers, eroders of communal racial purity and integrity, defenders of racial defilement.

It's in our ancient culture and blood to disapprove hate. Racial mongrels develop hate a lot easier due to commandsments of spoiled blood, own degenerate looks, lack of parental love. A parent will never really love a child that does not look right and does look a part of his kind, it's natural for a parent to be obsessed and crazy in love with a child that looks exactly himself or his own breed. I see it most evidently in dogs, even though they don't have a clear understanding of breed, it's a pure commandsment of blood.


The only way for the blood to survive is strict racial hygiene, and for the mixes the only chance to restore their heritage is strict back-breeding and scientific eugenics. It can be restored if it's not corrupted too badly. If one already has a faithful, loyal white family with kids, with unmatched eye colors, it's unwise to break up this treasure, it's the children who should be guided to make a proper choice or as much as having a partner arranged with a sexless test period.

At this point almost all of us obviously carry certain degenerative traits and/or body hair due to imperfect racial eugenics. Most of us come from an ancestry of degenerates and traitors to a certain degree, who forgot the ancestral law, it's foolish to expect perfection. It's foolish to think that something as sublime, beautiful, pure and desired as White species can survive in the degeneracy and vanity.

Right now, since the pure nordid looking types are vastly outnumbered by unclean types in the white species even among the native europeans, and since we have not just 1, but 4 races to preserve and attempt to restore to purity, the White man best learn to recognize the african, turkic and asiatic influences competently as well as his own belonging to a specific breed for the well-being of his future blood. Due to the laws of reincarnation and karma (reap what sow) it's all in his/her very own interest. The important note is that we do degenerate when we with mix our White breeds (h'aryan, d'aryan, etc) as well, just a lot slower.

Mainland Europe has strong negrid and orientalid-semitic influences from southern "slavs", mediterranians, greeks, arabs, jews, turks, moors. The state of race in Europe is dire due to prestige of negrid greco-roman civilization, certain biblical prestige of the jews, turk and arab invasions. Whites never ran ethnic cleansings, they historically intermarried and now exist in the degenerative types in the state of dissolution as a "social construct" which people naturally question.

Eastern Europe has strong turkic, siberian, caucasian, jewish and asiatic influences and produces a lot of the degenerative types which are infamous to be depicted as untermensch by the natsoc Germany.

Northeastern Europe (n.scadinavia, finns, baltids, northern russians) has strong influence from the mixed asiatic tribes, resulting in poor, goofy muscular and skeletal systems and stupid facial types seen to the naked eye even in the men with the light hair. This particular contamination produces stupid and ugly looks first and body hair second.

>Defining White races as Nordic has it's downside - all of the scandinavian nations have strong genetic influence from Finno-ugrics/Sami/Lapps, who share shamanic practices with the rest of siberian people, such as Nenets, who are all hybridized R-Y-W species, genetically and culturally close to the redskinned race with poor beards, genetic diseases and degenerative aesthetic traits, they stand one foot in the monkey kingdom.

Time is a great factor, since a hybrid child from 2 different purebred species will have a hairless body as well, it will take generations for this hybrid blood to show signs of degeneration and it depends on which types it will involve with. It takes a long time for Dark and asiatic looking hybrids to start developing the body hair unlike the light skinned mixes, since these Black and Yellow or Red ancestors involved in the miscegenation tend to be exceptionally purebred and Whites come as anciently mixed amalgams already. If the blood is racially impure it can't avoid the process.

>The more racial types are involved, the faster the development of body hair and degeneration is.
>The most toxic types are semitic since they have non-human dna in addition to heavily mixed human ancestry. (read "Enemies") (simius = ape in latin, it's fitting)

Other racial notes:
>It's unwise to judge a race by body hair, it's best to judge it by skin color, hair&eye color and facial features, since a slightly mixed type with long running impurity such as Mel Gibson with good nordic looks and mild degenerative signs is whole lot better as a marriage option to have white offsprings with, than a fairly freshly made 1/8 injun, 7/8 white with a completely smooth body, or any smooth bodied man with visible non-nordic traits. Strong racial values and the unstained honor matter greatly. Don't forget that all women shave themselves and many men too (almost all sportsmen and actors), you won't see a unibrow and hairy legs on your woman, even if they are there.

It is in our ancestral law not to leave a single decent and appropriate woman unattended. Without motherly role and a dominion from a man a woman breaks down, loses her mind and existential reasons and becomes a passive psychopath or a slut, often turning to racially inappropriate men (point of no recovery). Even polygamy is advised as for this selfless act of resque and providing fullfillment as long as it's due to unanimous agreement and acceptance.

Purebred whites have celestial aspect to every little detail and proportion of their body, buttocks, faces, ankles, skin tone, everything. Trained eye easily distincts this from the common degenerate.

Other than White skinned races, there are 1 Yellow and 1 Red skinned races as well as at least two different Black skinned ones.

Yellow, Red skinned races have completely straight hair, purer looking Whites tend to have straighter hair as well (i don't know whether some of the 4 archetypes had wavy hair naturally), if one has overly strong waves in the hair it's the negrid or aboriginal inluence, dark curls guarantee that. The "Celtic" ginger hair most often comes from negrid-mediterranian-moor influence as it often curls as well.

There are no equal species and races, but each race, while it's pure and kept to it's own has it's unique qualities, strengths and outlook on existence, they don't degenerate and all of them are valuable. None of the races are native to Earth.

Purebred Red skinned race cannot have any facial hair, Yellow skinned race do have poor moustaches and beards, White races have rich, full moustaches and beards, It varies in the Black skinned races. Both beard and the hair on the head have deep spiritual and practical meaning. Beard is a battery of chi energy. Hair on the head helps to connect with the cosmos, with one's gods and ancestors, basically antennaes. Ideally they are never to be cut; trimmed and braided at worst, there is a reason every warrior, mage, scientist, philosopher or saint of worth feels like letting it all out and it's not fashionable.

Yellow and Red are friendly species, they arrived here as good friends, Black races were in the sector of our enemies, they were brought here for the sake of preservation after losing the ancestral planet.

Neanderthals, Erectus, Peking Man, etc are ancient mongrels, absolute degenerates and racial atrocity, some of this blood made it's way to the modern genepools, most notably on the territory of France and mediterranian Europe, Liebenfels warned of that.

Nature often shuts hybrids down with phimosis, nature is reasonable, so if you have one you should consider not breeding, but following ascetic, soul-strenghtening, self-bettering, truth-promoting lifestyle focusing on salvation of the souls of your close ones to reap the noblest experience and the results out of this life. The most degenerated - Jews and Muslims found a way around it with infant circumcision, trying to cheat and defile the natural order.

We are not supposed to be a walkover, primitive races, but Kali Yuga did it's job. We had our days and there are countless ancient aryan artefacts, sunken cities, tunnels, mummies, skulls and bones that were dicovered, but this is a taboo and a covered up subject. We should think we are primitive and came from mingled types of great apes recently, which all helps towards the apologism of racemixing and globalist technocratic agendas. For what i know we were never overly technocratic species, we prefer psionic development, mysticism, communication with elements and gods, and ever eco-friendly lifestyle, in the better eras we work with crystals, mother planet, forces of nature, telekinesis, telepathy, exploration of the subtle etheric worlds, exploration of godly matters. Think sorceresses and wizards in the fantasy, fantasy is based on myths and myths are based on reality. Only during the Kali Yuga demonism becomes significant among witches (Wit + ch = a smart woman) and sages.

The Kali Yuga puts us to sleep, while the dark scourge is a lot like fleas and a disease that waits for this moment, they can only bother us and parasite on us when we sleep and when our immunity is weak. When we peak we are inviolable, we can as much as control time and matter through our relationships with the gods and elements. Eras of the spiritual degeneracy or exaltation on Earth depend on the complicated spiral orbital movement of our planet in relation to rotations and movement of sun, other stars, galaxies, metagalaxies and certain cosmic influences we go through, our position relatively to the center of our galaxy is also important. I'm yet to study the subject closely. People whose authority i respect claim that Age of Pisces was the worst for us, but Age of Aquarius is a significant improvement. Even within Yugas there are lesser eras.

Good thread, OP. Do you have any more reading material?


H’Aryans possessed green color of eyes and light-brown hair. D’Aryans had silver (gray, steel) color of eyes and light-brown, almost whitish hair. Swatoruss had sky-blue (blue, cornflower-blue, lake-blue) color of eyes and hair from whitish to chestnut-colored. Rassens had brown (light brown, yellow) eyes and chestnut-colored hair. Color of the eyes depends on what Sun shined for people of these Clans at their native Lands during their development.

White races brought a variety of the animals from their star systems that have their eye color. Cows have blue, grey, green and brown eyes, cats have blue, gray, brown, green eyes, etc.

Green eyed race is arguably our most powerful and important one, with psychic and intellectual talents. Grey eyed race is second most powerful having talents in fighting, this is a race of warriors. Blue eyed race are engineers and builders. Brown eyed race has talents as social workers - entertainers, healers, actors, politicians, the empathetic types. While having a specialization and talents, each race has it's own sages, builders and even the writing systems.

Be caeful with these memes guys.

Im fairly convinced the kikes are trying to introduce the idea that whites are in fact aliens and to unite humanity to "drive them back" this is why you're getting these "whitey dont belong anywhere" memes in we wiz kangs alt history, why you're getting european history being rewritten as always diverse (remember people born in Europe today will have no memory of what it was like before our genocide), and why increasingly your getting the jew as the champion of snowflake groups against the new bourgeoisie (whites and in particular white males, they want to keep white women as sex slaves, see any new fetish tumblr) as arrogantly and openly shown here:


Note the height and position of the Jew.

OP's post is psyops, don't fall for it.

Madame Blavatsky for theosophy, Koshuny Finista is frequently recommended although it is in Russian.

>convinced the kikes are trying to introduce the idea that whites are in fact aliens and to unite humanity to "drive them back"

That's a stretch, even for the hand clasping tribe people.



You might like this book. Talks about the need for racial separation amongst the higher ones.


Spotted the kike

Good material. Will have to read it in its entirety to fit into my existing collection.

>In the course of my researches into the fascinating problem of the Lost Origin of the
Aryans, the fair, long-headed North European race, the traditional ancestors of our forbears of the Brito-Scandinavian race who gave to Europe in prehistoric time its Higher Civilization and civilized Languages- researches to which I have devoted the greater part of my life, and my entire time for the past sixteen years~I ascertained that the Phoenicians were Aryans in race. That is to say, they were of the fair and long-headed civilizing "Northern" race, the reality of whose existence was conclusively confirmed and established by Huxley, who proved that "There was and is an Aryan Race, that is to say, the characteristic modes of speech, termed Aryan, were developed among the Blond Long-heads alone, however much some of them may have been modified by the importation of Non- Aryan elements."

>Thus the daring Phoenician pioneer mariners who, with splendid courage, in their small
winged galleys, first explored the wide seas and confines of the Unknown Ancient World, and of whose great contributions to the civilization of Greece and Rome classic writers speak in glowing terms, were, I found by indisputable inscriptional and other evidence, not Semites as hitherto supposed, but were Aryans in Race, Speech and Script. They were, besides, disclosed to be the lineal blood-ancestors of the Britons and Scots-- properly so-called, that is, as opposed to the aboriginal dark Non- Aryan people of Albion, Caledonia and Hibernia, the dusky small- statured Picts and kindred "Iberian" tribes. This discovery, of far-reaching effect upon the history of European Civilization.


Complete bollocks