How do you make college tolerable?

How do you make college tolerable?

Like I can easily go to the classes, but I suddenly got changed from normal class to a class filled with SJWs and ultra frat bro's, and now I fucking hate it.

Anyone got experience?

poison their food

Go into computer science. Nothing but shit tier neckbeards. You'll love it.

Become a frat bro



Pic was unrelated


Here's what you can do. Realize that your college classes are literally the easiest thing you will ever do. Your life will undoubtedly be an unadulterated shitfest after college. That's it, enjoy it.

Do you not understand how college work? Just drop your classes and register for different ones. Or did your mom do it for you and you don't know how? Better yet, be a goddamned adult, suck it up, study hard, and pass your classes.

This is how I imagine everyone that uses the word cuckold or soyboy looks like. Some degenerate Maga fag thinking he's cool because he can say the word nigger and believes the lie of white genocide

>he's cool because he can say the word nigger
Where do you think we are?

Don't go to class unless required, teach yourself, somehow get a career and realize how stupid that was 12 years later.

Wear headphones every second that the teacher isn’t talking

Rent a film called "Animal House"

Do everything in that. Including going to negro jazz and blues bars.

depends on the prof teaching. when you go from Chem E to Emo dance studies, your group of colleagues is going to change

In my country it doesn't work like that, the ones I have are the ones that I can't drop

Unfortunately, you are going to be dealing with these same people for a lot of your working career. Bite the bullet and learn to accept that you can't change that fact. Consider yourself lucky that you didn't turn out like them.

>be a goddamned adult, suck it up, study hard, and pass your classes.


>Anonymous 02/13/18(Tue)17:43:59 No.75

The media did not endorse this.

The media is absolutely endorsing the left's version of this with Trump.

Fucking worms.
