Just got a call back about an IT job I applied to. They said I'll have to take a test before I get the job

Just got a call back about an IT job I applied to. They said I'll have to take a test before I get the job.

Any IT fags know anything about this test? Maybe a study guide exists?

> pic unrelated

where is this job?

And did they say what kind of test?

Refresh your memory on algorithms and data structures like trees.
Pick a programming language and practice a bit.

Its an entry level IT job with the school system

I don't think the job is programming, however I'm not sure.

the IT company i work for requires a personality test + Intelligence test (wonderlic) for every applicant

He said IT job not software engineer, programming has very little to do with it.

Drug test

Probably just a skills test. To make sure you can do what you say you can do and not be a dumbass and delete system32 to make it go fast. Our company does it. Usually a couple of systems jacked up and you trouble shoot and resolve it. No biggie.

They're always extremely easy. Have basic knowledge of hardware and network protocols, be resourceful if they give you a laptop. It's not cheating if they give you a tool to help do a job.

Vista Equity Owned?


just make sure you know how to add a machine to a domain, and remove it from a domain.

We had a guy that went to a trade school for IT, Basic entry level degree w/e. he had a degree, i do not. He was let go a month after starting for not knowing how to add a machine to a domain.

Bring donuts and coffee, then say: "Nah, next time don't call it "test"- just let me know what you want from bakery"

A few questions:

- how old are you?

- salary for job?

- how much experience do you have?

- is it in a major city? If so, which one?

For reference, I work in SEO in NYC and make abput 135k a year

Just brush up on your Adobe reader installing skills and make sure you know how to download google ultron just in case
>its the shit NASA uses

What does an It do exactly

>add a machine to a domain
thats like half my job right there

How the fuck do people eat ketchup? Good lord unless it’s spicy it’s just sugar


Fit in the team--->donuts.... if it is close to lunch : pizza

>They said I'll have to take a test before I get the job.

Hope you haven't done any dope recently.

So, it's less about unplugging computers, and solving basic problems for the brainless mongers in the office?

Etc. you actually have to learn coding etc?

They might ask you some specific questions... What is DNS? What is DHCP? What is an IP address? Those are common. They might also ask you some procedural questions, like, what do you do if a user can't print?

Holy shit, so IT IS basic computer shit....Fuck man, I could make bank off this shit...I thought IT's had to know coding and all that other shit.

They will "test" others too. But if you are a little bit different - in a good way - that will work for you

hey everyone, OP here. Here's the follow up email that I received after the phone call.

Partially. I personally () do wayyyy less IT stuff (and definitely no unplugging computers). So less coding, machine learning, etc. I’m more strictly on the SEO side helping to develop and maintain link profile, manage disavow file, backlink strategy and deployment by worikybg with other areas of the business to create link worthy assets.

This should work nicely.

i need links please on how to do this

Meh, if you're unsure of any question they ask you just confidently tell them that but that you can look it up in proper documentation.

While being interviewed for a cable repair job at my local CATV provider, the guy asked me what IRQ12 was. I've heard of it & knew it was a computer port, but didn't have a clue for what device. Told him that straight up but also said I could look it up easy enough to ensure proper implementation. He was okay with it and at the end of the 1 hr interview I asked him what IRQ12 did, he replied "printer." Jeez, I got the job anyways and found out later its something to do with a mouse port. The job had nothing to do with computers. :-/

Sometimes the people asking don't know.

Honestly, bro most hiring managers for entry level IT positions just like to see general knowledge on common applications and terms.

Just know your terms: WAN, LAN, WAP. know the terms specific to the type of tech you'll be working with.

And they love to see that you have ANY type of experience in active directory. AD is one of the most basic and common things an IT tech will work in. Call it AD. Even if you have 0 experience with it, don't tell them that. Just read about it. It's super horribly easy to use, so you'll pick it up in like 2 seconds of messing with it.

I got into an entry level IT position last summer. It's extremely fun, just the main thing is having to learn the terms. As long as you're half way intelligent, you'll pick up everything very fast.

They may not know but they need to sound smart!

It may be just IT basics
They may also test your health in terms if related work, stuff like eyesight etc. (Unless they said it's a skill test)

>He said IT job not software engineer, programming has very little to do with it.

>He said IT job not software engineer, programming has very little to do with it.

A LOT of people who don't know tech call everything tech IT, even computer programming. It's frustrating, but you can't fight Sunday TV commercials aimed at middle managers.

Heck, the last job I interviewed for was completely focused on computer programming, and the non-programmer CEO, CFO, etc called the whole software department "IT"

>He was let go a month after starting for not knowing how to add a machine to a domain.

This reminds me of the My Cousin Vinny movie, where he was taught theory in school but was completely clueless about the practical applications. I can understand the situation, but yeah, you'd think you'd pick up some practical knowledge just by being a general computer guy.

I'd say if the test is only 30 minutes, it's not going to be a back breaker. As a software interviewer, even when we give very basic programming questions, we allow them more time than that.

IT and CS is the same faggot. Quit your autism while you're ahead.

Damn! That’s good money

You are retarded

You're autism 2.

Thanks man. Been at the job less than a year so I’m expecting it to continue to climb. Looking at 150 in a few months.

I had one of those for a cs interview last month, nothing to worry about. It was like an iq test really, nothing to study. It was easy as shit. Recognize patterns, scan lines of code to find misspellings, shit like that

Just freshen up on DHCP, Wifi protocols, laptop software such as Microsoft Office and Smartboards/Projectors. Basic shit.

if you have the A+ you should have enough basic knowledge to pass.
if you couldnt pass the A+ you probably aren't qualified for even retard work like onsite

the wonderlic test is my old friend, every IT company in the world has a hard on for that fucker.
Ive taken it so many times for so many jobs.
I always get offers so i must pass the damn thing, but fuck im tired of it.

I once had to take one where i had to troubleshoot and repair a failed network of three pcs and a blanked out Cisco 1800
was probably the funnest test i ever took had everything from basic stuff like a dodgy cat 5 cable. to setting up basic dhcp and an arp talbe

what's a good score? i fucked up and was an autist who actually tried to get every question exactly right and ignored the clock

I’m in IT. No degree. Best thing you can say some times is “I don’t know. It could be a few issues. Let me research and get back to you before we go any further.”

No idea what an “IT test” would be.

My best suggestion: do some quick research on cmd prompt, power shell, and sql.

Oh dude. Support tech? Very likely problem solving skills. You are on Sup Forums looking for help... I’d say that’s a bleak indication...