Attention b/. When I go on my pc and I try to click on pictures it says invalid value for registry. How do I fix this...

Attention b/. When I go on my pc and I try to click on pictures it says invalid value for registry. How do I fix this, if I get help will post folder of high school nudes 18+ (Pic not related)

Not your personal tech support, you fag

Sounds like you haven't deleted the \sys32 subdirectory yet. Why not?

That's a common problem. You just need to go to the windows folder and delete the folder called system32. Then reboot your computer and it'll repopulate it with valid registry entries

Nigger. OP is paying. Better pay first tho. Let's get them pics!

Op here. This is about what I expected. Anyways still trying to fix this, and if it's fixed will still dump the nudes

Get a Windows registry cleaner. A company like Piriform makes one. Run it. Reboot.

Now post nudes.

post a screencap of error message please

Start / settings / system / apps & features / photos

Advanced options > reset

To clarify, it's called CCleaner, and the registry cleaner is built into it.

Your ram is corrupted. Put them in the microwave for 10 seconds to realign the data cells

I'm a software engineer. Do it. It's a program with a lot of users, you can independently verify it.

I guarantee it will fix the problem. No bamboozle.

Is there any way someone could've gone In and deleted a registry? If that's a thing idk

Salt and milk on your router and don’t forget an extra few minutes in the microwave for your whole system ware so the chromosomes can be adjusted inside.

This OP. You better fucking drop the nudes.

Depends on how vulnerable you made yourself to hacking.

Most likely you installed some sneaky add on or some thing else was allowed to modify the registry.

you're a faggot

or maybe type "restore" in the windows search box.
find the latest restoration point and click yes.

You could also right click a pic and choose "open with", to see if you get a list of image viewers.

It's possible. But it's a very deliberate & relatively involved activity for someone who doesn't know how to edit the registry.

You'd use a tool like regedit.


>Pour vinegar over processor fan
>Problem solved

The registry is a bunch of configuration data for the system. It has file type associations defined, network shares, user configurations...

It's an endless pit of tangled configurations that gets stale, broken, & into bad states all the time.

Registry cleaners do a quick scan and fix low hanging fruit. They won't fix utterly hosed components, etc.

Yeah, but CCleaner is just a start. OP will still need to delete \sys32. That's the important part.

I'd trust system restore more.
Either these "cleaners" do nothing, or they will erase all his tweaking and preferences.
Choosing a recent restoration point would only correct the last bug.

I remember when "install Gentoo" was the advice you'd get on Sup Forums. Little did I know, I'd be working on a software product that requires me to install Gentoo.

anyway we're not getting nudes.
happy to help

LOL, what a Windows user thing to do. It's going to wedge itself into a bad state again. Just fix the issue, let the registry cleaner do its work. Restoration snapshots are in the event of you getting your head totally up your ass with no way out.