Roast me

Roast me


You dare cross the path of rock head rumple!

You look like a rejected cos-play of Kylo Ren


the love child of Jim Morrison and George of the Jungle

No need kid, looks like life already has

I need a DNA reboot

You were shit in Dunkirk

Lost somewhere between a lion and its cub for fucks sake. absolutely mad !

I did not hit her, I did not

That's right, I couldn't even make it to the final cut

You look like a wax figure of a spoilt young medieval royalty that they had to replace because it looked too much like a cunt

She should have shut her mouth and do it as I told her !

You look like your about to send Shrek out to grab you a princess

Your look is tearing me apart Lisa!

Too easy


Some of you may die but that's a sacrifice that I'm willing to take


That's my fetish


>Some of you make die
Fucking dumbass, that makes no sense


you look like someone i would fuck in high school
i fucked a lot of people in high school

fool, you know the correction was the 'take' on the end

Shut...the...fuck...up you fat ogre piece of shit !

You look like tommy wiseau's gay little brother

If you can't fuck me like Dawyne "The Rock" Johnson, then you can make your own livestream


You look like this autistic boy


Not very attractive