Why is it so hard to kill yourself?

Why is it so hard to kill yourself?

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Down the tracks, not across the street

>Why is it so hard to kill yourself?

It's only hard if you're stupid.

You barely even have any marks, fucking pussy.

It's not if you're not just looking for attention

I've tried a few times now from ha hanging to cutting my body is fitting back.

Sideways for attention, longways for results.

It's not hard to kill yourself - you just aren't willing to do it. Like a tattoo, don't commit to it unless you're 100% sure.


57 cuts got me hospitalized

Update op is drinking on Prozac

Then do it better faggot

Suggestions? Already set up noose in closet

How about you dont? faggot

Jump from somewhere extremely high, or a gun to the head.
Noose in closet doesn't sound like a good idea unless you have a reallig big closet.
Have you looked into exit bags or whatever they're called?

Also, if you want to kill yourself, do it somewhere secluded. You shoulsn't be found in atleast a day.

I have lived my life with severe depression and in lieu of recent events it has gotten to the point of not wanting to be here anymore

Don't pretend that you actually believed for even a second that those would kill you. Also, you can't get hospitalized if no one takes you to the hospital.

Nice bait nigger

I have not looked into "exit bags" any more information? Been wanting to do this for a while now but my body won't let me. Severe depression. And shitty circumstance. Emotions are holding me back but I'm ready to go.

Not bait, seriously looking to bypass the human emotion not to kill oneself

U cutting the wrong way

Dont kill yourself
>You lived your shitty life and made it this far
>you are going to end it and not see the end
That is like stop watching a movie before it ends
Dont do it you might be surprised with the happy outcome

Suicide is for faggots and pussies

Old cuts have ked me to be hospitalized. Was brought to the hospital years ago for a week and a half.

just put a plastic bag on your head and zip-tie it at your neck

Muh hospitalized oh lord grow some balls soyboy

across the street for attention down the tracks for results lmao

how about you don't kill yourself you fcuking faggot pussy ass nigga ? how about you man up and show everyone that you are more than a fucking piece of shit faggot ?!?!? EVER THOUGHT OF THAT FUCKHEAD ?!

Helium-filled bag over head basically.

Yes all my life. Have fought the urge for a very long time. In lieu of recent events I have lost the will to continue fighting and no longer want to be here

Because humans are annoyingly hardy creatures.
Also exsanguination is not the best way to kill yourself; you'd be far better hanging.

Unfortunately at the current moment I cannot get my hands on helium.

I have set up a noose already but have not found the gall to use it yet.

you piss me off so fucking much right now like if you were next to me right now I would beat your ass so hard that you wouldn't even have energy to try killing youself

I'm not gonna read the whole thread I don't have much time but tell me what is wrong with your life please

if you wanna die faggit , go and jump to the sea , or insult some nigger

I was the bastard lovechild between two families that has been adopted out along with that I do have siblings that live with both my birth mother and father. Along with that experimentation had led me to almost rape my sister who was also adopted in the same family. I have a three-year-old child in the mother of my child is making my life a living f****** hell. Along with that living with severe depression for the majority of my life has led me to the conclusion that it is not worth going on. It is hard to explain to some one who has not lived with depression.

I like crossdressing , I like with my parents , and I. FUCKING fat , you can't understand

Ignore the people telling you to cut vertical, cut horizontal but across your throat instead of your arm, hit the jugular and it's all over in seconds.

If it was that easy I would of done that already. Currently living in the hood but no one w8ll give me their gun because they know me...

Because it's worth it

I wish I could honestly, to chicken shit to fallow threw. E.otions are getting in the way.

ITT: attention fag OP getting the attention he craves

Then you clearly don't really want to die. Congratulations.

Don't want attention... been a lurker for years have posted every once in awhile. And looking for serious suggestions

I do.. There is a lot of misconception with the fact that I was adopted into a family who wanted to take care of me and there is a lot of pressure to not let them down.

Trust me /b if I could do it alone I would... looking for some guidance here. If it was that easy and you all had done it the. You wouldn't be here g8ving me advice.

Why dont you run away? Try to get a job in Europe and try again. You'll eventually die. You might even die on your way to your new job. Give life another chance bro. I believe in you

YES YES Come to eastern Europe, have a life here. You will love it I bet my ass on it. Just do it. Run away. If you don't care about your children and parents and friend just
and do crazy wacky shit man... Come on be creative.

I and well-traveled have been to Europe and if I didn't care about my child or my family this wouldn't be so hard

I have thought about it but have nowhere to go see my last post for more details

You're cutting in the wrong direction and it's not deep enough you fucking idiot.

Don’t bring that negative attention seeking shit here.... last thing Sup Forums needs

Current weapon of choice. My body is preventing me from lethal pressure.

Think about your kid who’s going to grow up without a dad and probably have attachment issues

I said Europe. Not the shithole of Europe.

Not seeking attention I am seeking legitimate help. I no longer want to be on this planet.

then you have to endure it mate, just for your kid, don't make his life worse, he need you as a father, you need to endure e v e r y t h i n g just for him okay? You need to be the man he looks up to when he grows up. You will eventually tell him the hell you went tru and how you managed to stay on your feet, ya feel me ?

That's me in a nutshell like I said I was adopted from birth. I only recently found out that I have siblings and that my father died when I was 4 years old.

Also how come you care for them and can't run away but at the same time you DONT care for them so you wanna kill yourself ?!

why do you wanna kill yourself OP?

I dont understand you. You want to die but you wont go to Europe cos you love your kid? What do you think is worse, having a dad or not having one?

>57 cuts
That is proof that it was all for attention.
If you wanted to kill yourself, you would make 2-3 really deep cuts. Not 57 superficial, faggoty cuts.

I failed a few months ago, I went down the track, DEEP (!!!!), but the artery was on the other side that I cut, so it was just like I had scratched my arm really bad. After I got stitched together I started to meet a psychologist. Best decision in my life, try it.

I do but he is 3 years old and already his mother is lying to him about my family and me. Along with that she is restricting my access to my own son. Along with that she is making my life a living hell and because of that my depression has spiked to an unmanageable level. I no longer have the will to deal with it unfortunately.

its hard if ur a retard
oh guys look look at me i went a mm deep im so edgy lol cant wait to tell a girl im scarred deep down cause im socially awkward

57 cuts got u 57 scratches to show off

Go to a gun range, and shoot yourself in the temple.
Not the mouth, not the chest. Right on the temple with a short barrel revolver. Use hollow points.

I have met with many a psychologist along with been through many inpatient and outpatient Therapy. I have tried to kill myself since I was about 10 years old. Since then I have learned to manage it. But like I said it has gotten out of my console. I have reached out for help and even got on medication but I can't see a point to it all.

Those are barely scratches. Those scars are puny and barely raised.

If you're over 21, get a gun. If not, construct an exit bag.

so you wanna kill yourself over a bitch, basically. disgracefull!
Stop being a little bitch about your life. stop scratching little holesin your skin and get a fucking hold of your self.
Are you on meds or something, what kind of a fucking degenerate are you?

Then fucking kill yourself. Stop living in the fucking misery.

A gun range is the best way. No background checks, not large sum of money needed.

Because you actually want to live and wasting your life by taking it yourself is something the mind (at least subconsciously) fights against.

Pussy ass "attempts" scars.
If you really wanted to end it, you would.
1/10 and you're a faggot.

I am trying to go deeper. That is why I am here. I don't know how and emotions are holding me back.

Too late

That's a saw, you retard.

You hang yourself to break your neck you fucking retard. Noosing yourself to strangle yourself makes you a fucking pleb

Just stfu and leave pussy, if your not going to commit why even bother, failure at life failure at death

Nail a couple 9 inch nails to the wall, run and jump into them?


You need to get over your past. Youre situation with your kid and his bitch mother is very common. One weird but good thing is that you want to kill yourself but not your wife.
Ill tell you something about myself. I never knew my father. My mother would leave with a family she knew and come back months later to leave again and so on. The time I spent with my foster parents kept getting longer to the point that I would see my mother maybe twice a year, but she kept clinging to me and trying to make me emotionally dependent of her and things like that.
I really hated my father for leaving and I wished that he contacted with me, even if he was somewhere far away. If you care about your kid killing yourself is the worst thing you can do.

It's Valentines Day, I'm alone and depressed as fuck.
Can we get a live streamed suicide please?

figured the serrated blade would make it impossible to help in the end. Any suggestions?

Across the street for attention and down the road for results

That's what if been trying but can seem to get deep enough

Bullshit. What are you cutting with?

Use a proper knife and it will be easy.



watch this and live happy

How have you not gotten bored by now? Just go to a store, buy razor blades.

wtf did ur cat scratch u?

Don't kill yourself. I say this as a fellow depressed person. My life sucks right now. But it can get better. Got so bad I quit my job and moved back in with my parents. 29 years old. Been a week since I quit. But I have some hope. Thanks to family and friends. It's possible for shit to get better, but if you end it you'll never know. Hell stick around just to see what happens in the world. New games, movies, books. Crazy shit.

How pathetic. you have no balls.
My brother died with a mouthful shotgun and
his toe on the trigger.
My bro was the man.

I used to hurt myself, started talking to a therapist recently when turning 25 made me think about hurting myself again

fuck talking to a doctor, if I haven't been diagnosed with anything then there isn't anything wrong

Because it should be. Killing yourself is going against your instinct to protect yourself from harm and survive.

My cat does more damage than your pussy ass.

If you actually want to kill yourself jump from somewhere high so you can't pussy out. But we all know your just cutting for attention not to kill yourself.

sounds like you're just creating excuses.

It's really easy to kill yourself I can think of 100 extremely easy ways right now

just go to an american school apparently

Lol its one of the easist things to do.
One little 1/4 knife wound in the right spot and you're dead.
Fall and hit you're head, dead.
Sit in a running car in garage , dead

It's not hard. Human skin is meant to protect your muscles below and will self heal. If you want to die effortlessly look up charcoal suicide.