What do? No bs like cut the toe off

What do? No bs like cut the toe off

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Piss on it.

go to the doctor, he will take part of your toe off, no biggie

drain it dude. it's just infected. And keep it clean

wash soap water hydrogen peroxide neosporin bandaid maybe a sock to keep dirt out and maybe a heat pad stop bieng a nigger.

peroxide, dry, triple anti biotic ointment on gauze, tape up, change couple times a day.


also let it air out some in between, it'll go away.

Then cut the foot off

It's an ingrown toe nail, go to doctors, they'll send you to the podiatrist and they'll cut the nail.
Just get it sorted and don't leave it, it'll just get more painful and pussy

I should specify, its an ingrown toenail, I got tweezers and a nail clipper but the shit hurts like a mofo to touch

also might want to lance it.

also, you're a faggot

Drain it and film it.

Ingrown toenail go to an immediate care center. Forewarning the shot they give you for numbing hurts like a bitch at first.


this is the reason the word "purulent" exists.

Looking for an at home solution here I don't want to see a doctor or any shit like that

make mustard gas

ingrown toe nail. shit sucks ive had maybe like 2 that ever got that bad. now i know how to prevent them but thats pretty much beyond repair as in you most likely will need you have your toe nail removed because your skin is growing over the nail and needs to get reset back to normal. you can take the toenail off yourself but you might botch it and wont have the numbing drugs to your toe...

tldr, go to a doctor and get it fixed before it gets worse

Looks like an infected ingrown toenail.
Look up how to do this; evacuate the toe by using a need and peroxide to pop and clean the injury then lift the toenail. Releif is almost immediate, i get them time to time. Probs no biggie

need a podiatrist to give you a local pain killer and cut part of the nail off, down to the base. Then gives you anti biotics and some bandages. He'll tell you how to treat it from there on. just soaking it in bactine or epsom salt 3 times a day for a few days after the procedure.

Stop picking at it and you'll be fine.

Proper way to get rid of it is to cut the nail and remove the root of the nail.

then few weeks of healing/cleaning.

Don't do this shit at home, have a doctor do it and get put to sleep. I have two square big toenails.

trust me dude, i tried "home-solutions" for like 3 months and that shit didnt go away

go to the fucking doctor, or do you live in some third world shithole with no universal healthcare?

Go to podiatrist. He will numb it then cut it open and remove the ingrown nail. Then put your foot in an epsom salt bath for a week or so.

Source: Have had two in my life.

Also keep the toenail lift by putting cotton under this. Only follow this advice if you cant go to a doctor.

I had one do it for me. It was a good day.

It hurts because it's swollen with puss. If you can find a weak spot in the skin/nail border, you can drain it and it'll stop hurting.

I pulled a nail from a toe like this with help of dental anesthesia. It works wonders

Ingrown toenails are the devil - clean it in soapy water, call a doctor and get it fixed.
... as this user said.

well yellow crust is forming so that means something is comming out you have to pick that yellow crust off and maybe pull the skin back and yellow puss might come out basically clean it and put some neosporin into that crevic with a qtip or something.

I've had an ingrown toe nail for the last 5+ years, don't be a pussy, just leave it alone.

this will do jack shit aside from keeping it clean.

Unless you plan on manually removing the ingrown nail, go to a doctor. Trust me dude. It's so worth it

the ammount of yellow pus there implies is already leaking from somewhere so you dont have to lance it just open that hole slightly and sqeeze and pack in neosporin.

post pics of progress.

Looks like paronychia. Google it for treatment options.
Doctor will lance it and give you antibiotics.
If the nail is ingrown, he will send you to a specialist.

As someone who has cured a bunch of them at home and never been to the doctor, it's actually pretty easy.

>Get a needle or a pin and release the pressure in the swelling (pus, etc) BUT there may not be anything to push out so don't hurt yourself and don't go deep
>Take your knife (because we're all 3dgy EDC-fags) and slide the tip under and along your nail
>Make sure the cutting edge of the knife is facing AWAY from your toe...you're not trying to cut here, just leverage
>Do your best to lift the nail up from under the swelling but don't go crazy
>Repeat this process over 3-4 days and the swelling will get less as the nail grows back and over the top like it's supposed to
>The more it heals, the more pus you'll get, use the needle and pop it like a pimple
>For more effective results, rinse with antiseptic after each sesh and put a fucking plaster on it

For serious though user, next time don't cut the nail so far down and when you're picking at them, go get some fucking cutters for the edging so that you don't make it happen again.

Trying to reach it

Trips speak truth.
Note that this will hurt like a MOTHERFUCKER, way out of proportion to the damage being done.
>Take a double dose of Advil or Aleve 30 min beforehand, even if you use another painkiller. >This will make you clot a bit more slowly, BUT it will reduce the swelling, and thus pain. Dramatically.
>Cut it open and soak it in germicide like betadine.
>Keep it absolutely fucking clean. Dirt and germs in the meat underneath the cuticle is what caused this infection.
>If the nail is ingrown, expect it to recur until you treat that.

This. Don't you even dare to try a homemade retardese thing. What you had happened to me a long time ago, and the fucking nail grew so awkwardly that I was about to touch the fucking bone. The visit to the medic was fast, it was a surgery anyways: they cut part of the toe to remove in a adequate way the retard part of my nail, and cleaned the zone. Never had problems again with the damn nail

Too late for anything but a quick procedure. They just stick a needle in and put stuff in until your toe is numb and just remove the small corner of the nail. It's quick and painless. If you're worried about the needle you can ask for some of the cream to numb the area that they give kids for bloodtests

what is it?

Thats pretty bad dude.

user is right, I forgot about the pain because I've done it so many times.

Refer the pic, that's probably a good place to stop because the nail (Red arrow) is sitting up a little. Maybe try and pop the pussy bit (blue arrow) but be patient and do it over a few days.

>pussy bit
>puss filled bit


either cut that shit out or go to a doctor. soak it in salt water in the mean time

soaking it in a little epsom salt bath to reduce the swelling, going to see if I can cut the nail at all in a little bit

Don’t do any of the dumb shit above, it’s mostly trolls. See a doctor and they will take out the part of your toenail that is digging into your toe. Then they will reverse the swelling and voila, happy toe.

Stick a thin guitar pick where there is no nail, pulling it up. There will be lot's a green pus. Keep doing that twice a day. Once your nail grows back DON'T EVER CUT IT LIKE THAT AGAIN

Go to a fucking doctor, jesus! Or are you amerifat so it'll cost you a year's wage for a checkup?

Had the same thing happen to me a few years ago.

Go to a podiatrist. The doctor will trim the entire nail length-wise and make it thinner so it doesn't grow into your foot any more. They'll also give you some antibiotics to get rid of the infection.


stop eating your toenails

Fuck that! You gotsa throw the whole leg away

Also, soak your foot in warm water until you go to the doctor. Then after the doctor cuts the nail, soak your foot in a mixture of warm water and betadine.

Pull skin away from nail til pus comes out


No time to read all answers, but: Betaisodona ointment is the cure. Will be gone in 2 days after starting to use it. If not ava8lable where you live look up ingredients and ask pharmacist for closest stuff available.

Put a mixture of alcohol and lemon juice to clean it

I once had a similar issue. I tried everything to treat it and nothing worked. I finally went to a foot doctor and they cut off part of the nail. They'll tell you not to do it again or else they'll mangle the part of the nail so it can't grow back, give you kodiene, etc.

you can improvise on the angle you want to split it so you dont go over where the toe is attached to the nail.

I see a few of these posts each month.

I have a lot of experience with "ingrown toenails". In fact, I likely know more about them than most physicians.

I used quotes above because you do not have an ingrown toenail. You have overgrown skin. In some rare cases, this condition is caused by cutting the nail too short, sports injuries, etc. This is not most cases, and this is not your case.

You have "fat toes". Your toeskin is large, inflamed, and lies over the nail. This means that an infinite amount of wedge resection surgeries will not help you. Instead, you need a surgery called the vandenboss prodecure, on all sides of both big toes. It's a bit of a pain in the ass, but this is the only thing that will fix you.

You have two options: have this procedure, or suffer from this for the rest of your life. I've had it, and I am so thankful I saw a professional about this. Most doctors are totally in the dark on this condition. You will likely need to hold your doc's hand to get this done. Good luck user.

well user
you could do but fuck that, that's for poofters
get a sewing needle, a lighter, nail clippers and some anti-septic fluid. lidocaine or ice for numbing optional

clean the needle and nail clippers thoroughly with the anti septic, heat the needle up till glowing red, let it cool for a couple seconds, just so it aint glowing anymore, dig it right through the widest part of the swelling, squeeze all the shit out, use the clippers to cut off any loose skin, clean the shit out of it with the anti septic, wrap it up

starting next day, keep it unwrapped and you need to get air to it and apply anti septic as often as possible until it's healed

next learn how to properly clip your toenails you fucking muppet

Puncture, squeeze puss and purulent fluid out. Apply hydrogen peroxide. Apply antibiotic ointment. Go to a free clinic.

How certain are you of this? I've had issues a few times but only for the left toe, the right toe never got like this once in my life

using a needle to lance it is for pussies you need to get a blowtorch and a scalpel

Based answer is based

I am 100% certain. It could have to do with slight differences in the way you use both toes.

However, people are predisposed to this condition since they have large amounts of lateral toeskin. Vety few "ingrown toenails" are the result of injuries or improper nail cutting.

I had approximately 6 wedge resection surgeries, before seeing one of the world's leading experts in this condition. I don't know much about anything, but this is an area where I am a serious expert.

I'm telling you this because I had to learn about this on my own, despite seeing a handful of physicians.

learn how to cut your nails right faggot


>> see my post above

If they offered PhD's in this condition, I'd have one.

>lateral toeskin
now you know he's trolling you

Go to a doctor get the side cut out and cauterized. EZ.

Ingrown toenails suck, never let them get that bad. Had it that bad once, never again. Going to doctor is the best option at this point OP.

I'm not trolling you man. The vandenboss procedure literally saved my life.

This worked for me too, best of luck m8

Purulent, infected, pustulous, festering, suppurating.
All good words.

You need to let it heal before you go digging at it again. I have the same ingrown toenail shit. If you think you didn't get it but aren't sure just let it heal and go for it again later if it still hurts. I fucked my toes up for years before I figured out how to do it right. You need a really flat piece of metal that's smooth on the front but sharp on the sides. Good luck.

Go see a chiropodist you dumbass.

>No bs like cut the toe off
burn toe with acetylene torch

Cut the nail in a straight line, not curved. Will prevent it.

Most chimps are terrified of water. This picture isn't only bait, its factually false bait.

