Fuck the NRA and the GOP

Fuck the NRA and the GOP

And fuck Bill Maher. But yes OP I agree with you.

>It's so tragic. Let's do nothing about it though teehee.

What should they do?

He has always been extreme. If one can ignore that - the fucker can be pretty funny.

Although - there are some things he is totally batshit wrong about.

Ban the shit. Make possession illegal. Same as the drug war - difference is that guns aren't addicting. They might win this one...

Fuck your feelings

Nope. Drugs are sold by DEA (through cartels) to finance itself. Guns would follow the same route, but through some other alphabet soup agency.

Ban the shit lol. There are 300 million guns in this country dipshit. What do you think the government is going to take everyone's guns?


You do realize that none of the mass-shooters in the last 20 years were members of the NRA nor registered republicans. Maybe we should start by banning the Democrat Party since they’re the only ones doing these mass shootings. Somebody’s gotta stop these fucking democrats from shooting people.

And fuck reality too, apparently.

Imagine being Irish AND (!) a fucking Jew. Holy shit, his chemical imbalance must be pounding up to his brain 24/7. No wonder he shags black tranny prostitutes (he actually does)

He only shot the place up because he was high on weed and supported libertarians.

>muh children

He's basically Diet George Carlin.

It worked so well on drugs and illegal immigration, why not ban 300 million guns?

>Same as the drug war
and how is the drug war going user?

I could purchase an illegal firearm right now, imagine if demand was that much higher. If nothing else, there's already so many guns in the United States that it's pointless trying to take them away. I don't think the south would have it.

Conspiracies go home. The politicians are bought by pharmaceuticals companies. They let the population get addicted to their meds. Which in turn pushes them to buy drugs from criminals, when their doctors stop renewing the prescriptions.

Australia managed. Yes 300 million will be a problem, but you need to do it in steps. First the craziest shit you have, like military grade weapons and then work your way down over a period of 10-30 years...

Not good due to addiction - which is a health problem. What health problems are there to guns except getting shot?

Bill Maher is actually great. He openly calls out liberals for ignoring that islam is inherently destructive to the world.


>rednecks and white trash dying everyday from overdoses

I'd feel his pain was more genuine if he didn't consider the majority of people around him to be retards and most women to be whores.

He's a colossal douchebag.

You are shockingly stupid.

Blah blah blah ban guns
Blah blah blah politicians
Blah blah blah fake outrage

This is the type of batshit thinking that makes the rest of the world go "Why the fuck do you keep telling yourself this?". It is sad that you are so indoctrinated in this.

Guns empower the criminal world - which empower the arms industry - which again empower criminals. Break the fucking circle.

Strange how all these mass shootings are committed by leftists

don't forget:

"condescending baby voice while trying to oversimplify a position"

And of course cutting short a segment he's losing so he can blather on about New Rules or whatever stupid self-aggrandizing platform he has total editorial control over.

And this is coming from a fucking liberal.

Goddamn i hate that guy.

the Republican and Democrat party are the same thing

huh? dumb sheep blaming everything on ppl who he doesnt like

here little girl. here's the attention you're so desperate for

oh yeah, and he needs to rail on for 20 minutes about the legalization of weed. because that's the most important issue ever.

godDAMN i hate that guy.

#BLM #BlackPanther

Really makes you think, doesn't it?

I agree

I consider the exact same thing. I'm surrounded by idiots, from both sides of the aisle. Still hate Bill Maher.

Moderate Republican / Libertarian here. Ideologies are tunnel-vision inducing and are designed to sway the braying masses.

Argue that good ideas don't have to exclusive to one side and the nation will be saved.


>imagine if demand was that much higher
then it would be that much more expensive you idiot nog
if bullets cost 10k each you fucking bet shots fired will go down

If anti-gun lobby wants to win, they really have to sacrifice a few of their own. We need a really bad shooting incident, like Sandy Hook but sexier and more media-friendly. Think Westboro going Waco on some Sunday school in a very republican county. Toss in a few NRA leadership kids to dissuade conspiracy theorists.


So many people would die. It wouldn't even be worth it. Okay, poof, give are illegal now what? Who's going to collect them? Who is going to enforce it. There is one police officer to every 300 people in America. How many guns do you think there are? Now you explain the logistics.

>Lets trash all of our protective rights because muh feelz

really? you're going to go with the "a democrat did X in the 1800's" thing?

Fucking Strom Thurmond was a democrat (dixiecrat) until the 60's when they switched plaforms. Give it a fucking rest already you tired old pedantic cunt. They switched policies around 1960's you retard.

ok? the graph is useless and has no point, also im a anprim so dont call me a democuck or libtard bcz im not

Actually the ATF already got caught selling weapons to Mexican drug cartels.

>and how’s the drug war going

>drugs are enjoying popularity like never before

>Someone used a gun to murder, you have to give up your gun.

So, I guess the same applies to cars, knives, and everything in between, right? Shut the fuck up.


>I'm an anprim
>Using the internet
Your ideals are worthless if you can't even be bothered to follow them.
Looks like babby read the first 2 lines and got tired.

well, in fairness, they thought there were trackers in them.

But there werent. because right wingers, especially on the law enforcement side, are a bunch of retards. But according to their people, they gave it the old college try.

Mir auch.

>good ideas don't have to be exclusive to your side
not even that user but i gotta say it sure must feel good to be as dumb as you

>So what about the ones in recent history that are in the same image


is there someplace you guys meet in person?

>implying it takes more than one sentence to detect bullshit


I'm not Centrist, I am a fiscal conservative with liberal social views. It's not a sexy look so no one in the media espouses it, I get it.


Varg is also a anprim and he has a jewtube channel with over 100k subs, but really believe there should be a destruction of modern civilization


That's literally the most common political position in the USA, with an estimated 40% of all respondents putting themselves in that camp. Don't act like you're fucking unique or novel.

>Guns aren't addicting
You've never gone full giggle switch, have you?

>This person is also a hyprocrite

maybe if i was imget rekt fag

It's correct. Rifles are rarely used in homicides.


meh, not an argument, ofc theres going to be crazy democucks, also remember that the democratic party is not even leftist

*Mich auch.

Hey NRA! How's it going?


So you're saying that the crimes of these few gun owners shouldn't represent the population?


I'm not unique or novel. But thank you for proving my point that the majority of US are not gun-toting rednecks.

what about ancaps who voted for (((Donald Trump))), arent they by your logic hypocrites?

what you don't trust the police?

What are you, a nigger?


Yes, of course

LOL fuck you.. worthless nigger

I fear that it is something lika that that is going to happen before anything gets done..

It was stated that there are 300 million in a previous post.
Why would people die? There are slim to none guns in Europe - what are the shooting statistics there?
Look at the ex-Yugoslavia states now turned into countries with guns being illegal. All the military grade equipment was left behind when the war abruptly ended 20 years ago. Those guns are still in possesion of the citizens. No mass-shootings - or shootings at all. Difference with USA? No new influx of new weapons...

The police are still doing raids to find those weapons...

Nope - I bet it is fun though.


>fiscal conservative with liberal social views

In other words, you're too stupid to adopt a novel system of ethics and theory of economics, so you just go with whatever CNN, MSNBC, and Fox spoonfeed you and your parents taught.

Ich Hasse Schusswaffen für der Bürger auch!

About that... Why is US mental health system so screwy? Is it because mentally ill can't be given compulsory treatment because "muh rights"? Not trolling.

lol that is a liberal fantasy you soy eating cucked out fucking snowflake.. go find a nigger to love


the point is that anyone can become a mass shooter, and btw i dont believe in gun control so dont call me a libtard bcz I aint


Viel dank.

baited this hard. go fuck your sister and overdose dumbass

And what's your novel and awesome system of ethics? Teach me, oh great one!

Switzerland - the country with an excessive amount of gun control.

Who are able to buy guns in Switzerland? People who have gone through serious military-style gun training.


Youre evading the argument completely. Ir's not about who CAN become mass shooters, it's about who ARE mass shooters. They're all democrats and leftists

you know you are a fucking worthless nigger. if all of you were dead America would only be stronger. your entire race is a pox

My nigga

So what you're saying pick an arbitrary side and do everything in your power to validate yourself by picking apart everyone's believes but your own. Just sayin.


Highly homogenous population too. Much like Saudi Arabia. Just saying.

So, all of them