YLYL: Dad-Joke Edition!

YLYL: Dad-Joke Edition!

>Did you guys hear the rumor about butter?
>Never mind, I shouldn't spread it.

Other urls found in this thread:


I recently cut wood in half just by looking at it; I saw it with my own eyes!


>we're heading through grocery store checkout. She looks over at the candies and says
>"Ooh! Mentos!"
>"I already have Mentos."
>"Really? Where?"
>"On my men feet!"

I was gonna tell you a joke about pizza ...but it's just to cheesy

anyone have the pic of the tard sitting like a frog on a toilet?

Your mother sucks black dicks and loves it

Nice one, user!

A pizza walked into a bar recently; ordered a drink. The bartender said they didn't serve food.

A skeleton walks into a bar and orders a drink and a mop.

Two guys walk into a bar. The third one stops just in time.

Why do I love these?


How do you repair a pizza?

With tomato paste!

My grandfather died because the report said he had Type-A blood. Unfortunately it was a Type-O.

>go on plane ride
>stewardess come up to me
>do you want any head phones?
>sure, but how did you know my name was 'phones'?

My dad was funny

On the farm last night we thought our cow Bessie had come down with that Mad Cow Disease. The vet came and examined her and said not to worry, it's just Irritable Cow Syndrome.

What did the fish say when he hit his head?

Two goldfish are swimming in a tank. One of them says "How do you make the gun shoot?"

What do Saddam Hussein and Little Miss Moffet have in common?
The both had Kurds in their way.

When does a joke become a dad-joke?

When the joke becomes apparent.


With the battery on the ground, yeah.