How do we solve the reddit problem?

Turns out reddit has an entire sub dedicated to watching us, taking screenshots of our "epic maymays" and "fahnny bantz" to post for upvote karma

Why the fuck do they do this? This is literally stalker behavior what the fuck is this autism, are there actually normies too scared to visit this website so they have to find greentext stories and banter humor cherrypicked for laughs?

Pussies afraid to ridicule us on an unbiased platform where their feelings won't be protected by mod censorship

because sometimes people dont want to filter through the mounds of shit that is posted here. why even come here if you can look at the best posts of the day all in one place?

I come here for discussion not dank memes.

It's because you people are like animals in a cage.
Think of a zoo, but instead of lions and tigers it's virgins and septics.

>best posts of the day all in one place

The mounds of shit keep out the faggots.

The wall just got 10 feet higher, pablo.

All about the upvotes. Why bother making a controversial statement and risk losing karma when you can just steal someone's comment and get credit for it?

That's one of the main reasons why I hate Reddit; it kills originality.

thats why they can only steal our memes and bitch about how Sup Forums is the scum of the web even though where the lake that the world drinks from through there filtered rivers of stagnant garbage that they think is free speech

american currently studying abroad here keep forgetting my flag has changed

Then you become the animal as well
Don't be a coward

you have to go back

Ayeee I post shit there all the time and there's nothing you can do to stop me faggot

Dank memes can't melt steel beams


I fucking hate that reddit has this.

Last I heard another user told me 600k people are in that reddit page, is that still true?

redditors are literally the peanut gallery

Post your username then you coward

Who cares? They're pretty threatened obviously. Just sit back and enjoy the ride of your life user, MAGA soon.

>at a party once
>talking with friend of friend
>he's kind of aspie but not too annoying
>"dude do you know about reddit? hang on let me show you something..."
>he pulls up /r/Sup Forums and starts showing me pictures from there
>it's the shittiest screencaps of unfunny and forced shit
>ask him why doesn't he just go to Sup Forums
>he says something like "that place is weird, the people there are super gross"
so this is what it feels like to be culturally appropriated

>user isn't taking the b8 (

what the fuck

>studying abroad here
what the fuck uni has a summer program in mexico, esp with what's going on there?

Are you at a mexican med school?

I've looked through people's accounts who post there and found drug drealers and shit lmao

Only if you're a big guy.

But there are just screencaps of greens alone. They don't include the social aspect which is sifting through dozens of anime reaction faces.


Wow, thank you, this seems to be a great subreddit, you are a gentleman and a scholar, kind sir :)
Will X-post if I see something funny :D:D:D

EDIT: wow thanks so much for reddit gold! I'm a tomato-kin transnegro womyn with an amputated leg and this means so much for me!!

Sounds hot. Maybe I should join the #StefoTrain?

I believe the proper answer to this mame(TM) is "3spooky6me" (HAHA, get it?! :D:D:D:D).
Upvoted though. Reddit gold. Have a nice day m'lady. +15 USD to your patreon :)

The comments are much much worse.

>best posts of the day
That's subjective. There is no such thing.

Hold the fuck up.

Hold. The fuck. Up.

Some of you guys really don't get it?

The whole reddit/Sup Forums dichotomy is a farce.

There's a HUGE demographic overlap between reddit and Sup Forums.

I can tell just from reading posts on reddit. 4channers have a way of speaking, they use certain memes and catchphrases; tl;dr; you can spot someone form Sup Forums from a mile away without needing linguistic forensics. There's a lot of us on reddit.

Instead of looking at them as "stalkers" or interlopers, as outsiders peeking into your secret club. Look at them as people who happen to use both Sup Forums and reddit. The idea that someone can't see something amusing on site A and repost it on site B isn't that complex. In fact, it's kind of how the contemporary internet works.

You might as well call me a stalker on YouTube for posting the link to a video on my Twitter.

>steal our memes
That doesn't even really make sense. The whole notion of a meme is that it spreads. Saying someone stole your meme would make as much sense as saying someone stole your genital herpes.

Reddit intruder detected. Gitum boys

17.44mBTC says I've been here longer than you.

Bitch you weren't here for shoop da woop. You weren't here for happy negro and cockmongler. You weren't here for messing with football. You weren't here for Hal Turner show raids.

GTFO newfag

Lmao could you make it any more obvious, ledditor?

Yes I use reddit, that's pretty much implied. You should check it out, it's pretty dope. There's probably a sub for your city or locality, subs for fitness, I like aquariums there's a sub for that. reddit is pretty cool sorry you avoid it because Sup Forums told you what you're allowed to like.

reddit has two good subs: One of them is our colony (r/the_donald) the other is r/polandball, and even the latter is super cucked.

The rest of the site is cancer. Stay away!

Using reddit for anything but it's aggregator properties is cancer.
The comments there are an abomination.

who is this fucking reddit

You can tell when someone uses reddit when you're on another board and they start whining that
>Sup Forums is ruining x again
because you said nigger or jew

Sorting through the heaps of shit and stumbling onto some gems is what makes the really good stuff worth it though. Seeing a screencap of something happening is not the same as being in the thread in real time.

Especially when it's on plebbit of all places, something about their humor is just off. Like it's just "lol look at these crazy kooks on le chans XD"