Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra

Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra

Shaka, the walls fell.

Gilgamesh and Enkidu at Uruk.

Dathon sacrificed his life in hope of communication and wonders if he would have been willing to do the same.

autism, at spectrum disorder


Summer, the season neverending


Shaka, WHEN the walls fell.

Temba his arms wide

watching that episode as we speak







nigger i have that shirt

This episode triggered me so bad.

Ryan and Nunes and the mute monkey

Whenever we have to go through some shit together, and she's stressing, I tell her that story.

We may fuck up, but we will be closer for it.

Tay Tay, Her Lust For Fangirl Flesh Unquenchable !

Trump, His Comb-over Wilting !!

Angie, Her Tits Sagging !

Red Leader, Standing By!

The Garthok, Before the Narfling !

I'd sexually obliterate her. There would be no survivors.

sasha grey at blowjobsandwhich 11

Swifty, To The End, An Hero.

my xwing its doughnut dispenser is open.

a minor earthquake was detected in California and what appeared to be sections of Human Ribs were clocked at the speed of Sound leaving Earth Orbit.....and that's the way it is, Feb. 14, Twen-Tee-Sev-en-Teen, For See-Bee-Ess News, I'm Wal-Ter Cron-Kite

McCarthy, When Edward R. Murrow Dressed His Ass Down !!

Trump, When Not Giving A Fuck.

Zinda, his face black, his eyes red,
Temarc. The river Temarc. In winter

Gorman, At Seoul Olympics, In Drag.

Sully, The Hudson Rippling With Starling-Pfeffer

The only women interested in me this Valentine's could literally be called "the Beast of Tanagra."

88 keks to you, sir !

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Moot, when the site was sold...