American Sup Forumstards...

American Sup Forumstards. Why is your country and politicians so fucked up thinking your gun control laws are fine and dandy? How many people have to die in mass shootings for your government to wake the fuck up? Its actually fucking embarrassing.

It really is embarrassing that our school staff don't conceal carry on campuses across the country yet.


doesnt eu get their ariana grande concerts and brussels airport bombed and ran you over with trucks like every day

They shouldn't have to fucking conceal guns for protection. The entire country of the United States is an embarrassment.

Because our country is run by corporations. And corporations don't care about mental health or gun safety, so you know what that leads to.

Nope, it's like 5 or 6 times a year, spread across 28 nations. American has had 18 school shootings in 2018 alone so far. Guns are deadlier than Islam.


teachers fight tooth and nail not to have this. None of them want to be responsible for the safety for their student but just love saying that they ARE responsible for student safety

I can't wait until millennials run our country. Knock out these retarded gun money taking older politicians.

What's really embarrassing is your country. Call me when you're better than us.

The solution isn't to limit people's access to guns- quite the opposite. Every student, teacher and janitor should be armed for their own protection. I'd like to see someone attempt a shooting then



they should though, its not just kids shooting up schools we should worry about, obviously it's known that ISIS and other extremist groups reside inside the US and they ALL know that schools are vulnerable because they usually only have 1 School Resource Officer if they even have one. some schools have absolutely no protection.

>guns are deadlier than islam

you could be right but im too lazy to fact check that

السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ brother


"Doesn't somebody to be responsible for the care of our people."
-Ubbe Ragnarsson

>everything else is fucked up
>guns laws are fine and dandy
>so fuck them up
what did he mean by this

except it literally is JUST kids shooting schools classic retarded american has to bring up ISIS when your dip shit kids do everything

Man, I remember my country's last school shooting... In 1997. Most Sup Forumstards weren't even fucking born. It was either solved because guns were outlawed, or because everyone, even the 7 year olds who were massacred, where given guns. I think that they buried them in little gun shaped coffins and gave them gun shaped tombstones to keep their dead little kid bodies safe.

burden of proof, sauce for it JUST being kids shooting schools

>only specific length of barrels make the gun safe
>not having a front grip makes it less deadly
>having a pistol grip makes it more deadly
>ban "high capacity" mags
>30 is a standard capacity
>we had stripper clips rifles before and we waged wars with them just fine
>gun is the frame, not pressure bearing elements, or elements allowing for cartridge detonation
>after that 1 war, u need to have guns, just in case government is bad
>u try to restrict the gun access, even though u wrote every citizen has the right to have them
>u can amend the constitution to limit gun access, like u amended it in other areas
>u try to limit gun access by unconstitutional, dumb laws, instead of fixing the constitution, or making good laws
>gun is safer, if its not black
usa so SMRT

>implying 95 percent of the shootings aren't done by the government

fuck off shill

i wish kids could be mature enough for this. I mean I remember my grand dad telling me that kids used to bring their .22s to school all the time and store them in their lockers. Not that they were being sneaky or anything. The school policy was fine with it. Shit like that won't fly with today's kids.

this is basically the underlying issue to all of America's problems. y'all are under the thumb of money, so much for your superior capitalism huh.
health, safety, politics: all controlled by corporations and sponsors. and having the president be a businessman, no less. the USA needs a serious reform.

burden of proof? im not fucking citing 20 sources to you for the 2 shootings that happen every week go google it retard

Stay in your George Soros conquered county and shut up while Soros stages these incidents and attempts to further control our country, you pussified piece of Euro trash little bitch.

If we could get rid of the fucking liberals and the fucking media that like to promote how they are right and no one else is. We would do a lot better. Hopefully we will have a civil war or WW3 to fix this shit.

>the USA needs a serious reform
You misspelled revolution.

I can live with the occasional truck attack and airport bombing tbh, but god dammit, can we do something about the Ariana Grande concerts? How the fuck aren't they outlawed yet?

how would this help in a situation like what happened in vegas last year? firing into a crowd from a distant building on the 20th floor?

That's nothing for a skilled marksman. Plus with that many people shooting, one bullet is bound to hit

Donald would make an excellent military leader - the only thing I object to in that image, is Mickey outranking Donald.

why would you want to outlaw this?

did you say

R e v o l u t i o n ?

Does a bear shit in the woods?

you're fucking retarded if you think its fine for hundreds of people to start shooting randomly at a populated building. this would cause more chaos than the shooter.
and youre also delusional if you think a person a few feet in from the window, in a dark room, at a distance with no muzzle flash, with an elevation advantage would make an easy target for even a professional sniper.

You tell me


If we expect cops to save us then why didnt the cops stop him from killing those people? The simple fact that it takes a guy with a gun to stop the guy with a gun is reason enough for everyone to get a gun. Dont be defenseless. Protect yourself and others.