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>mfw when americans are so stupid they dont know more than 70% of guns in mexico were bought legally in USA then sold ilegally to mexico

>still thinks gun laws work

so....how does that relate to this school shooting? It wasn't the cartel shooting the school up.

that pic is from brazil, pendejo

>assumes this doesn't happen in Mexico

Not saying I'd fuck the two on the right... but I would

why did they ziptie the dead people?

scared of zombies?

Doesn't matter. The ATF was selling guns directly to Mexican cartels anyway.

Ah yeah, gun control couldn't work in USA because, as Mexico, the police is corrupt

got wood

ask the cartel

it doesnt work because you yanks keep making guns faster than you make mcdonalds, and because your border is shit... Why do you think Chicago is a shithole? Because any dumbass can drive up to Wisconsin and buy any gun they want, same with mexico, it doesnt matter if guns are ilegal because you americans keep smuggling them into Mexico dumbass

>omg why my kid isnt losing weight? I banned junk food in the house!!
>oh right, there is a Mcdonalds across the street and I give him 20$ daily for lunch lol

because those people are drug-related
>drug lords whores
>rival gang alcones

if you want to talk specifically about gun-related deaths, most are people who are in that shit, like the niggers kiling other gettho niggers in USA

The problem with this comparison, as with all right wing crybaby bullshit, is that no facts are used, just images and emotion.

Why on Earth is a comparison on manufacturing a firearm to starting a fast food franchise location remotely acceptable?

Guns are good

are you going to stay deluded ignoring anything that proves you wrong or are you going to discuss facts?


any random autist kid at my school cant buy a gun if he gets bullied, only cartel guys have them, so gun laws do work in the sense the average robber/cholo cant have guns

>because any dumbass can drive up to Wisconsin
>assumes America is the only gun manufacturer in the world
LMAO you're a joke

Are you fucking retarded? Mexican situation is way different and those guns are sold directlry from murika, I don't give a fuck if you get school shoting everyday just stop selling guns to the carlet you dumb.

I don't get the concept. Ban guns all you want. If a dude wants to die and wants to shoot up a school he will have no problem simply buying a gun illegally off the street. Just like banning drugs didn't stop drug use. It's pointless and almost hilarious that ppl think it'll ever work.

>Assumes cartels can't get guns from other countries
You sir have won the award for being this dumb

I live in a country with some fairly strick gun control laws and I've still managed to get a sizable collection. What's stopping me or someone else that's acquired firearms legally from shooting up a school or somewhere similar?

Sometimes "guns" can mean "breasts".

youre either 11 years old, retarded, or mexican. most likely all three. you dont understand anything it is clear. stop wasting your youth trying to yell at strangers on the internet over things you dont fully understand. It is a form of lying and driven by anger and ego. tl;dr shut the fuck up

> Sometimes "guns" can mean "breasts".

"Gun rack." lol

They do when you don't have a country full of obese retards right next door.

Fuck you, you little retard. That guy is completely right and your best attempt to defend yourself is just you insulting people instead of replying to the argument.

>I lost the argument
>let's call them "obese retards" to please the crowd

It happens because you pigs sell them guns

>you pigs sell them guns
>assumes Cartels can't buy guns from other countries
>being this dumb

First, you seem to think you're replying to someone else. And second, you are the loser in this argument. Just like in life.

They don't though. You can be retarded or in denial all you want but it'll never change fact.

The truth is that if America cared about their citizens, especially their children, they would find a way. What will it take?

>they don't
why wouldn't they idiot?

I hear you...

Well, it works here in Europe.

Nice feet. Moar.

stupid ftards
in europe gun control works well...
don't look to a 3rd world dipshit drug country

While you faggots sit around wringing your hands while a derka derk beheads a citizen.
Fuck you, you pussy.
No, I repeat no American gives a fuck about your chicken shit opinions.


Go to sleep kid

Also of course nobody’s thibks that, but do you think the Chicago gettho is going to import a gun from Brazil? Or that a Mexican Cholo is going to travel internationally to get a handgun?

Why do you think Australia is free of guns? Because nobody is going to travel by boat to get a fucking gun to steal up a Walmart, you just have to make more expensive squiring the gun than the gas to drive up to Wisconsin and get it legally and easily

i am an american living in europe and fuck, i give a shit. our gun law is so wasted.

Yes because getting new connection and passing up guns through different nations/continents is as easily as walking up to Texas and buy some guns from you yanks

lol you truly outperform yourselves in stupidity every time you speak your mind

Hahahaha you dumb fucks fail so hard that you resort to be compared to a third world country.

lol your posts evading all questions speak clearer than any answer you could give, you obviously need to resort to random insults that don’t address the topic at all since you felt cornered and scared by the truth being shown in your fat American face

>assumes cartels don't have the money and power to import guns
Seriously, how can you be such an idiot?

Nice meme, we're talking about real life son.

here, I got you

They why don’t they? Oh that’s right because it must be stupidly expensive or hard to do it.. why Muslims aren’t buying by the masses guns to exterminate UK? Mmm probably because getting guns across nations/continents it’s harder than to ask the fat yank from Texas to drive 40 miles and sell a handful of guns

>real life
I got you

they are hot indeed.
what a shame.

>stupidly expensive
>thinks it's impossible to import weapons from Central and South America for less
okay retard

now you are being retarded on purpose, then I should leave my house unlocked because is a thief really wants to steal my shit he will break my window?
If you yanks stopped selling guns it would reduce gun flow BY A LOT
It’s sinple math dumbass, if guns are more expensive and riskier to get into the country because now you need to travel with them across 5 countries and borders instead of asking Bob to drive from San Antonio of course the average retard in Mexico won’t have a gun anymore
They pay shitty salaries to drug cartel members, like 500 dollars a month, do you think they will throw out guns like candies if the price sky rockets? Also it would physically take longer to import the guns therefore reducing gun availability

Fuck I can’t believe I have to explain this shit to you, oh what that is American logic
>lol if it doesn’t fix it 100% and instantly it doesn’t work
>gun laws don’t work hehe they can still buy the from Russia even if it costs 10k each gun

>unironically thinking your country is good because it's Mexico tier


Or did they?

You are saying it’s the same to get a gun from Texas 20 miles away with no traveling required as getting guys from Brazil to come to Mexico and give guns? Ok, you got to be trolling now


Picture is from Brazil you fucking moron.



What a waste of young nice pussy, i would have taken n. 3 as my personal sex slave to be chained and leashed in the basement

You're not meant to post on this website if you're under 18.

>being this retardado
No matter what you do, cartels will always be able to get weapons from anywhere in the world.
They can literally make arm deals with anyone
In the short term it will cost them some money due to readjustments, but then they'd figure it out. See, you think you're so clever repeating what politicians in Mexico tell you and people being so retarded that they believe it.

>assumes this doesn't happen in Mexico.
>being this dumb

Warm at best.

No politician has ever said anything like that here lol
Also a ban wouldn’t be to stop it 100% but make it harder, which you fail to understand, if you think making a continent purchase and import to Mexico would be literally the same as doing it 20 miles away by te as you truly are an American and replying to you is like talking to a wall, you completely ignore all facts and points about guns being harder to obtain by saying shit like
>lol they have milllions they can buy a glock for 60k they don’t care

Yes retard, they will get them still anyway, just like a thief will still enter my house at night if he really wants some crack money, but the point of locks and borders is to make it harder for things to happen... Should USA take off all border patrols because Mexican still cross the desert? No, they have to image improvements
Will cartels start working in a factory if USA stops selling guns to Mexicans?
No, but certainly it will be much harder than to do a 30 minutes drive

Idiot, im from europe, everybody has guns here, holland, germany, france, italy, not even to mention the east.. guns all over. The problem you fucknuts dont get is that its the climate ppl grow up in, if you have a loner that gets grinded year after year one day surprise, he might fkin snap.. im sure that if the kid wldent had guns he would had done something else.. but go focus on being political correct, everybody's a winner and snowflaked get safe places, 7200 genders, niggers wuz kings etc etc.. Its a fking goddam mirrcale this shit doesent happen everyday, society is sick thats the fking problem, not guns

Guys, let's make more laws that'll fuck over innocent people. Those criminals will totally follow THESE laws this time, I'm serious!

Make me horny and take my loadz

There are more guns in America than people. You can't control something that is this pervasive. That is an incredibly navie veiw.

Mmm the one in red. I would of gladly married her for green card.

Yeah guns being illegal sure stopped the bataclan or the nice truck of peace.


Gun control is impossible in America, the best they can do is strengthen background checks within a state. Anything more puts law abiding citizens at risk, and emboldens criminals.

Well if Wisconsin has the guns, why isn't Wisconsin a shithole? Why just Chicago? And Detroit, and Baltimore, and St. Louis, and New Orleans?

Why isn't all of America equally a shithole.

I fking wish we had usa's gun laws here in europe, we lost, its a crime to talk about our cultural heritage. Our history is being soiled and the streets are full with fking animals

Its a nigger problem m8

The best we can do is look at the large scale crime problem and focus on the most dangerous cities and particularly the most dangerous neighborhoods within those cities and destroy the gangs that run them.

Thats called ethnic cleansing m8
Good idea tho
Should def throw the sjw on the same pile, make fkin church at sunday mandatory and get our fkin heads out of our asses and see the real problem

more bait for the algolrythm.

Its actually what Los Angeles and New York did in the 1990s. They used big data regarding crime to predict the most likely spots for crime and the likely times and thats where they put their police task forces.

I know, and it werent the white families that were causing the trouble right.. event interpreting statistics today would get you labeled alt right or whatever

They will do something for heroin infected white neighborhoods with similar data.

There must be a lot off those.. all that white on white crime n all.. all those white street gangs..

More like white heroin overdoses and where they will need rehab clinics. The white on white crime does exist in a few pockets though.

Yeah but come on, on what scale.. and they should give heroin dealers death penalty, that shit shouldent exist

in fact quite a lot of cartels apparently use chinese and russian shit. judging from oics and vids

considering that Mexico beat the USA in obesity a year or two ago, quite appropriate jose.

he's a shill. he's getting paid to act like an idiot.

if everyone were to have a gun, and not be shitskins, generally criminals with guns would be shot quickly
for example the sniper shooting at the university of texas, where the gunman was severly held back by gunfire from locals

you sound angryb friend. perhaps you should have some morning tea. use the kni-oh wait, ypu don't have those anymore either, do you? Like the rest of your empire.

Give it up man. These foreigner dumbfucks don't speak English. And the one cuck that does speaks in an accent that tells you he's never tasted true freedom.

>mfw want to ass rape you
>Mfw can cause u have no way to protect urself

Ur ass is pretty tight user, thanks.

All the guns Mexico has are from the US . Fucking moron op

Mexico is the not US. Gun control works op. Your statements and pics of dead people is shameful excuse to minimize the impact of the school shooting due to failure to make laws that help assholes like op from buying guns

For the purpose of relating something to something 90%of Sup Forums users should not have guns from faggtls traps to nazis on here you all should be on a gun ban list

No you racist faggot. It’s due to job and factories that moved out. Fucking moron

Sure it is..

There's no gun control in Mexico

Yes Goy, I mean Smart American, ban guns! Make guns illegal. That will stop the criminals from getting guns from illegal sources!

Guns are kewl and traps are gay

its niggers

Obama's family commits 58% of US homicides and 78% of armed robberies

you fucking dumbass.

the point isn't only that it doesn't stop criminals, but that it /does/ stop law-abiding citizens. You are draining those who follow the laws the power to defend themselves from criminals and you are giving the police full, unwavering control over the nation.