What does it take to make it big in hip hop?

I was reading stories of guys like Rich Chigga who went from rags to riches and made it big after dropping viral videos/songs on youtube.

Is it raw talent or good marketing and production or all of the above?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Rich Chigga
>Raw talent

Does not compute


good marketing helps for sure, with the hundreds of videos that are uploaded to the site hourly around the world. the only way people are finding it is through good placement for someone to even notice it

you need to look different. i mean facial festure wise. All the relevant musicism bsve one thing in common. they have distinct looks. look at rich chigga for example, he looks different than all those other Chinese kids

>chigga looks different from other chinese kids
boy, you have no idea what you're talking about do you?

good marketing with a shit song definitely wont get you anywhere

name yourself something like lil skull and dye your dreads (grow dreads) neon green.
Get really bad face and body tattos (im here for the job interview)
Okay now, film a music video where you are shirtless in a room with airsoft guns bouncing around and screaming the same word over and over (perferbal the brand name of a fashion line you cant afford)

Okay now, the most important rule. Have absolutely no talent at all.

Make bad music but do it on purpose. Shoot a high quality video and have some wigger on Sup Forums post about how it 'slaps' or 'bangs'.


Viral marketer

have the record company spam your terrible music no one actually like for months on end before they replace you with the new lil guy with pink hair

rich chigger has legitimate bangers


Lots of marketing and styling. Hiphop has become one big ad for clothing companies.

This guy has millions of views on all of his videos and it sure as hell isn't because of the music.

It's mainly white teens that want something to look up to and which they can mimic when they're on a night out or in need of a new instagram picture.


What is he in denial of exactly.

his new album was solid and you dont wanna believe it

I probably hit way too close to home.
Last week my nephew turned 18 so I took him out. He started doing all the cringy shit you'd see in your average Lil Marketing video.

stop being a hater

The dat stick video made me ashamed to be chinese.

oh, i see, one of typical asians with internalized racism.


>internalized racism
lmao fuck off I have pride in my heritage unlike those fucking niggers at 88rising who would rather see asian culture get BLACKED for the sake of popularity.

This one.


some kind of momentum whether it be regional buzz, critical acclaim or internet attention.

Pretty much this. Rich Chigga was already semi-popular in Indonesia as an internet """comedian""", same with Ugly God and probably a ton of others. Although I do have to give them credit for somehow pivoting joke songs into viable careers, considering Chigga has sold out most of his shows on his tour.

you act as if there are genres of music that exist that aren't like this

asians with cornrows is one of the most off-putting things I've ever seen

it's all of the above. there are tons of people who are vying for attention so you've got to stand apart from the shitty masses which requires talent. but talent alone won't get you in a room with the right people so you've got to market yourself. look at Token's rise (blew people away with a couple of good videos as part of a contest, got on sway's show to freestyle, etc.)

Face tattoos (the more the better), dyed hair, really edgy lyrics and super average trap beats, shill endlessly on social media. Boom.

I think if you speak any Asian languages you have more of a chance dominating the Asian Hip Hop scenes. US is over saturated with Hip Hop, its better starting a scene in a country that is just starting to get exposed to it.

Look up Thaitanium.

Any hip hop from anywhere other than US or Canada belongs in the trash.

Basically just luck, though marketing to certain niches (sad boi rappers come to mind) helps

is this guy a weeb?

Is his neck tattoo from an anime or something?

>Japanese text on neck
>Shuriken on face
That tiger looks pretty Japanese too