A huge diversity of cultures on the African continent are able to function perfectly fine

>a huge diversity of cultures on the African continent are able to function perfectly fine
>evidence suggests that the greatest peak of civilisation before us was not the Roman Empire, but in fact somewhere in the southern quarter of Africa at the end of the ice age
>Europeans come along and restructure the economy and politics to suit them, replacing self-governing slightly-communist villages with a large power pyramid and strict capitalism
>they divide the continent arbitrarily, so some countries contain people that absolutely hate each other which eventually leads to genocide
>then they leave again, still leaving their new political and economic ways behind
>in many countries the power pyramid immediately gets filled with idiots and savages who either got in with violence or being friends with someone already in power
>as a result these countries are shitholes
>foreign aid sent to these countries is poorly planned, and thus anything that isn't food is totally misued which makes the countries seem even worse
>the people who are lucky enough to get an education in a shithole country are lured out by foreign companies because "muh diversity", and thus don't make a positive difference in their own country
>racists use these shithole countries with corrupt governments as evidence for the "genetic inferiority" of Africans, having done no research into the context for these countries being in their current condition
>obviously they avoid mentioning the countries that were able to form stable governments and are steadily improving the living conditions of their people, such as Botswana
Africa is a fuckhuge continent with 54 countries and enormous cultural diversity, but the average person seems to know less about the entire continent than they do about a single country in Europe.

>>a huge diversity of cultures on the African continent are able to function perfectly fine
God I hope this post was not serious

It's a greentext, newfag.
The statements are in chronological order.

>he actually thinks those cultures were functioning
>he thinks that colonization ruined them
Oh man you do need to do some reading
Those cultures were savage tribesmen who war'd as a way of life. Making slaves of enemy tribes and literally eating them and using their bones as pieces of ceremony...or worse they were one of the thousands who ritualistically sacrificed each other


>I heard some people were like this in Africa
>therefore everyone in the entire continent was like this
Once again, enormous cultural diversity.

Take the Zulu for example, whose tribes would "fight" each other by meeting up in large groups and keeping their distance as they tried to intimidate each other, but valued human life above whatever they were fighting over and so often a battle resulted in not a single wound being inflicted.
At least, until Shaka the edgelord came along and implemented a "win or die" policy for battles.

>thinks the greatest civilization was on Africa
>also thinks this great civilization was helpless against the inferior colonizers

It's a noble effort user, but like the page says, the stories posted here are works of fiction. Their benighted alt-right Cuckistani minds are not capable of cognition more complex than can be fit on headgear. You're casting pearls before swine. But you are absolutely right about all of that.

The myth of the noble savage is incredible demeaning and daming to African culture. There are accounts from old African men, mostly drunk (because alcohol is great) who still remember what it was like to live a hunter-gatherer lifestyle before the white man.

Guess what? IT FUCKING SUCKED. Basically you were hungry all the time, any tiny wound wound destroy you, your teeth constantly hurt until they ROTTED away, and more.

Africa is better now then its was 200 years ago, even with all the atrocities.

This is the same myth that the white man brought war to the americas. Guess what, indians killed each other all the fucking time and the biggest genecides were caused by aligning with native tribes to destroy other tribes that they had hated since time immemorial.

Let's chop off your hands, ship them to Belgium, and ask you your opinion about it all afterwards.

At least i lived long enough to have my hand chopped off, instead of being one of my 20 siblings who died sliding out of my mother's greasy tract onto a maggot infested jungle floor.

>white people always gave birth in clean hospitals since the beginning of time.

They did it to kids too and they didn't bring hospitals in their wake. If you want to whitewash the crimes of imperialism, you'll have to try far harder than that.

White people these days planning for jacuzzi/bathtub births.

Not whitewashing anything. It was still better then what was there before. As bad as you think imperialism was, tribalism was worse.

No it really wasn't. It wasn't a perfect paradise before the white man came like the liberals like to claim, no. But it wasn't as bad as colonialism either. You're like a German in the 60s pretending they were on vacation from 1933 'til 1945. Our societies did evil shit, own it instead of being a cowardly faggot refusing to take responsibility for your society's actions.

Yep, evil shit, still wasn't as bad.
Does that excuse the atrocities commited? Nope.
But... IT FUCKING SUCKED in Africa, this cannot be said enough.

Yeah okay whatever you say there Hitler, ima go back to working on my history thesis now.

There's archeological evidence (thousands of large stone structures) for an absurdly-large civilisation spanning South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique.
There are no historical accounts for this civilisation, not even anything in folklore, suggesting it was there an absurdly long time ago.
Additionally, the region this civilisation occupied would have been one of the most hospitable in the world during the ice age.
This civlisation is referred to as the Bakoni.

There is one myth that sounds like it could be referring to the Bakoni, and that is the myth of Atlantis: It describes a powerful civilisation getting wiped out in 9500BC (dated astronomically).
Which is interesting, because the official date for the end of the ice age 9300BC: The Greeks didn't know about the ice age, but their famous flood myth just so happens to take place at a time when ice melt was flooding the world.
It seems plausible that the Atlantis story comes from a myth that was passed down over the millenia, describing a civilisation being wiped out in floods, with specific astronomical measurements being part of the myth so that any civilisation that practiced astronomy could date the myth.
The unusual frequency of flood myths across the world (Noah's Ark being the most famous) suggest that there are lots of myths that date back to the end of the ice age. Atlantis appears to be one of them since it came from people who didn't know about the ice age yet still dated the end of the ice age, which is exactly what you'd expect from a story passed down the generations.

So, the Atlantians were probably the Bakoni, and the Bakoni definitely existed since even today there's thousands of complex stone structures you can see on Google Earth if you know where to look.

Aight that huge 10,000 year gap between point 1 and point 2 is where we draw our conclusions of inferiority from. You're saying it took them 10,000 years to get from the peak of civilization to Europeans finding them in a mud hut trying to a dinner plate in their lips.
Granted a lot of what you said is true, but not many places have bothered all that much to improve the situation either. White cultures in similar situations dug themselves up by the bootstraps to plane themselves on the world stage (see basically all of German history)

Consider the other thing that happened in that 10,000 year gap: Climate change.
Back in the ice age, the southern quarter of Africa would have perhaps been temperate and fertile, perfect to support a powerful empire.
Then it changed and whatever they were doing no longer worked and everything fell apart.
Wouldn't be the first time an environmental shift wiped out a powerful civilisation, it happened to the Mayans.