Discuss and post pictures of drugs

Pictured is my fun tray with all I need to do heroin, alprazolam and weed

I am currently on 95 mg heroin and 1 mg alprazolam


Wie kriege ich Codein verschrieben? Habe wirklich harten Reizhusten manchmal.

not bad puppy nuts

Smoke pot to drop the heroin

Zum Arzt gehen und sagen, dass du festsitzenden trockenen Husten hast. Da wird aber eher Dextromethorphan (Hustenstiller-ratiopharm) für gegeben.

Alternativ im Darknet bestellen, aus UK, da wird das sehr häufig verschrieben und die verkaufen da eine Packung mit 28 Codein-Tabletten schon für 15 bis 20€

wtf is that?

Pot is cool and all, but I want dat heroin high

That's syringes and heroin stamps, each one of those paper bags contained 100 mg heroin

A bunch of heroin packets and used needles.

Nah it's not good. Seriously get away from it while you still can.

Pro tip : Use a candle instead of a lighter when chasing the Dragon.

I've been using on and off for a year now
I am suicidal and don't care if I die or ruin my future with it
I don't intent to live much longer

Just got busted and fined for pot. RIP 80€. Air out your cars next time.

Good thing they didn't write it up as a DUI, i claimed to have smoked last night and acted calm. Test was positive so whatever.

Yeah, I would if I had one here
Sadly none at home rn

holy shit, we're probably in the same town

Better drug

Damn dude thats sucks, could've spent those 80€ on weed. Do you do other drugs too?


Is that MDMA?

Jo, von dem DXM habe ich mir vorhin 60mg gegeben, gemischt mit 50mg Doxepin, damit ich einschlafen kann. Habe vielleicht eine Stunde gepennt und jetzt fühl' ich mich richtig wie ausgeschissen.

“Chasing the dragon” is smoking opium. You’re welcome

Sometimes I use xanax and got a script for tianeptine. Benzos didnt show up on the drug test. Guess you have to take it recently.

It is


Wie geht's dir gesundheitlich?

Lsd >

Desk syringe user I'm in southern us and black tar is literally running my veins my sink looks allot like your desk. Any tips on getting stamps where I'm at?

im on a bunch of klonopin and methadone got some kush too.

wish i was still doing speedballs but fuck it. not worth the fuckshit.





Was zur hölle? You a dealer?

Or heroin.

Benzodiazepines are detectable in your urine for 3-5 days I think

MDMA is okay, but it's not even close to heroin. Plus you have to wait 2-3 months in between doses, because if you take it back to back it is very neurotoxic

What's that?

Ganz gut, ausser wenn man gerade entzügig ist

LSD is good but not comparable to opioids

I order online

Enjoy, good combo

Trying edibles for the first time tomorrow
I'm not new to weed, but I don't like smoking, so I'd like to try something different, what can I expect?

>having a fun tray
>not a avarice box

molly? if its not cut yeah

everyone is this thread a faggot pandering how much drugs they do as if it makes you strong.

try living without drugs and watch yourselves die like a man drowning or dracula sunbathing

How do you buy online with a habit like that? Are you well off or something. I'm a daily user cannot afford to wait days and days for a hit lest the withdrawals kick in

You will be stoned for a long time, 13+ hours
I like edibles, they really fuck you up

You must be fun at parties

Just gotta buy bulk
But you'd have to have money for that

hope u don't die soon

That’s a gram of MDMA. One of 7 grams that I have stored for future use. Yep, about 3 months between doses.

It’s delicious

Well I've never much trusted the online scene, is the value better? Also do you live in a region where you could get stamps of nice East coast powder whether you order online or not? Just wish I had that luxury I've been shooting into arteries for the past two years at least

My mdma storage

pretty much, I want to know how a heroin high feels like before I die, certainly I've had euphoric amphetamine highs, weed whatever--the point is the enticing heroin.

If you where to open your mind
You would be just like me
What’s your drug of choice
Well, what have you got?

heroin is for queers lol hope you OD that would be pretty epic

Not OP but I’ve done it twice. It’s the most amazing high ever.
Would like to do it again but it’s hard for me to find.



Weed is gucci but dont do heroin dude

If you research the vendor you want to use by searching his name in r/darknetmarkets and look at his recent feedback score on the darknet market itself, it's afe. You absolutly want to encrypt your address yourself with PGP.

I never bought from a real life dealer before.

How often do you take MDMA?

Heroin has the best high there is. Imagine it's nowing outside but you are inside, in a cozy bed, watching a fire, drinking a hot chocolate while experiencing an orgasm. It makes you forget all problems you have currently or ever had.

The year 2010 called, they want their word "epic" back you normie.

Not enough purple.

I just fetishize the hard stuff as something i could play with if all the marbles fell out... cause if you do heroin what buzz could you possibly build up in your mind in times of stress? There'd be no mystery or whatever... just like when you were a teen and fantasized about pots and ecstasy and now it's just kind of old hand... I feel like that happens no matter what drug you choose. But if you go deep enough it'll really fuck you to be so nonchalant on having such power hitters on the menu

heroin is for losers who would be better off just killing themselves. opiates are a weakness magnet

suicide is a 100% death rate, OD is a gamble, I'll take my chances to feel /i/good/i/ as long as I can.

Agreed, but I dont care, the high is worth it

Shut up you fucking sphincter

i see what you did there

damn this kid edgy

I want to try all the drugs but i don't know by degenerates to get them from in small town northwest Ohio.

Probably shouldn’t do MDMA more than once every couple of months because that shit causes a fuckton of serotonin to dump. Takes a few months for it to build back orrrr ... a larger dose to get back to that high.


I take MDMA once like every second month I guess...
Sometimes I just take a break for a month, but never less than that

Sex drugs and rock n roll faggot. Go watch your ‘Voice’ programming already in progress

too busy smoking pot to watch the brainwashing box faggot, seriously LOL @ all heroinfags

Check out r/darknetmarkets, they have a "buyer bible" in the sidebar which explains it all

Tomato potatoes
Run along now, adults are talking

drugs are for pussies


The longer you take, the higher you get

Meow bitch

You should be shot dead to put you out of your pitiful fucking waste of a life you fucking loser scum fuck.


false, heroin is for manchildren

ooo look at mr. mad
not taking the bait

You do Heroin because you and your life are a waste. Your a fucking loser face it. Worthless fucking scum of the earth.

you are right, but nobody asked you, really
this is a thread to talk about drugs


so r u by your logic ROFL

Waiting another 2 weeks for my opiate tolerance to come down.

I need to accept the nod, often times my ego gets in the way that I'll die if I nod off :/ only taking 15 mg's too hydros

Please do

Weed boy here. Where my weed boys at?

I'm doing coke this evening, what's heroin like?

china glass gang

budget weed guy reporting in, using a broken glass pipe rationing an 1/8 every two weeks.

gonna buy some weed tomorrow maybe, this has been the first time i've sucessfully rationed an 1/8 for 14 days.

There’s a reason why it’s king but you have to be smart

Like being wrapped in a warm blanket while you forget all your problems.

Is aldi the European equivalent of Wal-Mart?

haphazardly inhaling glass does wonders to your psyche

im thinking of becoming an alcohol, its readily available and doesnt make me feel retarded and socially anxious like pot
ive been drinking every night for a couple days and its great, I can focus a lot more while drunk

Wal-Mart of foods

its a maverick piece made in California
as long as your piece works. rationing sucks though.

ye, it'll do that. caution pitfalls you'll find along the way

whats coke like? ive done coke and even ritalin before but I never felt high

I dont get what the fuzz is about, id rather snort caffeine pills

btw, snorting caffeine is fucking amazing

Shout out to speed

same with ecstasy?

It's a chain grocery shop

When you eat weed your liver metabolizes the delta-9-THC into 11-Hydroxy-THC which is much trippier and lasts a lot longer. It's very different to smoking, make sure you have a good few hours free.