Daily Reminder that twitter faggots genuinely believe the media is strongly Pro White

Daily Reminder that twitter faggots genuinely believe the media is strongly Pro White

what's your point?

>social media is filled with delusional niggers and white cucks
you say this like it's news to us


cnn loves to crucify whites. whoever made this is probably asspained that there was one instance in 24/7/365 news cycle that they didn't straight up call a white guy a nazi and they think that means they love whites.

Blacks are delusional to extreme levels these days.

>that pic
the delusion is strong with this one

Those costumes are spooky as hell, the Kool Klux Klan had a nice fashion sense

The reality is that's it's the opposite
CNN takes any chance they gt to call out whitey and will stretch stuff or even straight up lie to do so
There's probably no convincing this dumb twitter ape of this though

Poltards think its anti white and tumblr thinks its pro white. Different sides of the same identity bullshit coin.


I don't really see any other way for explaining how this case went, really.





neutralfags are the literal worst.


this sums up neutralfags.
>im smart becuz i cant take a position :^)
same goes for cucks who don't vote

I watched the wire when I was 13 and I obviously didn't catch on to a lot of the shill themes

It's been 8 years since that summer , I should give it another watch cause holy shit this guy is a shill

You're not even white

This was literally me in high school.

>jewish and hispanic

Out maneuver their brainwashing.

Ask them if they support fair wages for new immigrants, whether they are legal or illegal.

Lefties very often do support such things.

Get them to keep fighting hard for raising the wages of new immigrants.

Use their lingo like undocumented immigrant.

The more the left hammers the big industry and big banking class of society with charges of exploitation (which is certainly going on,) the more it chills the Elite enthusiasm for mass immigration.

So you're telling me to choose whether that pile of shit is yellow or blue? Fuck off.

You're not allowed to stand your ground against the fucking police

Zimmerman is probably the what that has redpilled the most on those things

Cant even find a KKK picture in color.
Top kek
Brainwashed niggers it's not their fault


Anybody else fucking sick of this ebonics jigaboo tongue? It is spreading to my country as well. We have assholes saying they are "woke" as they try to emulate BLM.

I can see how it would seem this way to a black or hispanic
Whenever they're in the news, it's because they committed a crime
There's obviously a lot of bias against whites who have to put down rabid apes, but that's no comfort to races that never achieve anything of value
Almost all of them have massive inferiority complexes.