How long have you known that you're an unlovable degenerate? I hate myself Sup Forums

How long have you known that you're an unlovable degenerate? I hate myself Sup Forums


I'm feeling angry and depressed.






Thought it my entire life, but got a gf that made me feel like it was possible. She ended up cheating on me so back to feeling like it's meaningless. I'm not bummed about it per say just these are my experiences.


I know that feel

Come on Sup Forumsros and 'femanons' lets laugh and cry together.


The thing is my social skills are garbage until I really get to know someone. She's the one who initiated the first convo and she's the one who started flirting. It made my confidence boost but also I learned nothing from the experience lmao

>tfw this could be me and her but in reality I'm not worth her time

OC paint masterpiece

>petting cats
>some whore stacy who's gonna cheat

women are strange user. I love someone who I feel or in her strange ways flirts with me but she with another guy like usual. Why lie or lead me on? Sad thing is I fucking miss her.


I like whores and wholesome women. It is what it is.





Honestly I feel both the majority of men and women are just scum. I used to think cheating was a high school thing. Just stupid kids being stupid. But my ex showed me other wise. She was 3 years older me in my freshmen year of college. Age =/= maturity.

Honest opinion: If you cheat after you graduate high school you just need to off yourself.


I've been used and abused so much over the past few years. I'm here for the pity party.

Exactly or just because you had multiple or long relationships make you better at them. Its fucking ridiculous

welcome to the party friend

One day we'll be happy right?



Patrick's actually the smartest guy in Bikini bottom but our brain waves are too slow to comprehend it.

Not anytime soon, user.
Ive sheets, and fresh pillows in my closet, but instead im choosing to sleep on a cold white mattress because i feel i deserve it more than comfort. Depression is a bitch.

She loves the alternate you. That alternate girl would never love this world's you