Has the Alt-Right movement been hijacked?

As far as I can remember, the alt-right started as a white nationalist movement with voices like Richard Spencer's and AmRen adding to it. It wasn't about legal immigration, but just a complete stop to migration to prevent further endangering ethnic Europeans.

Did the Trump movement hijack it?

Other urls found in this thread:


The alt-right is being associated with Trump in order to make Trump look bad. Remember, American media hates the alt right.

(((Richard Spencer)))

pretty much
the movements atmosphere is also more about hatred than respect, explaining the various riots and hate mongering thats happening across the west.

instead of mutual understanding we got enmity.
never has once in my life whites are being hated across the world.

The powers that be saw the potential in the alt right scene and is now in the process of taking it over so that they can control the opposition.

>white nationalist movement
I.e. absolute garbage.

Thanks god it's been hijacked.

Cancer from beginning to end.

National socialism is the only answer to todays society, see WW2 for proof (Hint: Capitalists and communists fought against Germany).


Trump is just a softer viable mainstream face. I don't think any alt righters have any illusions that he's some Jew hating white nationalists. Step one should be getting a handle of immigration. That's just phase one. If we fail here we probably fail completely.


>The Alt Right is a white nationalist movement

No, that's the white nationalist movement.

The Alt Right is an intermediate, baby-steps. You can't go full swing too quickly int his leftist dominated era.


People here should read this short book, it pretty much explain that any political movement that doesn't exclude jews actively will be hi-jacked by them.

White nationalism only applies in the new world, who're European mongrels but it still applies to eurocucks in the sense of ethnic self-determination.

Depends whether you view the alt-right as a consistent ideology or just a collection of differently minded individuals
I assumed it was the latter for a while, mostly young white male conservatives sure, but united more by their opposition to the centre-right establishment that is the closest they have to representation than one consistent belief system
You have the 14/88 stormweenie faggots who are mostly focussed on race, and you have those who consider themselves more libertarian and are more concerned by attacks on free speech or other liberties
If you see the alt-right as merely one of these things sure you could get that impression, but I don't think that's what it is
The name itself adds to this, ALTERNATIVE right
The most defining characteristic, given that it's in the name, is how it is an alternative option to the establishment cuckservatives

Overt racism is blue pill material.
Storm niggers are still niggers.

Funnily enough the alt-right doesn't even dare to name the Jew, in fact people like Milo are in his words "viciously loyal to Israel". What a waste of time.

It started out as one thing, the jews saw it as a threat and attempted to become both the alt-right heros and villains.

They want to control it, but it's like a slippery fish made out of memes.

But that cannot happen today. It was possible then because Germany was in the midst of chaos, and there was no real establishment of power. Many different factions fought with eachother, which created warring room. Today most countries are under Jewish influence heavily, and any chance of an NS movement succeeding is extremely slim.

i miss the days when Sup Forums was a stormfag board




>inb4 he's Catholic
Yeah and Lenin was an Atheist.

>Jewish nationalsim = muh ethnic purity

>White nationalism = racist

Alt right is more than anything a white nationalist movement. Outside things have become part of it now but at it's very core it's white nationalism.

This. Capitalism is easily hijacked and subverted by the commie kikes.

The Alt Right movement is separate from Trump

Spencer always said that the cuckservative republican party needs to be demolished, and Trump is doing just that

Trump has shown that you can win elections by promising alt-right stuff like ban on Islam and deportations (even if Trump wants a touchback one)

Basically Trump has opened the door for mainstream white identity politics

he is not alt right, but the next one will be

The faggot Milo has piggybacked for his own gain, he doesn't give a fuck about 99% of the stuff most of us believe. The only reason he's against the migrant invasion of Europe is they are Muslim & want to throw him off a roof & not stick their cocks in him.

If it was all non-Muslim niggers invading Europe, that future aids victim would be the head of the EU fan club.

The alt-right is supposed to be about fighting for free speech in its purest form, in which no form of "hate speech" is excluded. That's why Milo is in charge.

No need to bother with semantics. Nationalism is nationalims. If you're a British nationalist you're a white nationalist. German nationalist? White nationalist.

Milo? not really

He bizarrely arguments that we are actually not serious with what we say, he does not support free speech but right of satire

>Sup Forums will excuse this

You sound alright Britfriend. Keep up the good fight and good luck with Brexit.

It's a BIG tent.
Just like the one in my pants.

As an oldfag I remember Pat Buchanan and Paul Craig Roberts saying exactly what Trump said 15 years ago and reading VDare. They predate the Alt-Right but are essentially the same thing. The left has simply reached a new level of insanity with identity politics and third wave feminism and people like Milo and Molyneaux are talking about it. I don't quite get why people have latched onto Milo. There are much more interesting people on the Alt-Right. I know some of them.

The alt-right is a Jewish construct; it was formulated in order to lump all Trump supporters and fringe right-wingers (many of which disagree with other right wingers like right libertarians, etc) under one easily identifiable label.

It's a way to discredit anything that isn't a democrat or cuckservative as "fringe" and "crazy conspiracy theory racists."

Looks like we need to create a little chaos. Watching the news lately I'd say it looks to be a nice start. Blacks rioting, Whites and Mexicans fighting in the streets. Extreme bitternerness and resentment on all ideological sides. I think there will end up being some level of choas in the coming 5-10 years. Perhaps even sooner. I just don't see how all this is just going to die down tomorrow.

not really

White nationalism is the reason why serbs vote for FPO in Austria, and why alsacians vote for Front National

Europe has a sense of common solidarity against Islam that one can't ignore, and that goes beyond christian concerns (specially given that all the christian churches now side with Islam)


>The alt-right is a Jewish construct


The Alt Right existed waaaay before Trump, in both Europe and America, in the form of the American New Right and the French New Right and a coalition of related blogs

The Alt-Right is run by Jews. It was already hijacked.

You faggots keep sucking cocks and going

>garble suck slurp BASED (((MILO))) XDDDD

They have you right where they want you.

Milo has nothing to do with the alt right. He just supports and scoffs at the idea that the alt right is anything other than anti pc provocateurs.

Some people tolerate him and think what he says ultimately benefits the alt right but he is in no fashion alt right. Why are so many of you confused on what it means to be alt right? It's fucking racism "racial realism" and racial nationalism and traditionalism. Those are it's core tenets.

Nobody ever mentions Mencius Moldbug or Radish Magazine. Those were some of the early Alt-Right websites that outlined the ideology. Thick, long essays detailing issues in contemporary society by plundering the archives. They promoted thinkers like Thomas Carlyle and Monarchists.

It's a far cry from Milo and Breitbart, etc. But I still support Trump. Even if the hardcore, original Alt-Right ideas are correct, they don't have value if they can't be implemented. Trump's the closest we'll get. Alt-Right has come to mean "paleo-conservative" as practiced by young people with memes.

>The Alt Right existed waaaay before Trump,

And that's great, but it's been co-opted by Jews in the US and now used as the new "MRA"

David Duke 2020.

The Alt-right has been reformulated to mean "right-independent voter that supports Trump."

I don't care what it used to mean--that's what it means now due to media re-branding and anyone identifying with it and faggot kikes like Milo should kill themselves.

Alt-right has always been crap. It's for autistic fedoras who think they are too hip to be a paleocon

Exactly, he think the alt right is just satire to provoke the SJWs. Honestly though, I doubt it'll manifest much beyond that.

XenoSystem has made it very clear that Nick and Mencius are Neo-Reaction, not an Alt-Right

They don't consider themselves part of populist movements

Only if you believe that the Alt-Right actually exists, which it does not. It's a label invented give the false impression that there is something unusual or atypical about what the great majority of American conservatives believe.

Most people aren't neocons, and this electoral cycle is cracking the facade that they are. The "Alt Right" doesn't exist, it's just the Right reasserting itself.

The Lolbertarian contingent is what I don't like. They don't realize that Libertarianism is just Neoliberalism on steroids and this is the white man's (actually every man's) worst enemy. Even more than "cultural Marxism". At least the Bernie-bros care about something more than money.

Yes, by people like Milo. He's a fucking Jewish gay cuckold, for Christ's sake, who unironically advocates for race mixing and big corporate monopoly.

The man is the Amazing Atheist of the Right. He's absolute fucking scum and it's disgusting that he's become the 'face' of a movement supposed to be about justice and practicality for the Nation. Just because he's not a complete vomit-inducing hypocrite (advocating for most kinds of nationalism instead of just Israeli, but still not all - Arab nationalism is not valid to the kike) doesn't mean he's any less despicable.

Paleoconservatives are the OGs.


At least Jew is a cultural /ethnic group. What the fuck is "white"? It's a WASP lie that's so vague as to be meaningless.

Ethnic nationalism is better and is more definable than the pseudoscience of race.

Dude, the alt right is little more than Sup Forums pulling off 4chans more legendary raid of all time.

It wasn't hijacked so much as broadened into a more general catagory. The tactics of SJWs have driven more and more people who disagree with them into the corners, and many of them took on the label of Alt-Right. Some of this is simply due to SJWs calling people who disagree with them Alt-Right in the same way they say that Trump is Hitler. The result is a dilution of the initial concept into a general movement that dislikes SJWs, and dislikes cuckservatives for bending the knee to them.

VDARE is the best representation of alt-right.

moratorium on immigration, uphold america's heritage: we're european whites, that's what our natural citizens should be, english should be our official language, etc.

Most people identifying as right-libertarians are actually just moderates that believe in closed borders, liberties not being infringed upon, less regulation of private enterprise by the government, dismantling the NSA and other draconian institutions that violate innocent American's rights, etc.

They don't usually identify with the whole "we should have open borders and the government should basically do nothing besides protect our country from an attack" side of libertarian ideology.

because a faggot is the closest relatable thing after years of liberal brainwashing, eventually the jig gets so retarded they become disillusioned

milo and cucks still champion 2nd wave feminism

anyone who has looked deeply into feminism can see the correlation between more rights, more leftist policies, and declining female happiness

unfortunately, there is no going back and you'd be insane to suggest it

>tfw I want to see all Europeans around the world purge their lands and unite as the Greater European Empire and conquer the whole God damn world for outselves

Really? I use Alt-Right and Neo-Reaction interchangeably. Thought the latter term had just fallen out of favor as the movement went mainstream. Either way, like I said, Neo-Reaction has great ideas, but it's worthless if it can't be implemented. Trump, Alt-Right is the closest we'll get. Even if Milo is annoying at times. He still pisses off the right people.

>Pseudoscience of race

The Alt Right is not a political party, I am not sure how can you co-opt something that does not have an explicit organization

Trump's link with the Alt Right is an alliance of convenience.

His main function right now is to send the message "white people in America have not surrended yet", and to move the Overton window

Trump is not the closest we will get

The message that the Alt Right wanna send is that White People will, for now on, start to play Identity Politics, the American Dream is dead

>pseudo science of race

back to r/thedonald

>it's just the Right reasserting itself.

That's true. That's why cuckservative is such a popular term because alt right feels it is conservative but without the willingness to sacrifice everything for acceptance.

That's called being a Classical Liberal, AKA not a retard. Right-Libertarian doesn't exist, as the American 'right' (conservatism) is directly and diametrically opposed to libertarian ideology.

Anyone who actually believes that race is a pseudoscience also believes the whole of evolutionary biology is a pseudoscience. Why, exactly, are humans exempt from the laws of evolution that dictate genetic arrangements in every other living thing?

Go back to plebbit, or wherever you summerfags crawl out of.

no the alt-right was always about race, because it's literally the most important and defining issue of our era. just without the more cultish aspects of stormfront et al. lolberts are lolberts, they aren't alt-right, they are just effete retards and degenerates who would happily see europe become a brown islamic mess if it meant they could fuck 10 year old prostitutes legally and dude weed lmao.

Trump didn't but that jewish faggot Milo certainly did

you have a shit long term memory

>Trump's link with the Alt Right is an alliance of convenience.

It doesn't matter because the movement is discredited by talking heads like Milo that utilize it for attention and profit and Alex Jones who the media has lumped into the alt-right.

Alt-right in the mind of normies has now become synonymous with "whack job."

I have no problem with fags and fag enablers, hell I'd have a hard time counting how many gays I consider friends. But this particular fag seems like nothing but a shit stirring subverter who is working to weaken this sort of movement. I mean shit, I have a couple good friends who are real deal yids by birth and they openly praise Hitler and consider themselves white. You are who you choose to be.

You guys are the ones who keep saying he's alt right. No one but you all think this is the case. Shut the fuck up about him. He's not alt right. Does not even remotely consider himself as such and as you blatantly point out, he believes in almost nothing the alt right does. SO stop fucking associating him with us yourselves.

>evolutionary biology is psuedoscience

I suppose that could be.

Well, I certainly think that histrionic national libertarians like Alex Jones fit very well within the Alt Right

I do doubt that the normies even have a clearly formed idea of what "alt right" means

Trust me, I'd love if Milo wasn't associated with the 'alt-right' at all, because as a nominal fascist, I'm supposedly 'alt-right' to the media. When he's called an 'alt-right leader' by every major outlet and stand that he appears on, only a mouth-breathing moron like you could possibly believe that 'No one but you thinks he's alt-right!'

It doesn't matter what he thinks he is, because pop politics define him as the face as of the alt right. It'd be better for everyone if he dropped dead tomorrow.

I would say that the weirdest thing about Milo is not that he is gay (even the nazis had Ernst Röhm) but that he fucks STD-infested nignogs

Anyone who accepts the alt-right label is a Cuck
"The best way to control your opposition is to lead them"

I din do nuthin... those kids are makin up lies!

>That's called being a Classical Liberal, AKA not a retard.

Well, both Rand and Ron Paul supported the aforementioned and they considered themselves libertarians, so why didn't you niggers support Rand? It seems like nu-Sup Forums has turned libertarians into some sort of hardcore SJW boogieman that cannot into roads.

i feel as if the alt-right in actuality is the "common-sense" movement
"reactionary" is used by the left as a pejorative, but what's needed now most of all is a negation of the suicidal leftist ideology
this way, interestingly enough, there's nothing really to hijack.
our enemies provide all the fodder with ridiculous antics. we are not a hivemind, we do not need an orthodoxy.. in fact we should shun the rigidity of the left. we should be the formless that sun tsu spoke of.

we are a reactionary movement. a negation of the contemporary left
from there, imo, we leave the state of politics to whatever would come out of us, the alt-right.
it's too early to say what will be at the moment. let things take their course.

If you google alt right and click on news you can read all about what liberals think of the alt right. Lately, it seems many are beginning to realize that liberal racial narratives over the past several decades have been abusive to some degree. They realize this is just white people playing their game. I don't believe we will turn back from this without it being ended with chaos, whatever the outcome be.

Race is a meaningless construct

Wasted trips.
Untermensh trash

Milo is based, fuck off anti-semites, they're (the jews) are our allies against islam

The closest we'll get for now. Do you think there's a better alternative for the immediate future?

VDare is paleocon not alt right

also its never been called the alt right

that term magically showed up to stick all of us in a box

Rand's weak, and I'm of the belief that America needs a strong leader to cut down all the bullshit corrupt politic rope that we've hung up. Lolberts became less popular after 2012's failures.

>(((Richard Spencer)))

The word "alt-right" is literally a Jewish fucking ploy for people like Milo to latch on to and subvert.

We're literally talking a faggot Jew here, who is bragging on twitter about sucking nigger dick. He's not a WN because he's not fucking white, and he doesn't believe in white nationalism and he has no stake in it -- he sees it as a joke and capitalizes on it.

Fascism != Alt Right

the Alt Right tends towards paleolibertarianism when it comes to individual freedom, that is why it is an entirely different, anti-puritanical movement

We're gonna need to go real fucking far right to fix the problems caused by the left
These non-whites gotta go if we want to have a country 100 years from now


Why is this discussing rugs?

>Ginormous unrepentant faggot
>Wearing a crucifix

>Capitalists and communists fought against Germany

fdr was not a capitalist

And colours just a spectrum. Guess I can speed through red lights now huh?

>being anti science

>genetic distance is a meaningless construct

kys, seriously.

It came from Richard Spencer ultimately.


>That's called being a Classical Liberal, AKA not a retard

>Unironically supports a guy that is the complete opposite of that (a retard according to your own definition)

I mean, I'm going to vote Trump since he's preferable to Hillary, but that doesn't make your rational any less retarded and hypocritical.

>gets btfo
>hurdur haha oriental is like rugs!!1

Come on lad, I am not even white-nor am I incredibly fond of whites in the [current year]. Despite this racial differences are very real. We are not exempt from evolutionary biology.

No man, I'm fucking scared of islam and the future demographics of europe. Israel is the only one that's actually taking a stance, and so they are my friends


The Jews keep forcing me to make typos.

A lot of things need to happen first before better alternative develops (I think that Greece finally declaring bankrupcy may be the spark that ignities such series of events, but it looks like Germany is going to keep that country afloat no matter what, the enemies of the people seem to be well aware of what is at stake)

Trump can get away with being slightly alt-right because he is billionarie, if he wasn't he would not have media access

where are you getting this from? breitbart? alt-right is authoritarian nationalism.