Ciara thread?

Ciara thread?

Other urls found in this thread:>>760076939

Lol no

this beat is automatic supersonic hypnotic poppin fresh

Where do I find a woman like this?

y she doin hitler sing. i-is sh e racism?

You have to go back.

I have a real thing for girls doing nazi salutes, I need to find more pictures like this.

Haha nigger

Fooled me. I'd still smash though.

Where's the megapack imgur gallery?

While I hate the bitch, she is a girl. There were nudes.

Who are you and why do you keep linking this video

Go away you dumb bitch nobody cares about you or these cancerous threads. Please kill yourself you junkie whore.

Lol try me cuck

i just did you retard>>760076939

an advanced comeback, to be sure.

yes, but is this not cp?

And it's gone lol

i think theres a good chance you are just retarded.


>scams pedos online for money
>still lives in this much squalor

yeah shes a druggie piece of shit alright

you guys know she was 15? someone let ciara know so she can remove it. fucked up



kill yourself faggot
