Roid Rage:

Any examples of roid rage coming out during a sporting event?

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Penaldo when someone takes his tap in.

WTF was that commercial with the jacked guy in a cow outfit


sped up make funnier

Does the league just ignore this behavior because he's so tiny?

Nigger should have dropped him for that.

The hell did the chicken do to make him so mad?

One bro on roids (for college hockey) destroyed an off-campus house with his hockey stick.but the place smelled so bad from hockey pads and beer no-one noticed
Another bro roid raged (general body building roids) and destroyed a vacant off-campus house. Literally ripped everything out of the walls including plumbing. He later went on to become a minor television star for a short time.
But no roid rages during sporting events to report.

> a minor television star

reality tv is not tv

He hates ducks apparently. The announcers sat there and cheered him on too.

This, messi was out of line


Gomez is a dirty roid monkey

>when roid rage meets autism
One of the rarest moments in sports, when Kershaw pitch is not a balk.

Basically any clip of Lyle Alzado. He actually tried to out box Muhammad Ali during a charity fight.

Jose Bautista

holy shit what a clip

an actual example that was probably legitimately road rage: roger clemens

enough already.

roid* fuck

Clemens was a savage and in your defense I'm positive he's had moments of road rage as well.

LeJuice taking his rage out on a defenseless trash can.

The Rocket - LEGEND.

Based Diaz working the potato nigger into a roid rage outburst