Reminder: Drop hemp seed everywhere for the hempening this summer

Reminder: Drop hemp seed everywhere for the hempening this summer.

Give me some seeds and I'm your man.

Do you actually believe I'm retarded enough to pay money for plants just to have the police and public duty clean them up before they're any good?

Are YOU actually this retarded?

Now quit your dumbass nonsense, I'm trying to smoke a bowl over here.

hemp seed in organic food stores are cheap as fuck. at some point they won't be able to get rid of the plants, too much everywhere.

>t. State

I said quit the dumbass stuff.
Get legit, my man.

You know those seeds will never sprout, right?

Hemp is a useful plant. It produces food, material for fabrics/paper/construction. It's smells nice and the hempening is a good chance to green up you're surroundings. I see no problem in dropping hemp seeds everywhere.

I started dropping them a few weeks ago when there was still a hint of snow. Yesterday, when I looked a few of them have been already half a hand in size.

i dont smoke weed. but i like the idea of people just dropping seeds around all over the place. the sheer degeneracy it will cause will be funny.


hemp seeds can grow up to be male and would polinate females making bud harvests dwindle, if you want to smoke weed ensure that you only plant female plants if you do otherwise you will fuck up somebodys crop

Why bud is so related to homosexuality nowadays?
I'm asking unironically

may the better crop win!

Weed relaxes my muscles making anal easyier.

I am aware of this
>dirt cheap
>protein rich food supplement
>>cures/helps with:
>cancer (at least helps during chemo)
>chronic pain syndroms/disorders/problems which I could list a ton of
>acute pain
>depression (but can also cause depression)
>tourette syndrome
>neurological disorders/problems which include spastic disorders
>can be used to enhance creativity
And much more.

That's not the point. The law doesn't give enough and the state will have enough people around to remove them.

how can you tell male from female apart from those that you're growing?
Smoking the male is very unhealthy.

>The law doesn't give enough
Doesn't give a fuck*
How did that happen?

Itt people that dont know hemp is not weed

Weed does not grow easy

Yes it does its legit a weed you dumb fuck

Itt people that dont know hemp is not weed....

This would probably cause a minor ecological disaster..

Male plants have pollen sacks not buds. Smoking male plants isnt unhealthy, just a waste of time.

I'm a faggot, but also 5 years old.

Why would wyou want to spread hemp seeds? Can't smoke the shit right? Or can you get smokable plants from them?