
It only took 2 God Damn seasons for him to show SOMEONE he's actually satan... and now they can't handle it AFTER she was like "yeah I can handle who you are!"
"No you literally cannot!"

I wonder if she will be like an aid in helping his mom and the others

looks like something out of buffy

ive never watched buffy, I should. my dad liked it

need to show lauren german panty instead

It's Lucifer. Only a true retard would hang out with him after finding that out.

>ruining a great IP for the sake of a public domain character

it's pretty ok user, just get past season 1

When I get the room I'll torrent it all, I'm guess something like 50 seasons?

7 of buffy, 5 of the spin-off angel which i haven't seen but heard is pretty good, and even syncs up with buffy at some points

My dad really liked Angel. I might when I get the chance. A lot of the older series from what I heard were good.

You should watch xfiles and babylon 5 with your dad

Hes shown multiple people he was satan before her. Shes just the only one who has really got to know him before he showed her.

I stopped watching S1 after a couple of episodes because it was just killer of the week procedural. Were there some episodes with important plotpoints I should watch or can I just dive into S2?


wtf I swear last time I checked recently lucifer was supposed to start up next year. fucking aye cheering going to start watching again tonight which episode does he reveal himself?

Last episode. The therapist shits a brick. maze also reveals her True face to Trixie, who thinks it's a halloween mask.

Is nice show

Why would someone support Satan?

Thats like betting on Woody Allen winning a fight against Mike tyson.

>all the themes about predestination, free will, etc are completely ignored in the show

This show is so shit, but it reminded me that I do need to read the source material.

Is it just the sandman comics, or are there other comics I should read?

There's 60 or so issues of a stand-alone series "Lucifer".

Pretty great stuff, though the artstyle did vary a lot in quality.

read Sandman and the stand alone Lucifer

Is this show worth watching then if I already watch every other capeshow(not including AoS)?


There is no source material the show has no link the comics at all.

It's Lucifer In Name Only to a hilarious degree, Lucifer is the weakest Devil we've ever seen and on top of that he loses his invulnerability around the female cop for reasons that have never been explained. On the other hand the characters (Lucifer, anyway) are likeable.

>Tom Ellis as Lucifer

What's wrong with this bitch.

her bf beat her pussy up too hard the night before

>A Day in the Life of Charisse Living with Cerebral Palsy

She loev pancake but pancake hard to mek ;__;

The British accent is ridiculously over played. Im English and I live in England and nobody talks like him, not even the Queen.

It got so bad that I stopped watching it after 2 episodes. Americans like the English accent tho apparently so Im sure its alright for you guys.

Gay men in London do

they completely butchered a really good comic to make another crime fighting series. don't understand it. following the comic would've been more interesting.

Probably something to do with America and religion, It's why these books didn't get film sequels

I'm supposed to believe she can go toe-to-toe with the undead?

On the show she's a "slayer" which gives her enhanced strength and agility