Theres a kid threatening to shoot up my school and the teachers looked in his locker and there was nothing so now hes...

theres a kid threatening to shoot up my school and the teachers looked in his locker and there was nothing so now hes allowed back in my school and he wears a trench coat everyday and said that the dude in florida who killed 17 was impressive what should i do?

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Try your best to get his ass busted. That, or become friends so maybe you'll be spared. Your choice, user~

become his partner

shoot up the school before he can

join him lol life is worthless

Let it happen your sacrifice is needed to hold to the 2nd admen

team up with him and try to beat the high score

Get him before he gets you

This. It's your only option

You bring your own gun and shot the school before him

Get Twitter or whatever and post videos when it happens so we can all get a lol



Suck his dick, there's really no other option user.

Gayest answer yet
>Stay at home and sit in your hands is the best way to deal with fear

Follow him home and look in his closet. You at best have a week to figure it out

Two options

1) be nice and be his friend, so he spares you ok the day of reckoning

2) help him out on the big day and you two can get a nice combo high score

buy him a shit load of guns, it's your only option

make friends so you can get a gun from him not a bullet in the head

join him

When you hear shots, go into a classroom, open up the window, jump out of it, lay low on the floor and start moving along side of if and then when you hear them (shots) far away run the opposite way so you get further from them and dont stop, adrenaline will kick in and you will run faster than you ever thought possible.

Non of the stay under the chairs, lock the classroom shit. Thats catle on a slatter house, like what are they teaching at schools, not survival instict thats for sure.


you can also stand close to the door with a fire extinguisher and point it at the nigger he will get fucking destroyed by the Mono-ammonium phosphate and if he dose not have full protective gear over his eyes/mouth/nose he will be blinded

then just smash him in the skull with it until you cant anymore or he stops beading

That reply made me laugh


don't you mean it made you kek

>newfag acting as if he "knows the rules"
How amusing! This post made me laugh.

Tell fbi. Then if it really happens it's their fuck up.

You go to the website above, and you tell the FBI. Give em all information you have.

Dont worry user I submitted a tip to FBI they will contact you soon.


shoot up the school before he finds his balls and beats you to it

god dammed newfags on my Sup Forums

17 isn't very impressive so he sounds like a fag.


make sure when you do it you don't run out of ammo and the doors are locked up
pic related
steal keys from janitor and get a new set cut
bring ammo and stash it in lockers that are not your own were full face googles and balaclava and have metal armor on your fore arm

thats how you could get a kd of 100/0

bring a gun to school

*If* you are for real..... take it to the police. Tell them everything that has happened, leave nothing out. Include that he was questioned by school authorities and is allowed to return to school. Do not exaggerate. Do not TRY to get him in trouble. Inform the police and let them determine what to do about it.
And if you are serious enough, tell your parents and ask to transfer schools. Better to risk looking like a pussy than to eat a few bullets.

simple, get some buds and kill him off school property, problemo solved

shoot up your school.

>Inform the police and let them determine what to do about it.

>be late
>roll up to gas station
>note car parked just outside the light pool
>not parked in connected store lot
>situational awareness hackles up, double check weapon
>two other cars roll in for fuel
>continue to watch suspicious car
>driving away try to check plates
>plates bent to hell, cannot even determine state
>call dispatch (non-emergency on speed dial)
>report as accurately as possible
>millenial shitter goes what's a "sedan"?
>explain what a sedan is, couldn't determine the model and did not want to mislead (cops are super fucking literal sometimes) 4 door grey generic car car kid
>"oh, ok"
>"yeah, um, I'm just trying to figure out what is suspicious about this that you would be calling it in."
>I'm like look you little faggot
>literally had to explain that it's not my fucking job to find out

Tell the police m8tey

Stop larping faggot

Follow him home. Do not be seen. Watch him. Wait for your opportunity. This may take days. Commit yourself. When he is most comfortable, when his guard is down, when he feels safe in his home, when he takes off his mask, you grab that little piece of shit and you clamp your hand over his mouth. You ask him, "is it worth it?" You know where he lives. You know where he sleeps. Where his family sleeps. You make it very clear how painful life can be. How it feels when something is taken from you. Put the fear of god into his stupid little skull. That oughta do it.

Notify the FBI if teachers won't do anything. FBI is in deep shit for not investigating the Florida kid so they'll definitely investigate this time to avoid lawsuits.

THIS is why Nikolas did what he did. Morons just joking around like fuckbrains

Shoot him. Preferably in school. And don’t let anyone try to stop you, shoot them too.

Tell the police to run an investigation on him? Make sure he doesn't own guns or buying any? Examine his behavior? Take him to counseling and confront him on his attitude towards his classmates? Regardless, maybe you should stay away from the kid. Maybe he just wants to be left alone. Was he bullied? Does he murder/torture animals? Does he practice shooting guns in his free time? Does he play violent video games? Does he watch violent the and movies? Is he quiet and reserved a lot of the time? Is he unpredictably aggressive towards others? Is he being abused by his parents or other parental guardian? Blah blah blah maybe he should go Vegan and be a peaceful plant eating Herbivore. Sure he may get territorial, but it won't be as bad as a wolf or lion that constantly goes around looking for something to Kil.