Hey guys.. Serious question. I know Sup Forums isn't typically the place to go for that... but...

Hey guys.. Serious question. I know Sup Forums isn't typically the place to go for that... but, I want to stop being an edgelord and get blue pilled. I started eating a lot of soy. How long is it going to take before I become a SJW?
I was thinking it over and the redpillers just sound like a bunch of self righteous nihilistic hedonists. At least being blue pilled there is a facade about giving a shit about anything and it's not all just about how much money you make and how much pussy you get. I know already know I'll probably get some kind of boohoo you're sensitive safe spaces are bad shit but I don't see why I shouldn't have a safe space and get a bunch of worthless criticism from someone who's opinion is just that everyone else is inferior to them for no particular reason aside from narcissism.


nice word salad
no idea wtf you're on about

What don't you understand. The redpiller types just seem as if they're nihilistic, narcissistic, and hedonists.

but does that mean they're wrong?


Well yes. If I'm not going to be making a lot of money or getting laid, I'd be super douchey like them with none of the supposed douchebag benefits.

no idea what you're talking about honestly
all i care about is whether someone is right or not
who they are doesn't really matter. and the so called redpilled many of them, not all of them, have entirely valid concerns

can you please not sage my computer is going to auto shut down for a update in a few minutes and that makes it kind of hard for me to bump the thread for a bit. I mean you're just going to have a fucking andy sixx, cuckold, trap thread instead of this if it goes to page 10.

They don't really have valid concerns. They're just upset and whiney they can't have all the special snow flake privilege of being some unquestioned patriarch of some make believe 1950's leave it to beaver styled nuclear family, so they spend inordinate amounts of time talking about being "successful alpha males" with their entire ego hinging on hoping they get laid, and that they are being oppressed because women are dumb.

In order to speed up the process, you actually need to inject the soy into your veins. Alternatively you could also boof some, which may be more up your alley as an sjw (:

you've constructed a cute little straw man. i guess that's how it's done. sometimes i wonder if i strawman the left, but then they say retarded shit like this all the time, pretty much confirms my suspicions.


I'm an incel I'm not into boofing.
What straw man? The red pill is all about being the alpha male stereotype. That's not possible unless you're a privileged person born into the opportunities that you can achieve success socio-economically.


I'm honestly curious how that was suppose to be a straw man. Generally the manosphere kind of stuff is either all about sexual strategy, or self improvement so you can improve your sexual strategy. That and money because being poor is practically a death sentence for most people.


Are you just trolling?
I think we should talk about our feelings.
That kind of makes me feel bad.




more plz

ok i have lots of bagina photos

I should probably try to start sleeping at night, maybe that will make the soy work faster.

you da best, post em if you got em,



I didn't realize those two were the same.


i got cucked once before



it was terrible

i dont think this one has a bagina in it



and i think im going to go get some soy for breakfast