How to hack life?

How to hack life?


drop out of school

Learn a trade. Don't party when your young. Channel your youth into grinding and live good in your early 30s.

Join military out of highschool. Best financial decision I ever made.

>"What the Fuck is that? I ordererd 5 cubes, not 4 and a sphere!"
>"Sorry, it's Paul, he thinks he can outsmart everyone, but basically he's mentally handicapped due to his mother drinking while pregnant."

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this. Someone please post the explanation as to why OP is retarded and will never be anyone without pure hard work x luck


good thing he got 5 cubes and a sphere then.. huh?


If there was a hack to life that someone on Sup Forums knew, everyone'd be living easy. Break your legs and go on benefits

You see that knife? That's what 0.1% of the population are born with--money. And they can use it in any situation to ease any burden

hur dur the knif iz moneys

Why are you so mean?

Exactly. I started with not much. Made 300 bucks a week working my dick off. Joined the Navy as soon as I graduated highschool and I got a pretty comfortable life now. Saved up 45k and blew so much on partying while active duty. Best of both worlds.

I'm not actually doing this, but this isn't a bad strategy. A lot of women start to get desperate and lonely in their mid 30s so you'll have it easy on that front. I know most of you will think "yeah but those women have fucked 100s of guys". Seriously, grow up. Women who fuck around aren't your problem. The women who just spent 10 years married to some guy are the problem. They're going to be dreaming about that man frequently and there's very little you can do to replace those memories with ones of you. If you can BE that man while you're young, good for you. Enjoy it. But when you're older, you'll just have to accept that those women are the real damaged goods, not the ones who fucked around.

The world's not fair, but that doesn't mean it's impossible

>life is not fair
>deal with it
>the sooner you figure it out, the better off you gonna be.
>pro-tip: work smarter, not harder


did they mean that they were in africa and missed the rain? or are they out of africa and miss its rain?

Learn a skill that won't be replaced by a machine within ten years. Just look at retail and fast food, and realise that is coming for all jobs soon enough. Automation ain't no joke.

Work hard in your youth, and put 10% of what you earn into savings, more if you're living at home and can afford to. Invest these savings as soon as you have a large lump sum.

During your time off actually DO something. Partying and drugs are fun, but if thats your life every single weekend you will regret it when you're tied down later in life. You'll think how you never got to explore the world, never worked on your physical fitness and never read the classics.

Invest in a house the second it makes financial sense to do so. Renting for life will suck, and when you eventually pay off the mortgage you can reinvest in another house using the first to pay for it. Eventually you won't even have to work for money, it'll come to you.

When you're older you will have less and less energy. Use it wisely when you're young and you'll save yourself a lot of stress when you're older.

In your life there is a triangle that usually you can only focus on two things well at a time. Love/Romance, Friends and Career. Focus on whatever makes you happy, but bare in mind that people come and go but your career is what will pave your path in life.

Having said that, no-one sits on their deathbed wishing they'd spent more time at work. Go explore and be free.


Why would you waste time making a sphere when you could just make a cylinder?

True, you'd still lose about 30% of volume. about 50% if you'd turn it into a ball. also it's close to impossible to freehand a cube into a ball


Thats what happened with me its nice

>Make sure to have bought bitcoins when it first came out when your parents gave you allowance
>Suddenly realise bitcoins are a fortune years later
Simplest thing next too being the Dr. Phil 14yr old skank

Some tits for you user

Join freemasonry
I am giving you a literal answer to your literal question

no, money is being born with a ball and not needing a knife at all

>not cutting the cube into a cylinder
>not keeping the knife
>not using the knife to kill the competition
some people just refuse to be successfull

thats a sphere you dumb fuck

retard alert

>How to hack life?
I took the time
to feel for the door
I found the secret
the key to it all

>be born a woman (female)

That's the point. A cylinder would roll just as well and take less time to make, you dumb fuck.


An hero

That’s a stupid ugly barbel

must be a curve somewhere in the track at least once else why wouldnt he just shave it cylindrical?

not him, but my cousin makes 6 figures working for the military.

it's pretty much russian roulette though isn't it?
don't like 1 out of 10 people die

>pierced udders.disgust

Plus it would track straight instead of rolling all over the place.

one guy died from pushing a cube

and its not funny, my uncle died that way