If you think Donald Trump is a bad president, can you please tell me why in an intelligent manner down below. Thank you

If you think Donald Trump is a bad president, can you please tell me why in an intelligent manner down below. Thank you.

Trump did nothing wrong

>tell me why in an intelligent manner down below.
The fact that Trump could not follow these simple directions.

Can't stump the Trump

He goes out of his way to insult people.
He has people who are literally nazis working for him
He colluded with Russia to win the election
His tax cuts only benefit the 1%
His goal is to start wars to help his friends in Big Oil and Big Pharma
He hates women
He hates blacks
He hates children
He hates Mexicans the most- he said they were all rapists and murderers
Trump wants to kill all LGBTQ1AA+ people

Well, he appointed sessions knowing he would crack down on legal marijuana. That was a pretty dumb move

He is literally Hitler. Snapchat, buzzfeed, and Tumblr told me so.

yo man more importantly what is that thing he is holding

You obviously can’t follow directions.

quite all great things dear sir

nice bait

You obviously cannot follow directions

Fair assessment. That overall doesn’t make him a bad president, however.

Can you tell me why he's a good president?

Idk I thought it was cute

it is definitely cute, but is it rabbit or dog?

Trump isn't bad.
Media makes him bad.
Fuck media

Apparently, neither could at least 6 people in the trump campaign.

Is that dog(?) going to be his hairpiece?

Economy is at an all time high. Black unemployment is at a 17 year low. Stock market reached all time high. Easiest time to start a business with all of his regulation cuts. Has undone most of Obama era policies. Better than at least the last 4 presidents we had combined. Not a liberal shill. Protects the amendment. Puts America first unlike our previous president.

He's a normal Republican president.
He's also spent a lot of time golfing, wants to waste money on the wall, his budget is growing the defecit more, he's continuing the US's military industrial complex

Meant to say constitution, not amendment


I believe it is a shihtzu dog

So far this year, we're in a surplus. Imagine that.

Got a source for that? I've heard the opposite.

You said those things like they’re a bad thing? A wall directly leads to better border security (which we need, not debatable) there are parts of our southern border that don’t even have any type of structure blocking entry. And military could always use up spending. I don’t think you realize how much of our budget is already spent on senseless garbage that Trump can’t change. And fuck it, let the man golf, he’s already visited so many countries in just one year.

He’s a slimy businessman who was a protégé of Roy Cohn (look him up if you don’t know who that is). He hasn’t delivered on any of his promises. The wall is a waste. Immigrants are such a small issue and they help the economy.

That being said I’d rather have him than Hillary. I do like his Twitter. I’m Libertarian and voted for Gary Johnson.

pig disgusting

Illegal immigration cost us billions of dollars. Don’t believe what the media tells you. And more and more cases keep surfacing of illegal aliens who were deported then allowed back into the US under Obama who are killing innocent Americans. It’s enough we have to worry about the criminals here, so why bring more in and have to worry about them?

And I forgot to even say, he’s literally kept almost all of his campaign promises what are you saying? Lmao

The money we are spending on combating immigration is much, much more. Don’t give me that “immigrants are killing us” bullshit either. Over 99% of murders are committed by US citizens.

Really? Please, I’m all ears. What has he delivered on? “Draining the swamp”? Yeah, totally bro.

Basic reading regularly stumps Trump.

oh gheeeez rick


spent a lot of time golfing.. like with the prime minister of Japan? I'm sure that was just because they both are buds who like to golf and not business related

these are facts but not as important as how horrible it is he said pussy or other no no words.

(Source needed)

I think he's a bad president for three primary reasons.

1. He has no experience in politics or government. His experience is in business, which is an entirely different environment. While some skills transfer over, others don't.

2. Point 1 might be excusable if Trump had chosen good advisers. Being president involves doing so many different things that no one can be an expert at all of them. That's why a good cabinet is so important. Trump chose very poorly when choosing his cabinet. Instead of picking people with experience, he chose to give the positions to his family and his wealthy friends and donors. He even did this with critical positions like Secretary of State.

3. Even if he had chosen good advisers it wouldn't really matter, because he doesn't listen to them. Trump very much gives the impression of being a loose cannon who doesn't listen to the people he chose to advise him and instead just does whatever he feels like doing at the moment, which when combined with point 1 is very dangerous.

He hurts my feelings and that makes him bad.

doesn't illegal immigration cost significantly more than the wall annually and perpetually?

He is narcessistic, rude, and generally acts like a jackass. I wouldn't want a jackass in a position of power over me in any other aspect of life, so why would I choose him for a position I elect.

Why does being a jackass make him a bad president? Because in addition to having power, he is also a symbol of American power on the world stage. Acting like a child on the world stage gives the impression of declining American power, and impression has a way of becoming reality.

His jackassery is killing America.

>Protects the amendment.
Found the guy who thinks that only one Amendment matters, and doesn't care about any of the others.

You sir, are a piece of shit, not a patriot, just a sociopath eager to go shoot a place or three up.

an hero.


money spent combating something is still money spent? a purchase that lowers that percent and saves money is bad? it's also already illegal so are you for open borders?

This is all exactly accurate.

Add to that that he has absolutely no idea of what diplomacy is, because it's not at all the same as a business negotiation, and you have a recipe for long term failure that will take decades to rebuild.

Fail. OP said "intelligent".

OP left already .He lost this at the bait OP, because he asserts that any refutation of Trump is inherently unintelligent. Entire thread's a troll.

sounds like a good move to me m8 but I'm not a degenerate stoner m8

I think a hefty amount of things comes down to business maybe even all of it. when Hills campaign costs over a billion and when others leave significantly richer .. what business were they in?

because being a push over as long as your personal pockets get lined is the proper way

politics are a scam goyim, invented by the shitlords that pull the strings to keep the strings taught. nobody needs a persona in power, they need someone that is going to bargain with allies, and cheat their enemies

Canadian here. Any faggot in this thread who is anti-Trump is a traitor to America, and to me as an "ally".

Trump 2020!



I don't get why america views canada as an ally, it's sat on a plethora of natural resources it barely utilizes and leeches off the safety provided by the might of the american military, otherwise china or russia would have assfucked canada for resources long ago

This! Trump did nuffin

>Basic reading
mfw your candidate spent $1.3 billion and lost to a guy who can't read

You're not an American so your opinion is meaningless. Fuck off you syrup sucking cuck.

How do you even figure? What money do we spend on immigration? People are always saying immigrants are costing us an arm and a leg. I want to know how.

Why don't you go look up his dad, Fred Christ Trump... It's a great google, the man was a complete racist lunatic. Him and donny boy were pretty tight.

See, this poster is trolling (in the correct definition of the term) and makes a perfect point.

These things are all the bandwagon-jumping shit that everyone comes out with.

I'm no Trump fan at all, but I'm also not a fan of any other President. I cannot fathom how people can say they "hate Trump" but then say they loved Obama in the same breath.

A better question to ask, is "can anyone name anything that Trump has done, that HASN'T been done by previous US Presidents, or other leaders of the Western developed world?"

I've made various threads asking this, on various forums/boards, and never got an answer, which is all the evidence I need.

>racist lunatic
The problem is?

That's a very succinct beginning.
Also don't forget that he is the primary representative of the US's people and so-called culture around the world: as such he brings only shame and humiliation to the country as a whole.

The fact that you know the whole lgbt acronym indicates you're a faggot.

Who is a better alternative then Donald Trump?
Lying Hillary is a liar that deserves to be in jail.

Everyone knows the media are behind his Twitter account.

I don't even smoke weed.. I just want more jobs


One of the biggest problems with Trump is that he's stuck in the CEO mindset — and that doesn't work well in a government setting.

For example, he thinks the Dept of Justice is his legal team. Trump cannot fathom why Mueller, Rosenstein, etc. aren't working hard at protecting him no matter what. That's what lawyers for a CEO would do, so Trump gets angry when the DOJ doesn't do that.

He assumes he can take time off whenever he wants like CEOs can do. The same goes for some of his cabinet like Pruitt. They take expensive flights (because CEOs get to travel in style) and act confused when taxpayers are upset of $30K flights.

CEOs can lie about their companies and products because they need every edge they can get over the competition. CEOs use words as tools, lying or telling the truth as it suits them. Of course, ALL politicians lie — but Trump has taken it to new levels because he still thinks he is a CEO of America, Inc.

CEOs don't even have to worry about budget overruns because they can always quit and get a golden parachute. That's why Trump doesn't care about adding a trillion dollars to the US debt — if things get bad, he'll quit.

On top of all that:
- Trump values loyalty over truth more so than I've ever seen in a US leader.
- Trump is very concerned about his image and gets upset when people say he's done something wrong as if he's perfect.
- Trump is used to bullying tactics (again as a CEO) to win contracts, avoid paying, and so on. That's why he attacks anyone who opposes him (not just works against or explains why others are wrong but bullying attacks).
- Trump appears to be lacking in intelligence. He doesn't seem to handle reading well, for example.

There are others (like possible racism and misogyny), but there you go.

God-Emperor is here to grant your wish!

Only in industries that his friends are invested in, sadly

this always brings a chuckle

>the CEO mindset
Not even that. CEOs are concerned about all their "stakeholders", even the employees. This guy is just a spoiled, narcissistic mountebank with an enormous inferiority complex. He's even put himself on the cover of fake Time magazines.

How about this one?


Russia is not our friend.
Russia wanted him in for a reason.
That reason is he would make a very, very, bad president.

Now you're really off the deep end.
His entire administration has been just one huge clusterfuck of the Constitution. He even thinks his executive orders are legislation.

Mfw I'm not American and I see an American gloating about electing a man who can't read to the position of president.
Oh America, why you so stupid?

>Russia shouldn't influence our politics so let's have Russia influence our politics.
"in an intelligent manner" was key here.

A $.25 a gallon gas tax hike because they can’t find money in the budget for infrastructure but we are going to spend millions of dollars increasing the military budget

Trump can obviously read, lad.

>not our friend
That alone gives us no cause to demonize Russia. Polarized thinking only brings conflict. The US has been living in a 1984 scenarios since the 1950s, in which Big Brother goads his followers daily to HATE HATE HATE.

Nations have no permanent friends or allies, they only have permanent interests.
– Lord Palmerston

He has been president one year, the positive effects you say he did are from Obama’s policies. The policies he put in place need time to actually occur. If this time next year the same things occur I’ll admit he did something. As of right now it is too early to assign him any credit

Nowadays it's called "functional illiteracy".

Also anything that has happened can’t truly be attributed to him in the economy has his policies are so relatively new he can’t be the only source

Someone actually understands holy fuck

Don't tell him that. He thinks he's given the darkies lots of jobs.

Yep, his tax bill is a time-bomb that will explode when he's well away from the blast.

America was for open borders for a very long time. I wouldn’t be surprised if many of the anons in this thread had their families come to this country only because it was open to them.

>Implying that makes you a bad president
>Implying Nazis are bad people
>Implying nobody does that
>Implying that's bad (the 1% is happier now)
>Implying that helping national companies doesn't help economy
>God the guy is married, maybe they are less intelligent though
>Implying we must love black people
>Where the fuck did you get this from?
>Aren't all Mexicans bad after all?
>LGBTwhateverthefucktheyaddednow should be destroyed, period.

Well then, just look at one of their "friends" Iran.
Russia is evil, period. They want what America has.

Oh wow I mean he went to college and has proven IQ around 150 so I don't know what your point is. Do you just mean the typo on his twitter?

Yeah people think because something becomes policy it happens fucking instantly. No you gotta give it some time, and again if they end up working out I’ll admit I’m in the wrong.

That fucking gas hike is going to be killer on my commute too

See what I really hate is that it is a fucking character to appeal to the idiotic Americans that fall under his constituency. I hate any president who does that shit. I don’t want a character as my president I want a human being.

Check my dubs

Man one off from trips

I'm agreeing with you dude...

Mb just reread it, I'm retarded

I'm conservative, but I don't think the president has much to do with driving policy or getting things done. the main job of the president, unfortunately, is what Trump is worst at, namely being an ambassador to the world and a good representative of our country. Trump is undeniably shit in both these areas