Should I go to a hospital?

Should I go to a hospital?
Ex went crazy on me

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thats a cat scratch, faggot

You're fine.

Eh, yeah dude!

Oh my god dude you're gonna bleed out! Call ambulance!

Haircut is gay firstly shave hair off then hospital.

You should grow balls, bitch.

You're lying.

not hospital, take propper care of it (clean and bandage), see gp on monday

hospital could be a police report against her if ur states autistic/dystopic enough

also fair advice

You were fucking a cat?

gp will glue it

if not police will still be a state record if state hospital

cops before she blames you

Your a pussy for having to ask what happened to men why can't you just be manly and suck it up....fucking paper cut and he think he need the ER your mostly born after 95


That's only a flesh wound, sissy

such weakness

They want equality? Report her to the police.

Cats are such pricks

That was a cat. Fucking ps4 faggot.

They just want to remove soyboys. Nothing wrong with that.

Skill Specs?

he deserved it for acting like a fucking faggot about a faggot console with a faggot game


all that edge from your hair cut your ear!

As a victim of violence you can claim up to £1,000 per stich if you prosecute.

Follow your dreams, pupper.

You might want stitches behind your ear, splits like that don't heal well unattended.
Shit dog, you should go to the police tho.

ya that looks like it will scar if not stitched properly

I'd say yes , infection can easily happen .

ow fuck that i never go to the ER but would do it for that idk what you would tell them tho not sure if i would wanna say my gf just ripped my ear off and have to fill out some police paperwork or some shit

Those are bite marks - so yes. Infection is inevitable if not treated right, and your ear looks shredded to shits.

Also, you should have this on record in the likely event your ex invents some RAAAAAAAAPEEEEEEE and does the crying victim routine.

don't stick your dick in crazy

There are people who tried to say this was animal abuse and that the guy should be punished for it.
Fucking crazy cats and crazy cat people, man.

nigga thats from that cat that fucked up that kid opening his ps4 on christmas

That cat is my hero.
I can just imagine what it was thinking.
"Fuck yo ps4, I had sex with your mama last night, gtfo cuck!"

That's what happens when you act like a fag around an animal whose predatory and wild instincts are still part of them.

listen you fuckin idiots, he was screaming like a fucking little manchild and it was scaring the shit out of the cat, what the fuck choice does that cat have? Of course he's gonna fuckin attack him, the cat deems him a threat. What the cat did was in its fuckin nature and that's exactly what any fucking cat with natural instinct would do when a fucking soyboy is screaming like a god damn 6 year old girl like come the fuck on. the cat isn't evil the guy is just a fucking raging douche and is lucky that he just got a couple of little scratches. that shit is nothing stop being pussies, i mean good fucking lord