Cringe thread

cringe thread

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This is a joke, not cringe


That's only cringe because of vore faggots.


this is classic, it's not even cringe. i say this shit all the time

>youcan call me a loser in but in the gaming world real life all you want you're the loser

lonely faggots making fun of other lonely faggots

nigga weaboos are great, I find them adorable for some reason


Nice trips


I can only hope you don't forget to tip your fedora after saying that





AS IF a nig would go in to a fire to save a white person. What a hypocrite

Stupid fucks what's wrong with those apes?

so many things




How is this cringe? Less people would be a good thing


are you a shitskin?








what about the memes?

i hope hell exists for people who draw this shit



she's dumber than she looks because i'm vegan and i wake up hard as a rock every single morning


wow its almost like those people were trying to get a rise out of shia labeouf by being outrageous

i can fap to this



>merely pretending to be retarded


lesbian nazis?

Der Führer would be so proud

brave user


*reaction image w/ squinted eyes + wide smile*


>the first year of the pregnancy

that last comment kek


what is vore?

I fucking hate Flat Earthers sometimes

Steamed Hams is dead guys! Party over!



If the earth is round then why do airplanes fly in a straight line without leaving the planet??

i hate them too
how can the earth be hollow if it were flat?
fucking dumbasses

the absolute state of the left

not trynna be mean but why be a vegan? animals will suffer anyway even if you don't eat them


Dogs arent retarded, they wouldnt drink salt water.


I know a lady that paid $16k for an operation for her dog but let her grandmother die in a hospital.


theyre sure happy to eat their own shit tho

that's funny




Or chocolate


i sure wish it was legal to throw gays off buildings in america

That's not cringe, that's irony. Because Black Lives Matter are hypocrites. Are you fucking retarded?

Hes fucking hovering, everyone should run.

you right


Yes. Because the most popular religion in the country is being oppressed...

>Oh But those statics are just fake because they want you to think Christians have the power so you hate them because the good book says that...


Please tell my this is a joke

>white people ain't scared of shit but law abiding black folks.

We aren't scared of the law abiding ones, just the criminal ones. We just can't tell them apart because they all look the same.

>Estrogen supplements
>Vegan diet
It's all true

I wish scoob's ass was all roasted out

I cringed at you




Is that Thom Yorke from Radio Head?

this meme says nothing about the popularity of the religion, it only describes the media elite's agenda, and it's accurate. If you don't agree with the leftist media agenda, you're automatically labeled a racist, nazi, facist, etc


dogs never eat their own shit you retard. Just other animals.

pity the dog had to pay the price for the kek this gave me. oh well

we can tell them apart actually