Dubs call next school shooting

dubs call next school shooting.......

nice try, fbi


Im in

Anal orgasm


lolwut........thats not a school

"Fred, yeah it's me. I'm calling about a tip we received about OP. Load up the van, looks like we have another one."

*Not a school that YOU'VE been to.

Dunno where, or if it will be the next, but there will be one on Wednesday, March 14th, 2018 at 10am.

thanks for the heads up user.......looks like im calling in sick on march 14

white hill middle school


Watch out everyone

try it faggot.........im behind 5 proxies and 3 vpns....kek youre better off looking for a nigger in finland

trips and there wont be a shooting for half a year

found one

those are sand niggers........i was talking about this............

they look cute

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That's the walk-out day, not insider information.