Let’s have an actual discussion

Let’s have an actual discussion.
Atheists. Why do you not believe in god?

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because my life is fucking great and I'm a piece of shit, while some really good people I know are having lots of problems.

why do you believe there's a magic man in the sky?

God is a dispassionate observer.
He does not intervene.
When the top stops spinning, he'll spin it again.

for me i think the idea of a god would be lit but other than some old book written before the internet theres just not enough proof

Because there’s no proof he doesn’t exist. And scientists haven’t yet proven how everything was created

I'm an atheist because i've never seen any evidence which suggests that god exists.

I've read the bible and i find it to be obviously human in origin.

Not having it disproved is not an intellectually sound reason to believe in the supernatural.

An argument from ignorance is not a good reason either

explain your definition of god and then i'll respond

Scientists haven’t disproven leprauchauns, either. Something doesn’t have to be proven to not exist for belief in it to be retarded. God couldn’t create the universe for numerous reasons, so the Biblical god is factually disproven.

Sure. I don't believe in God for the same reason I don't believe in leprechauns and unicorns. I haven't seen sufficient evidence to warrant believe in either.

no evidence.

because it's silly

those are both fallacies
you lose

Guys i know, they say that in the end of everything god will judge you for what you have done... so its easy just kys and see if he does.

cause it hasn't been proven yet and i'm not going waste my time on something with no evidence it exists

that's a stupid argument. You can't prove I don't have an invisible pink dragon in my basement so therefore it might exist? Fucking moron.

>God couldn’t create the universe for numerous reasons

Name some

The being who created the universe?


>implying a being created the universe

Yeah I can. If I went into your basement I wouldn’t find a fucking pink dragon.

Why do you think the universe must have been created by a being?

but you can't, so my dragon may still exist

smh all you want.

But you either can support your assertion or you cannot.

So far it's not looking good

it's an INVISIBLE pink dragon
it can't be detected

Easy. God can’t be a first cause in a cause-and-effect universe because certain concepts like time and logic are required for him to decide to make it in the first place and form any sort of thought. God can’t be omnipotent since that creates numerous crippling contradictions like the famous stone-lift thought experiment, and he can’t be omniscient if he isn’t omnipotent.

Because its the only plausible thing that explains the origin of the universe

just because you can't conceive of anything else doesn't mean other things aren't possible. Have you ever read any cosmology at all, and do you even know what the fuck that is child?

Invisible means I can’t see it. I could still touch it.

Insufficient proof.
And even if some miracle happened before my eyes it would still require some compelling evidence suggesting that it was the work of one specific entity out of countless others.

God I am not sure of. I am certain the "personal god" does not exist. I experienced a lot of problems up to my early 20s because I believed that shit about "things happen for a reason", destiny, and being grown up on movies like Star Wars which teach you to just sit on your arse and destiny will take care of the rest.

Why would I believe in God?

For me its quite simple.... we are just here. Thats all there is to it. No matter what way you cut it, you cant get around the simple fact that something mega complex HAS to be able to exist out of nothing..... even religious people agree to that, as their entire point is that life is so complex that God had to make it, yet God has always just been........ so why cant we have always just been and skip the whole God part?

So I believe in God, but I really think that we're happenstance rather than something created by it specifically. Worshiping it is just a waste of time because it really couldn't give two fucks.

If the dragon is invisible, intangible, and can’t be detected, it’s an unfalsifiable claim and unfalsifiable claims are automatically rejectable.

How many universes have you seen being created? You hardly have enough evidence to make a claim like that.

What makes you think that god is bound by time or a progression of causality?

Maybe god isn't omnipotent.

Neither of those were reasons that god couldn't have created the universe.

Try again.

Completely agree. Now just apply that same logic to God.

...which is basically the argument theists use...

If it couldn't give two fucks, why would it bother to create at all?

lol does he realize he just gutted his own argument?

How do you come to that conclusion? How did you determine the plausibility?

Because no one has been able to prove to me he's real.

So you’re telling me a giant explosion out of NOTHING created EVERYTHING in the universe? Okay. If you ask me, that sounds more far fetched than thinking god is real.

Something beyond time cannot change states, and thus can’t think.


The Big Bang was not an explosion and there wasn’t “nothing” before it happened.

The explanation for god is he has always been their and no one created him. That dosent make since u fuck tard

Why is it more plausible that an all powerful superbeing unbound by the laws of physics and capable of creating the universe exists?

Explain how that is less far-fetched

again, only because you are willfully ignorant of cosmology.


Life's a piece of shit
when you think of it

lol an all-powerful being who, among all galaxies in all universes, is really concerned about the sexual habits of some apes in clothes on one small planet.

it didn't create us on purpose.


Oh okay mr scientist. What existed before the universe?

anything on purpose for that matter

>Something beyond time cannot change states, and thus can’t think.

How much do you know about things that exist outside of time?

Seems to me that the best you can do is say that you don't understand it.
You're trying to pretend you can know something about a supernatural being. That is to say a being that functions outside the natural laws we understand.

How can you POSSIBLY make any claim of knowing what is or is not impossible in a supernatural context?

Nope. I'm absolutely not telling you that. That just so happens to be the current leading scientific theory on the matter, but my worldview isn't dependent on whether or not that theory is correct. I'm perfectly comfortable with admitting that I don't know enough to claim with any certainty how the universe came into existence.

We can not detect what, if anything, existed before the universe due to the nature of a singularity.


Because how does an explosion of that magnitude RANDOMLY happen out of NOTHING. explain. I’ll wait.

> a giant explosion out of NOTHING created EVERYTHING in the universe

That's not the BB for sure.

Big bang is only brutal change in (preexisting) matter

how would you possibly be able to make that kind of assertion?

there are theories around energy fields that were stable until the big bang. again, just because you have chosen to remain willfully ignorant of cosmological theories does not mean they do not exist. Are you so insecure in your faith that you can't read a little science yourself? Afraid of what you might find?


It was not an explosion and quantum effects can be called random.

Okay yet you ignorantly dismiss the claim that god exists

because of a complete and utter lack of evidence


This is the true strong and independent Goddess.

What existed before the universe. What caused the Big Bang. I’ll wait.

Sorry dude, an argument from ignorance is not a good argument.

"I don't know how this could happen without god, therefore god did it" does NOT answer the the challenge i gave you.

You introduced the idea of plausibility and likelihood.
Your choices are to defend your position or concede the point.

Again, something beyond time cannot change states and thus cannot think. If you’re going to just say God can defy reason and logic then I’m done here.

no god would allow this, thats why

lol ok i'll bite.
Explain to me how that conclusion is achieved using occam's razor

I do not believe in god because all the religions can be traced back to Egyptian worship of the sun

how can someone expect me to agree with christianity for example when all their important dates and events are exactly the same as religions that came millenia before and are all based on sand niggers worshipping the sun

ffs you are lazy. learn to google.


That’s a nice god of the gaps fallacy you have there lmao

Because religion made me a bad guy when I was innocent so I'm skeptic


do you mean to brush oxygen molecules by your shoulder when you walk? No, but you give it energy when you do causing it to move. We are just the result of a large packet of brief energy created by something we cannot comprehend, or could have predicted in any way. Just a happenstance of something, overall, irrelevant.

I don't believe claims without sufficient evidence. The amount of evidence required depends on the claim. If you tell me you have a cat named Spot, I'll probably believe you because lots of people own cats. If you tell me you have a pet Tyrannosaurus, I'd require some pretty compelling evidence to believe you because you'd be the first person in recorded history to have such a pet.

There isn't a need for a creator, least of which the Judeo Christian one. I like to think every consciousness could be god because omnipotence is boring, like playing a game on easy mode with all cheats enabled.

So the legends are true! God was created by Spiderman!
All hail Spiderman!

such "purpose" implies fairytales where randomness implies massive amount of event

That’s a THEORY not PROOF. Until you show me PROOF, your claims that god doesn’t are outrageous

A claim without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. Classic Hitchen’s Razor.

Earlier I was watching some documentaries about the crucifixion. It was pretty much proven that Jesus couldn't have died on a cross.

If he existed and died through crucifixion, it was on an X

Oh an he was married to Mary Magdalene and his mum was 12 when she married Joseph and became pregnant after an affair with a Roman soldier called Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera

i just dont think i need a god
like going to the supermarket and thinking if i should buy 2 bags of chips or just 1
i dont need two
so i dont buy it
i dont need god or religion

If we apply equal logic, as in argue from creation what was there before big bang, then we can apply what was there before god. If creation answers god was always there, then we can state that matter was always there condensed. This will go round ad infinitum. The differences are, with scientific principal atheism applies, we search for tangible evidence in our environment to fill voids of knowledge, whereas creationism applies mysticism and fables to fill voids in order to control the masses.

they'll just ignore it much like this post

Theory implies evidence supporting said theory.
If stories in a book is enough evidence for you. Then why don't you believe in the X-Men, Superman, or Redwall or something?

This is probably one of the most autistic things I've seen someone write on Sup Forums.

youre not supposed to have evidence
you gotta believe

Autism has no relation to intelligence.

the burden of proof does lie with one claiming they don't fully know. it lies with one who says they do, a la God

why would i need one?

we don't know

and that's a fine and fair answer.

but that doesn't mean that it was an invisible sky-daddy that made it happen.

remember when we didn't know where the sun went at night? we attributed *that* to supernatural beings, too, but then we realized that the sun-gods probably don't exist.

if you want to have a god of the gaps, that's fine, but be aware that he exists in an ever-shrinking pocket of scientific ignorance.

||We don't know a good many things. Right now.

"it's because of god" is not only a dumb answer, full of ignorance, it's also detrimental to our own advancement and knowledge. If we just accept that it's because of god that, say, quantum entanglement seems to transmit information at faster than light speeds, or it's because of god that the big bang happened, or it's because of god that abiogenesis happened, then we have an answer to those questions. It's the wrong answer, but it's a reason, for some, to stop looking, and that hurts all of us in the long run. we should all be working towards those answers, or, at the very least, NOT be working AGAINST finding those answers.

>something beyond time cannot change states and thus cannot think

How do you propose to know that?
You didn't answer my question: how much do you know about things that exist outside of time?

I'll answer for you: nothing.

So why are you pretending that you can?
The entire idea of god is of a being that supersedes the laws of the universe, a being that existed before those laws.

You can find that hard to believe if you want.
What you can't do, what you haven't been ABLE to do is explain how you think you can make a knowledge claim about the possibility of supernatural being.